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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

With Biden possibly withdrawing from the race, Trump has to reconsider his VP choices

Posted on | July 5, 2024 | 2 Comments

With Biden possibly withdrawing from the race, Trump has to reconsider his VP choices

By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

After Biden’s disastrous performance at the debate, Democrats are pushing him out of the race. Two most viable Dem Presidential contenders are Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama.

Due to the campaign finance rules, some $200 million raised by Biden can only be inherited by his VP, which means that Harris is his likely successor. Additionally, Michelle Obama repeatedly stated that she has no interest in running.

Based on prior elections, Trump, as well as most GOP politicians, typically carry the male vote, but trail in female vote.

In 2016 Trump trailed Clinton by 13% in female votes and led by a similar percentage among men.

Today women make up the majority of the population, 51%, due to the fact that women typically live longer. On top of that, women vote more frequently and they make up about 52% of the electorate.

Based on all of the above, it is a no brainer that Trump would benefit the most from having a female running mate, and Elise Stefanik appears to be the best choice.

Stefanik is a congresswoman with 10 years of experience. She is a Harvard graduate and was one of the youngest people to be elected to congress at the age of 30. She rose up the ranks and became the chair of the Republican conference, which means, that as a VP, she would be able to forge a good working relationship with Congress and will help Trump to pass the bills.

Stefanik is tested on national stage, very outspoken and one of the top Trump allies in Congress.

On the other hand, is was reported that Trump’s current top choices for VP are Doug Burgum and JD Vance. Rubio reported to be distant third.

Current top contenders are all men, they will not help Trump get female votes.

Additionally, Burgum, a white man, has no experience in national arena, not charismatic, appears to be boring in speeches and debates,  and comes from a safe state of North Dakota. Burgum does not add anything to the ticket, at least not for the election.

JD Vance is also a white man, will not help with women’s votes. While Vance is well spoken and comes from the Mid-West, close to important swing states of Wisconsin and Michigan, he is from Ohio, a state Trump is slated to win even without Vance. Furthermore, if Trump wins, he might lose this important senate seat in the follow up senatorial election to fill Vance’s seat. Currently, GOP has only 49 seats in the senate. With Jim Justice of West Virginia being expected to flip that seat, GOP will have 50 seats and VP will be a tie breaker. This is a very thin margin of one seat. If GOP loses this Ohio seat after Vance leaves, GOP will lose the majority and will not be able to govern, will not confirm any judges and will not pass any laws, so Vance pick is very risky.

Lastly, Rubio  might bring more Hispanic votes, however, there is the same risk of losing a GOP seat in the senate. Additionally, the 12th amendment states that no elector can vote for president and vice president who are from the same state as the elector, meaning that the president and vice president cannot be from the same state. Currently, both Trump an Rubio reside in Florida. Of course, one of them may re-register to vote in another state. Trump has a residence in Bedford, New Jersey, he can re-register there or Rubio can re-register in DC, however it is not a sure thing, it is not a clean-cut solution, and I expect that the Democrats will challenge the Trump-Rubio ticket based on the 12th amendment, and I expect that this challenge will reach the Supreme Court in the 12th hour before the election. It will be a destruction, a wrinkle that Trump does not need.

Based on all of the above, I believe that putting a woman, specifically Else Stefanik, would be a best bet for Trump


2 Responses to “With Biden possibly withdrawing from the race, Trump has to reconsider his VP choices”

  1. Jeffrey
    July 5th, 2024 @ 5:15 am

    Stefanik really isn’t going to persuade liberal women to vote for her. She’s brash, self-centered, anti-abortion and just obnoxious.

  2. Cameron D
    July 8th, 2024 @ 9:30 am

    Can’t be Carson – it’ll look like a diversity hire

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