

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From Reader and Writer Maertin Pinsky Part 3

Posted on | May 3, 2009 | 11 Comments

From; Maertin Pinsky

Part 3
Submitted on 2009/05/03 at 6:47pm

Two Marys– Treason is what Barry Soetoro is doi8ng to our country ands the way he wrested constitutional governmnet from the people.

Mary one and Mary two could be reading a plot from a novel–these plots abound,. in literature, TREASON is in the rat activities of the obsequious sheep that follow this Judas goat into the Abyss.

The FBI at this rate is going to have their hands full, because the structure of our society, constitution and freedoms are cracking at the seams as I type this.

Half the country does not see this usurper as president, this is a pretender surrounded by stonewalling brownshirts.

Your HONEST and NOBLR legal effort has been spat upon by a corrupt and correupted system. A system incapbale of rightingt the wrongs it continually foists upon the honest people of this country.
NOW YOUare being personally attacked by the Hitlerite brown shirts kkissing this usurper’s ass.

Are they honoring your legal efforts so well constructed and honest meaning. Mary One and Two above are Acorn hustlers for the annointed One–just waiting and biding their time.

Treason is betrayal of our constitution by this Usurper–this liar– this man who pays millions NOT to produce a single verifying document to substantiate his claim to be Presidnet of the United States.

What is treason> Is treason taking two thirds of the AID american citizen monies and shipping it to international banks un known.

Is treason screwing up Fannie Mae by Raines who walks away with $90,000,000.
Is TREASON allowing an unqualified communiuty organizer- who never had a hot dog stand–to lecture our great auto industries=–industries that protected our country and east and west europe with massive war production–
Who is going to make our tanks now MR> USURPER? CHINA? mauybe Malaysia?

The military is [profoundly discontent with this fraud as well they should be. He is selling us out and dismantling our country piece by piece–this Arab kiss ass posseur–Isreal hating clown.

This comedian is going to be in charge of our nuclear weapons and war arsenal– this white hating afro centric rascist from the jerimiah wright school of I hate and blame whitey for everything.

There is no way this government will survive with a USURPER/Pretender at its helm. The egg is splitting and dripping and that drip will soon turn intop a massive societal rebellion against this Adolph Hitler of our times.

He is an embarrassment to America, its soldiers, its retired soldiers amd Navy. WHERE IS THE COMPELLING PROOF THAT HE IS QUAKLIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT?

Berg tried mightily with others as does Orly Taitz. TREASON is stonewalling her legal documents, BUT our noble SUPREMES rules that the F word should not be used in public forums. AMAZING isn’t it.

We have a fake, phony and fraud in the white house whomis spending a fortune NOT to produce a single verifying document. He is foresworn, a liar the same as a thief, he spits on the constitution that is TREASOM Mary clone one and Mary Clone two- that is TREASON.

Orly rightly says the corruption is endemic and intrinsic MO to the den of thiefs and liars that run this USA casino. The leaders like arlen specter are whores, for sale, and everyone with half a brain is disgusted because there is no legal remedy for change and amelieroation of the problem. Alan Keyes does not have standing? Obama is not a pimple on his ass, because Keyes loves and reveres this country-, the USURPER does not, he is a paid flunky for Aran Shriah Bank interests a sell out, a TRAITOR—-He commits treason each day he flaunts the constitution in the white house.

What was whispered to Caeser:”….Beware the ides of March.”

notice the names A -adams, B


11 Responses to “From Reader and Writer Maertin Pinsky Part 3”

    May 3rd, 2009 @ 11:28 pm
  2. karen sue
    May 4th, 2009 @ 1:16 am


    You need to see this webpage. All our fears are coming true.

  3. de Vattel: A natural born citizen is born in the coutnry of parentS who are citizens thereof
    May 4th, 2009 @ 3:37 am

    Dear Attorney Taitz,

    I am surprised by the increasing threats you are under.

    There are ways to suppress freedoms of speech, esp. when these freedoms oppose tyranny.

    First a tyrants supporters will insult, and cajole and lie and obfuscate, confuse and disrupt. They they will threaten and falsely accuse, steal and misrepresent.

    As their opposition to your patriotic, God fearing, America Loving, cause progresses they will up their ante.

    But beware of agents provocateurs, who will play friends but will advocate and even perpetratre crimes in the name of your cause and our cause, to get you arrested or the patriotic movement shut down.

