

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

You’ll love to see the summary below of the stats comparison

Posted on | July 24, 2010 | 12 Comments

Orlytaitzesq.com’s Worldwide Traffic Rank







Audience Demographics for Orlytaitzesq.com

 While we estimate that 82% of its visitors are in the US, where it is ranked #98,697, it is also popular in Colombia, where it is ranked #18,582. Compared with all internet users, the site appeals more to users who are over the age of 45; its audience also tends to consist of men earning between $60,000 and $100,000 who browse from home.

Relative to the general internet population how popular is orlytaitzesq.com with each audience below?

Relative to the general internet population, 18-24 year olds are under-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Relative to the general internet population, 25-34 year olds are greatly under-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

The audience for orlytaitzesq.comamong 35-44 year olds is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: medium

Relative to the general internet population, 45-54 year olds are over-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Relative to the general internet population, 55-64 year olds are greatly over-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Relative to the general internet population, people over 65 years old are greatly over-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

No College
Relative to the general internet population, people who did not go to college are under-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Some College
Relative to the general internet population, people some college education are over-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

The audience for orlytaitzesq.com among people who went to college is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: medium

Graduate School
The audience for orlytaitzesq.com among people who went to graduate school is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: medium

Relative to the general internet population, Males are over-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Relative to the general internet population, Females are under-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Has Children
The audience for orlytaitzesq.com among people with children is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: medium

The audience for orlytaitzesq.com among people without children is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: medium

Browsing Location
Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from home are over-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from work are under-represented at orlytaitzesq.com.

Confidence: medium

Visitors by Country for Orlytaitzesq.com


Percent of Site Traffic

  United States








The map of the world

High Impact Search Queries for Orlytaitzesq.com

Query Impact
1 orly taitz High
2 orly High
3 web sites Low
4 esq. Low
5 honeymoon Low
6 website Low
7 palm beach Low

Audience Demographics for Politijab.com

Relative to the general internet population how popular is politijab.com with each audience below?



Relative to the general internet population, 18-24 year olds are under-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Relative to the general internet population, 25-34 year olds are greatly under-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Relative to the general internet population, 35-44 year olds are under-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Relative to the general internet population, 45-54 year olds are greatly over-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Relative to the general internet population, 55-64 year olds are over-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Some College

Relative to the general internet population, people some college education are over-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Relative to the general internet population, people who went to college are over-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low

Graduate School

Relative to the general internet population, people who went to graduate school are under-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low



Relative to the general internet population, Males are over-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Relative to the general internet population, Females are under-represented at politijab.com.

Browsing Location


Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from home are under-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from work are over-represented at politijab.com.

Confidence: low


Visitors by Country for Politijab.com


Percent of Site Traffic



  United States


Advertise with Alexa

High Impact Search Queries for Politijab.com

Query Impact


1 birth certificate High
2 sharon Medium
3 chalice Medium
4 birth records Medium
5 date of birth Medium
6 lawsuit Medium
7 viraga pills Medium

View the complete Search Analytics

Summary of stats from Orly

Please compare my site demographics to left leaning geniuses from Politijab, who consider themselves to be an intellectual elite. The stats came from the most popular Internet ranking site “Alexa”.

My site OrlyTaitzESQ.com appeals to wider audience and consistently outperforms Politijab.com even though my site is constantly attacked and vandalised by pro-Obama hackers and their site is not attacked (comparison graph on the top of the page). My audience is mostly 35-to 65 and older, more men, earning $60,000-$$100.000, more American, more represented in the highest education group – with graduate degrees, surfing the Internet after work from home.

Left leaning Politijab has less viewers overall, a more narrow audience, mostly from the Socialist Canada, under- represented among graduate degree holders, hence more of them are bored at work, surfing the Internet from work and among their most popular search words is Viagra. Good Going guys! That’s what socialist system does to you, and you want it in America? 

Another thought, maybe if they had in Canada a free market economy and if those Einsteins had some graduate degrees, they could finally afford that viagra, that they are searching, and they wouldn’t be attacking me that much. Just a thought.   

Have a good weekend!


12 Responses to “You’ll love to see the summary below of the stats comparison”

  1. PorkRoll
    July 24th, 2010 @ 1:52 am

    Sounds like you give Politiblab some ‘stiff’ competition. (For the geniuses at Politiscab, let me explain. That was a Viagra joke that insinuated you have erectile difficulties, otherwise known as impotence. If anyone at Politiflab still doesn’t get the joke, please raise your hand; I’ll repeat it slower this time and use smaller words.)

  2. Foggy
    July 24th, 2010 @ 3:52 am

    You make us look so inferior, Orly. We feel so inadequate! You’re so popular! You’re so wonderful! Nobody voted for us for Secretary of State of California, either, while you got more than half a million votes. You’re certainly a star among stars, we know that.

    On the bright side, lawsuits haven’t worked to remove PRESIDENT Obama, fake grand juries haven’t worked, fake trials haven’t worked, Globe Magazine headlines haven’t worked … in actual fact, nothing at all has worked.

    PRESIDENT Obama is still in office, and will be president until at least Jan. 2013, but more likely until 2017.

    That’s our only consolation, if the truth be known. We know we can’t compete with you in popularity. We have to be happy with just being right about PRESIDENT Obama’s eligibility, instead.

    Since you’re so wonderful and popular, maybe you should agree to debate Mr. Tepper on Reality Check radio?

