

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From writer and Reader Martin Pinsky

Posted on | May 11, 2009 | 8 Comments

Martin Pinsky

Submitted on 2009/05/10 at 11:49pm

This Berg case against Orly is of recent vintage. Orly is heading into areas that makes Berg’s boss Hillary a little unconfortable given her own plans to sabotage Barry. Perhaps Berg’s efforts were her first series of salvos. She covets the White House, and up until Obama bolted–like the fighter mike tyson drawn away from his white managers into the nefarious clutches of the felon Don King—she and harold Ickes controlled the DUMBacrat purse strings and she regularly held court and disbursed funds.

Berg has aligned himself with a felon–a simple search on her name and the case against her pops up. Shame Orly has to be distracted with this crap, but where Orly may ultimately be heading is alien territory for Hillary and her close followers which includes Berg–and advocate and devotee. This is obviously an effort to encumber and swamp her to divert her from the powerful thrust of her legal activities.

Orly knew Holder–the Obama house boy- would never dignify her legal documents. Still she does the right thing in the right way and YES!! experiences anger and frustration when she is stonewalled at all levels and personally attacked–and now this bogus Berg thing.

As I mentioned, where Orly could end up withn this could effect all loyal fanatics backing Barry mand Hillary. Berg was assigned Orly to act as an anchor because with Orly’s brand of persistence there may at long last POSSIBILITY be a judge somewhere who is not a moral eunuch and supeonas could be issued.

I love as do many when Orly waves her fist in he rface speaking of things like misprison of felony or indicating thatisyou do not prosecute then you are complicit.

The people are restive this bum Barry will probably try to issue an Enabling Act like Hitler did and the congress will probably legislate itself out of existance.

The Man’s complacency, arrogance, obliviousness and persisitence are sowing the seeds of dictatorship and concentration of power. I do not believe this posseur is in anyway the prime mover. He has masters to answer to and is being manipulated and controlled. IOn a way this fake, phony and fraud is a low life like his scotch drunk, bigamist. suicidal father, who lost both legs while driving frunk and with iron legs lostbhis life while driving drunk. He was of the Luo tribe–a distinct Muslim minority in a country run by a party harking back to the mau maus.

The question is with a woman of this drive and ability, what happens if all legal efforts fail? Indications are citizen verdict, citizen arrest and detainment. You are not going to be able to accomplish much without large numbers and military cooperation with the ‘militia’.

GIven the current scarcity of bullets these days–many being horded by isolated militant types-, I would think Barry and his asskissers are trying to sequester ammo.

This will unfold before the end of the year. Something must be done before he completely wrecks our country and installs himself as dictator.
He is not as smart as aaron Burr nor as good militraily as benedict Arnold, but like them he is a traitor flaunting and spitting on the constitution and selling this country under the guise of new world order.
He must be stopped–hopefully legally in establishing beyond reproach the criminal case against him.
If no court will handle this then we have to resort to and rely on the Peoples Court.

There will be consequences and shear numbers will count in making a difference.


8 Responses to “From writer and Reader Martin Pinsky”

  1. Jen G
    May 11th, 2009 @ 8:52 am

    What exactly is driving ‘frunk’? Ordinarily I wouldn’t be so petty, but come on–you have spell-check.

  2. Martin Pinsky
    May 12th, 2009 @ 2:07 am

    You’re petty. It is just a letter with a typo–shoot me.

  3. Martin Pinsky
    May 12th, 2009 @ 2:10 am

    Orly is standing tall. Stand by her and support her–this dedicated and marvelous truth seeker. She has that russian drive born in the cauldron of blood and sacrifice during woirld war two, and the ever present and still abundant White Russian anti-semiticism. Seems to be in their blood.

  4. Constantly watching
    May 12th, 2009 @ 7:33 am

    Driving frunk is clearly just a typo.
    However it suggests the letter was written as an emotionally based tirade and not as something thought-out, edited and proofread.
    The content of this letter also embraces the notion of taking up arms against the president and using force by numbers.

    Combined conditions such as these indicate that Mr Pinsky likely has his own active file with US security and intelligence authorities already.
    It is a well deserved status.

    Lack of education and morals coupled with an unhealthy dose of fear and entitlement have brought many of these such people to noticeable levels.
    I only hope there are enough resources available to track and monitor loose cannons such as Mr. Pinsky and his cohorts.
    Making sure they remain non-violent and non-influential politicly can be a thankless job.