    The NWO folk only care about the results, not the means, so if one means does not work and support for its opposition is strong, they will use the opposition one way or another.

    Let us recall that Bonaparte only came to power as a reaction against the excesses of Robspierre. The NWO folk will use the false savior we want, be it Obama or Obama’s replacement, to do just the same thing.

    So we need to stick to principles and follow the example of Ghandi, who mobilized millions in peaceful protest and toppled an Empire thereby..

  4. rrobin
    May 4th, 2009 @ 9:14 am

    In line with this, CRIMINAL charges have now been filed against Obama for TREASON!
    How in the world are we supposed to have confidence in the president when he is now facing CRIMINAL charges for treason??!
    And how is our military supposed to follow a Commander in Chief when CRIMINAL charges have been filed against him for treason?
    TREASON, of all things!
    Charges of treason filed against an American president!
    Here are the links:



  5. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    May 4th, 2009 @ 10:44 am

    a lot of people died in India, including Indira Gundhi. I believe they were slaughtered because they were unarmed. I know somebody might be using me to insite riots and use it as justification for Martial law. I know they can replace puppets as needed and have one suddenly die of AIDS or suicide just to be replaced by a similar one, but with a different face. I know all that. That is the reason I advocate for the legal, organized citizens militia- with firearms and uniforms, that is why I am going to the military, hoping there is decensy there not to shoot at civilians and not round them up in FEMA nazi camps. I am really worried about the UN troops on American soil

  6. Mary Adams
    May 4th, 2009 @ 11:35 am

    Uh, rrobin, kangaroo courts don’t count.

  7. de Vattel: A natural born citizen is born in the coutnry of parentS who are citizens thereof
    May 5th, 2009 @ 12:00 am

    Mary, perhaps what you call a “Kangaroo court” (honest americans working according to common law and constitutional principles), is fit justice for your Kangaroo President (tyrannt, dictator, usurper, foreign born, illegal alien, fraud, perjuerer, tax evader, liar, anti-christ…)

  8. Lonnie
    May 5th, 2009 @ 6:01 am

    Wow Mary, you seem nervous?
    Why so much hatred?
    Do you love the fake president THAT much?

  9. Martin Pinsky
    May 6th, 2009 @ 11:56 pm

    Orly’s response above speaks volumes to her visceral feeling of impending doom–not a child’s fantasy. She lived in the Soviet Union.

    Orly opts for orderly legal actions, very clear in her candid statement above. Indeed that is the preferred way and the way she is trying LEGALLY and in a legal format–to pave for all of us which is why we are given the opportunity to vent and express our opibions in this forum that she has created.

    Many of us get frustrated with the attacks on her and the almost complete lack of response from corrupt offiiasls–what would you call them if they abandon their oath to enforce the law?

    So Orly, bless her–our Joan d’ arc– USES the law yet again to involve conscientious members of the military in LEGALLY joining her quest. A brilliant gambit. The latin saying: from the foot of hercules you can estimate his full size- (paraphrased) is applicable for in the micro military response cumulatively attached to her depositions is an inttinsic reflection of the visceral MACRO feelings dwelling in the military fields of discontent. That is to say the word is spreading NOT to the military but FROM the military.

    These are no nonsense people, theyvare our defenders, guardians, they bleed and die for us. The don’t fool aroound. they cannot afford to.
    We cannot afford to have them slighted, insulted or defamed ( Remember the comments of the Home Land Security person regarding returning soldiers in uniform and allusion to Tomothy McVeigh?)

    Our military are a decent lot, their loved ones ARE civilians–look at the cameras on their heads in combat in urban fighting tougher than jungle fighting. They were jerked around by the great stain maker Clinton, heavily burdened and run down by Mr. Bush and his bombs and bread mentality. Cameras indeed! Our elite -assault the beaches marines with cameras ! In an unforgiving shit hole sand dune where they are hated and their lives are risked everry day. I see them every day here in Jacksonville–many woiunded, many maimed for life in a thank less war of oil and politics. In ar, the greatest immediate love of a soldier in arms is his comrade, his friend, his brother in common cause, in common valor.

    Who more cries the beloved country than he who would lay down his life to protect that country? They are in effrect hired to serve, preserve and defend our rights, liberties and constitution. Are the not being both marginalized and trivilaized by this burgeoning Hitler that is rushing head long to perdition in just three months, and I believe to date :17 exec orders–our King Ludwig of Bavaria from CROOK County?