  3. Alec
    July 24th, 2010 @ 6:35 am

    Interesting how much SOMEBODY knows about a person when they open a site; not just this site, any site.
    “The most common characteristic of all police states is intimidation by surveillance. Citizens know they are being watched and overheard. Their mail is being examined. Their homes can be invaded.”~~Vance Packard

    U.S. Constitution, Amendment 4 – Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
    unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but
    upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the
    place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

  4. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 24th, 2010 @ 8:06 am

    Google and yahoo were implicated, maybe that explains wh, when you search on google and yahoo, all the links to positive articles are disabled, all the trash is being pushed to the top of the page, to slander the patriots and continue this monopoly of the few and deprivation of many

  5. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 24th, 2010 @ 8:07 am

    🙂 hopefully they can still raise their hand

  6. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 24th, 2010 @ 9:11 am

    As I said, I have no problem with radio and live feed from the televised debate by Reality Check and 800 other stations or reporters who interviewed me so far. You can find over a 1,000 clips on YouTube.
    I have nothing to fear. My name is known, my face is known. You are scared. The host of this show wouldn’t even reveal his name. You are hiding behind the name “foggy “. Is it coming from “foggy bottom”? American people are becoming more and more restless and livid with corrupt politicians and corrupt media who are hiding behind the official regime propaganda, and hiding the truth from the public. People need to know the truth about the usurper, they want him, where he belongs according to truth and according to law and according to the US Constitution, and I doubt he will like that place.

  7. Elizabeth
    July 24th, 2010 @ 11:40 am

    ” American people are becoming more and more restless and livid with corrupt politicians and corrupt media who are hiding behind the official regime propaganda, and hiding the truth from the public. People need to know the truth about the usurper, they want him, where he belongs according to truth and according to law and according to the US Constitution.”

    This is the truth and it is reality.

    Foggy Brain needs to read some of the
    blogs in which normal people are
    voicing their intense displeasure with
    the corruption and dishonesty now being
    exposed, and which they, and most of us,
    were never aware of before these last
    few months.

    Now that the rest of the iceberg has
    been exposed, there will be not stopping
    the normal every-day Americans who
    are farmers, teachers, salesmen/women,
    pastors, doctors, housewives, mothers,
    grandparents, etc.

    As I wrote on Exose.Obama.com
    Americans are not weaklings and
    they are not sheep to be led
    to the slaughter, such as happened
    in the Holocaust.

    Those people were shocked, I think,
    into passivity. And when they
    came to, it was too late for them.

    Contemporary Americans are not
    shocked but they are fed up with
    corruption that is now being
    revealed day by day by day.
    They find it incredible that this
    schemer and criminal is not out on
    his derriere, in handcuffs.

    As I wrote on that board, the wheels
    of justice turn slowly, but they
    ARE turning.

    If Americans are not, contrary to
    my belief, courageous and strong
    and dedicated enough to face down
    the enemy, then they deserve
    everything that is coming down the
    path. Then it will be their waterloo.

    Those of us who are ‘believers’
    (and believers know what I mean)

    will not be here to face the
    consequences of a society that
    turned its face away and its
    collective mind off.

  8. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 24th, 2010 @ 12:53 pm

    you can help, by becoming additional plaintiffs in my legal actions and by staging protests in fron of corrupt governmental institutions: Congress, white House, courts

  9. Elizabeth
    July 24th, 2010 @ 1:35 pm

    I do not live on the East Coast
    but I know that some people on
    Dr.Kate’s blog were advocating
    a march on D.C.

    How does one become an additional
    plaintiff in your legal actions?

    In my state, I have not seen any
    signs of corruption from law
    enforcement, the courts, or
    any section of the justice system.

    This is the Pacific Northwest
    where one of the manaics that posts
    here, is from Washington State.
    I think that should he be tracked
    down and confronted with proof of
    his threatening posts, he would
    be dealt with promptly and
    fairly by the law.

    From the posts that I read at
    Expose.Obama.com, the people
    are IMPATIENT and want the show
    to get on the road.. they want
    this crook out of the White House
    and all of his Czars, plus the
    Unholy Trinity, Pelosi, Reid and
    Biden, plus I would add Holder
    as a Fourth entity to be removed.

    There are others, for sure.
    The people want them ALL gone,
    including members of Congress
    and Supreme Court.

    They are horrified that Kagan
    is a nominee. She is the bottom
    of the barrel for someone to be
    elected to that powerful position.

    In other words, the people are
    beyond furious. Beyond fed up..
    Beyond impatient. The desire is to
    have had those people fired, removed
    and out of their offices weeks
    and weeks ago. They are looking for
    a zealous leader who will guide them
    into the way to deal with this and
    to do it before November.

  10. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 24th, 2010 @ 2:14 pm

    Can you organize a rally, a 100 people to stand with the signs in front of your federal court house and in front of the office of the most vulnerable congressman or senator?

  11. Pharmc495
    January 31st, 2013 @ 11:40 pm

    Hello! kfcgdbe interesting kfcgdbe site! I’m really like it! Very, very kfcgdbe good!

  12. Princeso
    December 2nd, 2015 @ 7:49 pm

    Remember, this is but one of many such challenges and many dineerfft approaches. I know of at least three others, including myself, and rumor has it that there are many more. No stone will be left unturned in what may be the best opportunity to date to remove the usurper from the Ga. ballot. Let us not forget that other States now have challenges before their BOE’s as well.

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