    I’d also like to say that the last thing any of the birther lawyers and even many birther supporters actually want is definite proof of Obama’s citizenship.
    To obtain unquestionable verification of such would indicate both that they were wrong all of this time, but also would remove one of the main battlecries of the “patriot” movement. ie: there would be less to argue about.
    If this info was released and it was verified by every possible authority trusted by the birthers, donations would stop flowing and visits would decline at many blogs.
    Depression and fear would likely increase instead.

    Blogs and “legal” actions such as Orly’s are needed as they provide hope to these people.
    Remove hope and the talk that Mr. Pinsky and others embrace might instead turn into violent action.
    Allowing their talk, with some limitations, allows them to blow off some steam.
    The steam we can all clearly see in the frunk above.

  5. Martin Pinsky
    May 12th, 2009 @ 7:20 pm

    blow off steam is it my pompous acorn friend? Steam is it..
    Are you in fact reading orly carefully? I think not.

    So you then are the supreme arbitirmof ethos and like another pompous ass schmuck hang on a typo here and there.

    Emotional? You bet and ever more so with people like yurself there to criticize anything that serves your acorn brain agenda?

    Emotional–you bet your ass we are emotional SCHMUCK!! and tired of the tired rhetoic and petty sniping by jerks like you of the vicarious ilk–arm chair warriors sitting in judgement making fun of a typo=hell maybe even getting off on it.

    Hey fake, phony and fraud acorn brain–send Orly some money and spare me the phony clinically detached bull crap.

    Emotional– assholes like you get people emotional because [people like you just snipe and snipe and scratch their ass and wonder oh so wonderously and snipe and do nothing, accomplish nothing, and are a part of nothing.

    ORLY SCHMUCK! is in many ways constructively emotional–schmuck–and a careful read or Orly outside the legalstic jargon clearly indicates that she too is EMOTIONAL- you schmuck! She is under attack ypu schmuck! She is being sinhgled out by the cockroach Obama brigade for special SS treatment SCHMUCK!!

    She is bright, but she is emotional–we all are–all except SCHMUCKS and phonies like yourself– the obsessive snippers who thrill to finding a typos–OG GEEZ I am soooo schmart I found a typo–where is my barf bag.

    SCHMUCK- you can bet your sorry boney ass that we are EMOTIONAL as this bastard rips our country apart- and yes SCHMUCK we are emotional when we see Orly stonewalled and legal efforts spit on by your acorn brain friends SCHMUCK.

    Soetoro is a fake, phony and fraud, and felon–probably the type you like –emotionless, clinical detached, no typos, polite heart rippers and soul killers.

    Look in the mirrror, make sure you put on your beetle eye glasses–look carefully, now be honest and unemotional—–what do you see? Do you now feel the emotions welling up? It is the reflection of a drawn facial hollow void, soon followed by a confused expression of recognition without appreciation and why is that? Because it is the face of a SCHMUCK. And when it comes to an expression of a Schmuck’s opinion it is not a matter of right or wroing, but more a matter of what you are saying having any significsance whatsoever—why? Because you are a SCHMUCK. I know it is hard living with yourself as an offical observor of typos, but that is your goal in life, when you discover one, why it is better than sex isn’t it–AYE? Schmuck?

  6. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    May 12th, 2009 @ 11:02 pm

    that’s hilarious

  7. Martin Pinsky
    May 15th, 2009 @ 10:55 am

    Orly–our Jean d’ arc-
    Maybe Congress lady Orly- your power base is not huge, but dense like U-235.

    A word about Savage.

    Yesterday one of your advocates approached him earnestly and spoke clearly and to the point on the malaise afflicting USA etc., half way in to his discourse, he mentions your name in full and the inexorable thrust of the torch of truth that you carry.

    I know Savage well after years of listening to this wonderful forthright bright eccentric —-( so Russian as I recall my relatives with exaggerated responses and loud arguments and BIG wonderful hearts fatre the bluster residue clears the air in a family setting–you knowmwhat I am talking about Orly–My grandparents were from kiev–and all I heard as a kid was Cossacks and pogrom)— but I digress. The tone in Savages voice spoke volumes–he acknowledged how large or importnat your effortsb are, BUT said he did not think it was the right approach— I was crestfallen–SAVAGE come on!!! Orly is a comrade, dedicated to truth and hionesty as you are.

    We ll, forget abour getting on his show and what a big step that would have been. He has his own sense of celebrity and he is a performer make no doubt about it–but those of us listening to him for years love him and revere him and turn off the radio when he waxes rhapsodic on restaurants he loves or hates–a true eccentric loveable pain in the ass sometimes–character–BUT he has a power base and he knows it and is now creeping into the national news network with his fight against the UK restricting him.

    You are as strong and forthright sans debilitating and time wasting eccentricity. You are a bright, forthright, brilliant and beautiful lady- a class act to us older farts of the old school.