    This community organizer placard and bill placer on telephone poles is in charge of our nuclear subs and all our military forces? He can press the NUKE buton and he cannot even give a modicum of respect to his country and his miliary by showing a $15 vault birth certicate?

    Well what is wriong with this picture? His rotten evil stinking ass kissing minions–his legal beagles are now on the attack–and in substance they promote an illusion ,a house of cards in their pathetic bluster in attacking the lawyers that represent a fundemental desire to see that the precepts of our constitution are honored.

    NOT a single solitary document from this fraud, but he will singe the earth with everyone’s blood rather than yield his position and like a man–which he is NOT–honor the truth and at least have the gonads to realize his position is untenable. Nixon stepped down at long last, but our newly annointed Messiah–not a pimple on Nixon’s arse– has not the courage to do the right thing. He is a fanatic ideolgue from the sol alinsky school, possibly a radical wahabi Muslim, and certainly well grounded in communism in our wonderful lefty schools we americans tolerate on a daily basis as they contribute to destroying our cherished values, religion, borders, language and culture ( as great savage so often says.)

    So is Orly wrong in her tack and gambit after so much hard work has gone into trying to do things in a legal manner? Berg tried–Orly has tried harder and more persistantly. ORLY IS RIGHT and very careful and judicous in the manner in which she handles herself. But can anyone say she is not dedicated to righting this horrid wrong thrust on at least half the country that did not vote for this fraud, a half feeling visceral nausea everytime this phony opens his slight smooth tongue mouth that espouses hot air to airheads, sycophants, obama glow zoombies–to that group I say to hell with them. Morons and idiots like that burden and afflict every country and are usually the benificaries of the blood spilt by the military. The very people the lefties are compassionate to would slit thrier throats and cut off their heads for the radical muslim horde hate nothing more than those of the Pelosi ilk.

    Orly from the heart made a brief comment above–she can write a legal encyclopaedia if she wanted to-she stated her position and her tack in the turbulent and ill winds ahead. It is the military thatr has to step into this fray. They need legal guidance, legal focus and legal direction. Orly does not want the milityary shooting civilians—I think a portion of the military will ultimately turn their backs on this Usurper looking more guilty all the time the more his leagl beagles pursue the truth seekers.

    A organized militia is no easy task. Many involved here –NOT all to be sure– see this as an abstract and interesting exercise, like lawyers they are in effect vicarious souls, meaning there is the perception of risk without danger, and its coollary,action. And there are many in the arena of life to cheer and encourage and to be sure we need them, but, what is really needed is the gaze of conviction mounted on the body–the flesh and blood body of resolve.

    In the manner of remedial action envisioned by Orly there is and hopefully will always be, the law in play, the rights of men and woman to petition their governmnet –THEIR government without fear of retribution as is now beginning to happen NOT with “abraham Obama, but with more like ADOLPH Obama. The right to keep and bear arms and form a militia is a basic right, and the second amendment indeed envisioned a civilian ARMED malitia—whomis going to pay attention to a policeman without a side arm–so? Force of arms follows and is sustained by FORCE OF THOUGHT–FORCE OF RIGHT. to try and right the burgeoning tragic spectacle of this great country going down the tube and before hitting rock bottom ,. going down in flames-
    Like a ship burning at sea after hitting an Obama iceberg before sinking into the deep six, down into the abysmal depths.

    The question is orly dear: Will the force of law be able to correct the course of this ship BEFORE it hits the iceberg? The flim flam nonsense of non response is maddening to someone like you that honors the ethics and morality underlying the abstruce and prolix nature of the written law and precedents.. All of the law means nothing without the will and heart of man, his basic ethics and decency, to be protected and served by words on paper. Without the heart and soul of man SERVED by law it is a little like holding a Beethoven CD in your hand but never playing it-

    Does the law mean anything to Holder and his buddy Soetoro? Apparently not.Does equity and justice mean anyhting to these people?

    I don’t believe so. If they ignor wrongs seeking legal remedy and use voter monies to fund legal attacks on people following the law to the letter–

    well what is wrong here. Orly plays by the rules and they flaunt and ignor the rules. Going to Holder seeking redress would be like going to Raines tom have him give back the $90,000,000 he stole from Fannie mae, or maybe making Paulison Jr. give back the 12 billion he gave to goldman sacks–his company where he was CEO.