    Savage seems to rely on the facts as he perceives them that Obama will self destruct and his amateurish ways will bring him down-=-this may happen, but 2010 is a long way off relative to the maniacal pace he is moving at.

    The kicker will be an executive order–and he uses them like a KING- to legalize the 30,000,000 illiterate health risk felons crossing our open borders en masse. (85% of them cannot even read or write their own language–real bunch of rocket scientists huh?— The universal health care will be in place–if Pelosi is not kicked out for terminal stupidity- and the illegals will swamp what remains of our systems while citizen unemployment rises.

    My point id that something somewhere has to crack the thinning walls of the USA egg. Soviet Union fell apart– maybe the states will secede here-maybe our beloved USA is starting the buckle under the load of its own bloated weight.

    There is a movie–State of Play–Crowe Stars with my love interest Helen Mirren. In the movie a comment is made about several billion dollars in some crooked corportaenhands or some such–but the refeence to that sum was put thusly: “That is wrath of God Money”– I thought the expression apt and I would put it to you: How much WRATH of GOD money oid Soetoro fooling with. He is not conducting this orchestra, he is more like a janitor,he is bought and sold and he owes big time and the pace of his movement reveals outside forces minipulating this actor which includes mouth movements before teleprompters.

    You atre still sitting tall in the saddle–but you are facing the raging bulls of greed and complicity, robber barons in finance, and overall failure in government, lies, cheating, conspiracy, complicity, treason–they are so guilty it is a wonder they can look at themselves in the mirror, but they can and they do.

    Holder is an embarrASSment, and as a legal person pathetic in his alligiance to a foreign agent named Soetoro.

    Barry–once again- is fighting mightily and all around him lock arms up to the supreme court. I hope 2010 will be the beginning of the end and yes of course despite frustration with status quo, I do hope and pray your gambit works.

    You are a lovely matedor with a sharp sword, skillfully weilded
    en guard at the ready. But even Manalete did the waltz of death with ONE sharp horned aggressive bull. YOU are facing several in the legal arena–we don’t want you gored–and the bastards are attacking lawyers now–Creep is buckling and it seems Berg ran up too many expenses so he is dealing–a sort of plea bargaining–happens all the time. Friends become enemies , enemies friends, and the Hillarys and bergs of the world embrace felon trash like Liberti-

    Thats why in the cold war hey day, the KGB said–forget about ideology with americans–just offer money. And the robber barons on wall street–the rothchilds Goldman Sachs. control and manipulate the money and the printing presses and massive flows of illegality occur and the american people go “daaa” dat sooo bad, isn’t it?” Half of AIG funds went where. $700 billion voted through with no one reading the bill, and these wags say I am emotional? Damned right I am.

    I hoppe you finally drive in the golden spike of justic orly and someone with conscience and a heart and soul for reighteousness will initiate proceedings.

    A final word. Clinto got in the first time because perot drew off the votes from Bush and american presidential elections do not have run off elections. So Clinton took it by a purality BUT third party Perot pulled 17,000,000.

    The dems and repubs are running neck in neck at around 30+ % in polls–but the same number is there in a desire for a new party or independent one. Certainly USA needs a right leaning NATIONALIST PARTY–Savage spoke of this and then that faded when other things attracted or distracted him.

    I personally think there will be revolution and massive demonstrable dissent on the near horizon– maybe the ole republic is getting a little worn out, maybe it is time for a chrysalis and a metamorphosis–maybe a beautiful butterfly will emerge rather than the current cockroach crop of liars and thieves.

    You will see it all unfold possibly happening or beginning to happen before the end of the year. The most immediate and incisive surgical reaction may occur in response to the obama legal attacks against those operating in law- like you-
    they mess with our orly we nuke em ( ah another emotional rhetorical and yes visceral reaction– but our emotional numbers are growing-ethos is our guide and balance but inner resolve is in our sense of pathos-PATHOS-
    The mechanism is broke–you are the watchmaker instructing on repair–remedy–and they want to step on the watch and step on the watchmaker– how can you help beeng emotion?

    I hope your golden legal spike hits home at long last, but if not- I see only militia as the final option against the entrenched fanatical SS HUN.
    PS- remember the sentence for finding a typo above is the firing squad

  8. Martin Pinsky
    May 21st, 2009 @ 8:56 am

    Maybe we may luck out yet. Obama is so grossly self involved and oblivious he is now going to confront all the senators that oppossed Gitmo.

    Now the self annointed messiah reveals what a pedestrian community organizer jerk he is. Still dangerous wouldn’t you say