    Maybe some of these fine and distinguished choices by Soetoro for his cabinet may pay thier taxes on time next time if ever. They crtainly set a fine example as they bluster and pontificate.

    The USA is a big casino, and the powers that be are picking the pockets of those little folk at the one armed bandits.

    So what do you say to these Diaz/ Madero crooks and thieves that smile and leer at you?

    “OH we are sorry for wanting to find out if Obama is legitimate. Oh we are sorry for having any doubts and troubling you and of course our wanting to right perceived wrongs is misguided? and orly’s massive documentation? the ravings of a mad dostoyevsky character? Princess Mishkin?”

    At the pace this bought and sold raving maniac is moving, the ship of state will be sunk before we ever come close to 2010.

    You don’t ned to do a lot of souil seraching to realize we have a bad guy up there and he , like hitler, is surrounded by his SS fanatics. The military are not sheep, they are wolves. This not Caesar’s personal army in a free republic; they can vote and they can read papers and access internet before Barry regulates that medium.

    A citizens armed militia within its legal rights would in the least need implicit support from the military, as in inaction or no action or reaction because as a practical matter the citizen’s militia will contain their own relatives, family and friends— but a massive movement is needed.

    As I have mentioned prior a Million man march on washington in orderly fashion simply focusing on one thing–: Demanding his immediate resignation, a litle like de Vattel suggests in his manner of approach mentioning the great Indian leader–but remember the indians were primarily HIndus, lessorly Muslims, mightily oppressed and poor as church mice but were led and galvanized by a great historic figure.

    If Soetoro the pretender does not get the hint then there is no recourse but to form a legal militia armed this time and ready to march on washington.

    Soetoro is our main focus but he is not alone in this conspiracy to defraud and rape this country of its vital constitutional essence.
    These are not good people up there. These are killers–they aretrying to kill our collective soul and crush our will and clarity of mind .

    Are you going to continue to alow yourself to be locked in a cage and bitten by rats and if you react be called traitors espousing treason?

    Did the jews commit treason when Hitler slaughtered them? Were the brave acts in the Warsaw Ghetto treason? Were washington and Adams traitors? Depends on your point of view does it not? One man’s food is another’s poison. It is the way of the world. A BIG rat comes in and tries to steel all the cheese and the mice must rally to save some of the cheese as they run the rat out. The little mice militia–the little guys–they want a little piece of cheese for themselves and their families and they do not want to be beat and bled as they are made to eat smaller portions then they need.

    This dictator obama bum is on a roll. He has the press, the commie professors like him, the congress and I am sure the supreme court judging by the way he personally visited each before the inauguration–a person of interest ( be like one side in a court room going up to whisper to the judge in open court without the ither side there to listen) and barry soetoro probably said to each:

    “Listen don’t pay attention to this crazy lady orly Taitz. Stonewall her. Have your clerk remove her case from the docket.

    “By the way Justice how big is your personal army? Not very big is it?
    Just eight of you guys up here in black robes huh? I am sure you will do the right thing in the best interests of Kenya ,Indonesia and King Fahd.

    “YER GET ME Mr JUstice!!! HAH????!!!!

    ” OH yaz er, yaz er missa pre-ze dent, ize surely getz yer.

    AHhh KINGFISH ( datz ma clerk),

    yaz er miss justice,

    Ahhh getz this here –hmmm…, lemme see waz her name here–ahh: Poorly Taste off de docket right quick !

    Yez-zer Missa Justice ah get it done fo sur.

    Thar u r. Dat better missa presi ze dent?

    Thaz vary gud missa chief justice,, Glad yu gotz ma meaning

    Oh yaz er Mr. Prees-zedent, YAZ er, and may ah kiss your hand, or feetz or ass?

    Yu surely may and hav a gud day.

  10. Martin Pinsky
    May 7th, 2009 @ 12:42 pm

    A word in deference to our Orly.

    We are lay people who at times fall prey to our emotions and release under internal stresses expletive and rhetorical flourishes. Whe we say take him to the back of the white house and shoot him., that is the equivalent of venting an internal fart or belch.

    Now the two TWD Mary sisters ( as in Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb0 seem to exbibit erotic pleasure in their one line retorts and they are the enemy monitoring–the acorn brains, looking for any opening. They are stupid, inept and degenerate and when they open thier mouths they lamppon and caricature themselves- de vettel kinows this, his succinct comments are appropriate.

    However , my point words can influence and impell reaction at times, but effective action requires physical motion and proper professional planning.

    Orly is a consummate professional–but not a hot air vicarious lawyer professional type–she has deep seated convictions, and her pathos is professionally braced by her ethos and that is one reason she is so vital- yet our general is feeling frustration as she effectively stands alone–meaning that she is the prime mover and the person that inspires us.

    When she is attacked ad hominum by the hounds of the HUN–we undertsandably get pissed off–for she is our shining and guiding light–our jean d’ arc–and that is no rhetorical flourish. Berg especially and a few others who wavered before him until he wavered are bright people–though BERG is a Hillary man no doubt, but Orly is a fighter and she is a qualified lawyer and out of her own pocket in the main stands tall in the estimation of this old broken down vet. Whereare you going to find someone like Orly to stand befdore them fore square and to carry the cross–though I think it is a jewish star this time- in our behalf.

    Should there be any doubt that those of you in to reading and reflecting should at least send some money to her? I did and with gratitude that this bright star warrior accepted it. Yes, I was honored.

    Wew cannot allow Orly to stand alone–we have to be beside her and behind her watching her back ( without distraction given her obvious attributes).

    As I started to develop above–don’t worry about words of frustration issuing from frustration–it is a normal reaction from the average irate american who lost his 401 K, and like me lost in the six figures, pensions dissolved, our tax monies going to points unknown after an elected congress did not even read the bill before they voted on it and they say we speak treason!!!!!!!

    They are no good bastards and nthey know they are and they do not care because they control the game. They won’t close the borders as new strains of TB arrive and this cockroach fraud in office is going to legalize almost 30,000,000 illegals as unemployment rises and they don’t expect a reaction????!!!!! But they know given the speed of their gambit that the mere friction of their pace upon society is going to cause FRICTION—and that is why adolph Obama is peaking about 80,000 specially trained riot control troops.

    Believe me, and orly knows, once you get a fascist usurper in place you literally have to blow him out of office– now there I go again–this is a rhetorical flourish expressing, ire, anger without a Doctorate in moot courts by the least mute among professionals.

    Orly expressed herself clearly under pressure after so much work and effort has been expended to reach the elected and appointed zombies– all politicized in all branches of governmnet. God bless her but the most recalcitrant and intransigent would be Eric Holder–getting him to cooperate would be like getting that other bro Raines to return the tens of millions he ripped off-
    and when I say BRO–I mean it –they are racial elitists of the wright school of afro I hate whiitely centricism–wherein they have a list–a litany of tendentious distortion in which whitey is blamed for everything that afflicts blacks. I mean do you see 100 in a WHITE Congressional causus–are ebony, Jet, essence not racila magazines? Can I put out a magazine called Ivory? Of course not then I would be a rcists–but the racists calling whites racists are not racists.

    My beautiful and bright sister scored off the charts on her SATs. She applied to City College in NYC–referred to as the poor man’s Harvard. IT provided a first rate education and a respected diploma and was free IF YOU QUALIFIED.

    With the racial quota mania suffusing the country and issuing from the lefty bleeding heart apologists for slavery ( my grand parents were in russia at the time) in ’71, she was shoved aside for a black whose marks were an embarrassment. SAnd I will tell you this–all through the years in my business of industrial machinery I would NEVER hire a product of affirmative -racial quota- action. I am not a racists! I went to war with blacks–my doctor is black and I would vote Alan Keyes in in a new yourk minute as the southerners say here in good ole Jacksonville ( Lotta good militray here–hurting –their wives and children get unemployed as they deploy–application lines are long here for McDonalds–no more sticking your nose up at McDonalds. But the COCKROACH is goi8ng to legalize 30,,000,000 wet backs–and that is what they are like it or not! 85% OF THEM CAN NOT READ AND WRITE THEIR OWN LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!! Good Lord what an asset to our crumbling economy.

    So Orly have no fear, you are our vangard and we have enough sense to know that you try as best you can to follow,propr procedure–(then they attack you and call you a protitute), you submit your astute and professional documentation going by the all–i9n the law, of the law and for the law– and then they thank you by sending in their grifter swine attack slime to sully your name, to infiltrate your website–and then our orly gets pissed and out of that fine, organized and disciplined brain emerges a sharp talon, and the law shifts into higer gear–this gal is a fighter–our one woman DELTA force-but the hun is moving in with sharp legal teeth and has already scared the pants off Kreep according to hisn site– or shall we say he is professionally aware of the planned legal attack on alleged AFrivolous legal action based on the fact that so many cases have been thrown out by a politicised judicial at all levels.

    So now we reach down and prepare to shift gears–while still staying legal, and speakm of our constitutional rights for an amed militia and the carrying out of sentences issuing from our citizen’s grand jury. That means arrests–am I not being logical here in my lineal analysis.

    B follow A. C follows B–not abstruse logic and into the equation is recognition that the opposition==the COCKROACH and his corrupt minions NOT following legal procedure but using law to threaten and obfuscate and yes frustrate our Orly’s professional and conventional effort–nothing wild or sytrange-nothingwildor strange in reminding these bastards of the Nuremburg trials for those complicit in Hitler’s madness–where do you see a lawyer even mentioning this?

    She has guts and brains–she feels that they are complicit if they do not act to arrest this cockroach and they are, misprison of felony for one and a host of others including treason–yes TREASON–as in a plot to rob and rip off the American public and taxpayer–as in screwing over the little family guy who just got laid off after losing his 401K–and are we going to sell our souls for three pieces of silver–the $250 for SS old farts like me?

    He plays a clever game and plays to a specific non dicriminating audience of worshippers, blacks that call him black rather than mullatto–in the dictionary still- who do not acknowledge his mother was white and his grandpparents were white and sent him to an elite primary school in HI before this rich arab got involved and paid for the indonesian soetoro’s tuition AS A FOREIGN STUDENT.

    We then follow Orly’s lead and please orly tell us when we have stepped emotionally out of line—we say SHOOT HIM, we mean getb the bastard out of there somehow and in some way–it does not mean we walk to the white house knock on the door and say-=-is obama there? Oh yes please come in we are having $700 pizza and chcken chitlens.
    A LONE ASSSASSIN IS A DIFFERENT BREED OF DUCK–he is like a big railroad spike being hit by a large sledge hammer in effect. Whereas a legally motivated effort is an attempt to shift a track direction at a crossing with spikes already in it. Meaning ORDERLY application of law to address a pressing need for change.

    Orly speaks of an armed militia–it is in our constitution despite lefty attempts to corrupt and corrode the essence and meaning of the original document and subsequent amnendments. People were the same back then in methods and means and attitudes even without jets and cell phones They knew tyrant when they saw one–many left to escape tyranny and we know a tyrant quickly emerging–when we see one.

    So yes, advise the military of our rights and inform them of whats going on and hope they do not create another Winter Garden slaughter of protestors- always a possibility given Kent State.-but the guard was purposely provoked by left swine like ayers and his ilk, and rocks were thrown and guards hit with rocks and then threw their own bullet rocks back–these kids were lucky this was Good ole USA–In Chile, or a number of other S. American countries they would have all been on a missing list.

  11. Martin Pinsky
    May 7th, 2009 @ 2:20 pm

    hard to readm your brief comment above without being touched by your plight.

    Agent Provocateurs–paid prostitutes and whores abound here and everywhere. The same type would be paid to hoot and whistle casuing negativity at the introduction of a play or musical with an unpopular subject some years back.

    You have taken a risk in forging forward–legally your ship is cutting through water—now there are frozen waters ahead, so now you slow up and break ice (Russians have the best icre breakers by the way.

    Not all paid professional military are idelaists–they are practical and pragmatic. The field commanders are tough–no doubt – but there is a pragmatic businessman type of general spawned when the consummate businemman MacNamara was at the helm of the defence department . These military folk in the Pentagon are not only political–as most generals are, but they have practical business interests. Can they be moved or turned? Depends on how consolidated their position is.

    The pressure on the military for an ideological understanding of the current quandary this country is in, will come from lower levels in which there will be thoughts of victimized civilian family memebers, loved ones and dear friends . This is the group that shuld be prevaled upon NOT to fire at civilians- perhaps their family and this brings us to selection of marchers in the militia–that they be as much as possible–related to active military..
    I beleiev the first March should be unarmed and probative– coming together en masse before the white house demanding that he volunteer to step down.

    The second March if the first is unsuccessful should be an armed militia with as much active military family as can be found in its ranks-using diffuse ports of entry so to speak instead of arriving en masse – a controlled trickle effect isbest with a gradual accumulation– no trumpets or jugglers– it is a mission and it is strictly business . Family members in nthe ranks will prevent soldiers from firing on thier own.

    I cannot see Soetoro steping down. I cannot see this not developing into a bloody affair. If they continue to sdtoewal and not a sigly supeona gets issued. I frankly see no other reourse than an armed militia carryingnout the sentece of –efectively, the people’s court–Lord knows these eletists do not give a tinker’s dam about the little guy and how he suufers under their crookery and that includes Bbba Bush as well and his oil boys. In cse you don’t know it–Zapata Oil–which dugb the first well in Kuwait- is about one sixth Pennzoil–so Bubba ain’t no po boy.

    I would dribble in gradually into predisignated staging areas, like streams feeding into tributaries. You must have a stated goal, a plan, intelligence, writ of arrest in your hand–essentially a coorfinated and refined militray MILitia action, carrying your own food and water. Precise planning is secret. Stated goal obvious to assist the usurper in stepping down voluntarily and kept sequestered–you may have to settle form thatif not voluntariy then he is arrested, tried, imprisoned in a miitary jail or deported.

    However his crimes are so egregious I am not sure what his pinishment would be. It has to be a military tribunal– a civiolian court –as has been demonstrated has not the balls to deal with the isues here. We would also encourage a systematic migration of the Mexican illegals back into the fold of their country and advise their country to tend to the poor returning immigrant illegals who have billions stashed away in Mexico.

    If you hired them you are arrested–why? Because federal law making it a felony to hire them was ignored just as Orly’s documents are ignored. Great country for ignoring the law when it suits certain group purposes. Thereare ways for sensible committed people to handle things, especially when theyare in the right and are upheld by TRUTH and the LAW, unfortunately at that point without civilian court lackeys (n God do we need term limitations on up to the supreme court.Nobody is indispensible, nobody spits on our constitution, nobody tramples on our rights and ignors and abuses us when we seek redress. Theyare fakes, phonies and frauds–as Bob Grant called them, and they themselves do not respect our borders , language and culture as great Savahe often says–by the way he is suing Napolitano and England–with his own money.
    Savage knows what Orly is doing is gathering steam and momentum–he seems a lil afraid of what is going on in the eligibility milieu.

    I don’t believe he ever had Orly on–he really hates to share the limelight=he is a great man and we love him , but we do have to abide his eccentricities.

    There is no perfect way nor course toward needed change , but after proper planning, once committed you must stay the course and do notm go minto battle unless you are reasonably sure you are going to win. This btakes planning, promotiuon and organization and yes there will always be some thrill seekers, and nut cases attached as arevattached toall movements no matter how well screened.

    Send money to Orly–put your money where your heart is. Follow her advice and legal course as far as possible and then uf we need armed militia to make arrests, the right commanders will come along. JUst one final piece of advice mentioned above–RECRUIT retired military and family of active military in to the Militia. I think orly spoke of uniforms- but certainly a visible color uniformly placed-do this before he controls cell phones and the internet–do it before the next election.


    SEND HER A CHECK==ANYTHING YOU CAN AFFORD, BUT PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS–CHEERING ON IS FINE, SENDING A CHECK IS BETTER. i DID. Am an old fart on fixed income nobody of any importance or significance,. but I will send orly what I can as I can.

    Cry the beloved country –

    for the lose of heart and soul and dignity with the end of the bush elitie oligarchy and the beginning of Hitler re daux rushing like a commie dog in heat to appease those that bought and sold him.

    You want the country you remembered back? Then you have to fight for it and lick your wounds AFTER the battle–and as best we can listen to Orly and her guidance legal and otherwise until, if stonewalled ad nauseum, we have no other course than to respect justice and place iti n a jar of preserves to be placed temporarily in ORDERLY fashion on a shelf in a cupboard in an American patriot’s kitchen, in that patriot’s house in the HEARTLAND.

    God Bless AMERICA and preserve her values, alligiance and sacred trust.
    Don’t let this bum and his zombie legions destroy us, our families and our vallues. What did the Jews say after the Holocaust: NEVER AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN ( And Netanyahu-he went to school in NYC– means it- obama will never have this man’s backbone and substance.

    When civilian leadershipis handed over to a civilian government and things settle after the bums are thrown out and we rebuilt our industry and our resolve I see nobody better than Alan Keyes on the horizon—Obama en toto is not a tiny little pimple on his smallest toe.

    typos be damned bet there are a bunch above