

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

White House reports: prior report is not true, Bin Laden was not armed, he did not use his wife as a human schield. She wasn’t even in the same room, she wasn’t even on the same floor

Posted on | May 3, 2011 | 11 Comments

We know now that Obama regime was lying about

1. Bin Laden being armed

2. his wife being used as a human shield.

How do we know, that this was really Bin Laden? If he was unarmed, why not capture him and interrogate him about the names of his accomplices, cells in the U.S., couriers and so on? Why did they need to shoot an unarmed person in the head and miss an opportunity on getting such vital information? Why did they throw his body overboard within hours?

Reports of Bin Laden’s death came from a man, who is using:

1. invalid social security number

2. a computer art work instead of a birth certificate

3. lying about his education and whereabouts

Can you believe that he is telling the truth about Sunday raid on Bin Laden?


11 Responses to “White House reports: prior report is not true, Bin Laden was not armed, he did not use his wife as a human schield. She wasn’t even in the same room, she wasn’t even on the same floor”

  1. Proud American
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 1:00 pm

    Please take your pathological attention-seeking to another country and harass their elected leader. France might be a good choice; the Sarkozy family immigrated, and Sarkozy dumped his wife and re-married during his campaign. Surely you could make hay with that.

    Everything you’re doing is a cover for your own racism and an outlet your supporters’ racism. Why don’t you all just don hooded white sheets and ignite giant crosses? Then the public could see you for what you really are.

  2. jIM bLACK
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 2:03 pm

    Reports of Bin Laden’s death came from a man, who is using:

    1. invalid social security number

    2. a computer art work instead of a birth certificate

    3. lying about his education and whereabouts

    Can you believe that he is telling the truth about Sunday raid on Bin Laden?

    I would add that he has clearly demonstrated he is more muslim than Christian.

  3. Pixel Patriot
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 2:38 pm

    The National Archives will never endorse Barry’s work of art it because they will not be able to figure out which layer gets the seal. Maybe the National Gallery of Art will house it in an exhibit entitled “The Art of Deception”

  4. Starla
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 2:51 pm



    Dr. Steve Pieczenik has great faith in the American people. I agree with him, “enough is enough,” but let him see the video of the American people in front of the White House celebrating extra judicial justice and the great set up to possible war with Pakistan…

    The Neocons are on a roll to their goal of Americans slaughtering their perceived enemy…we know who did 911, the Dr. knows it as well, but I don’t have the same faith the Dr. has in the American public. I lack faith the patriots will ever wake the unclean masses up.

    Does the good doctor know anything about the secret slush funds at the Vatican Bank?

    Never mind…this very credible, intelligent, respected and well connected Dr began to name all the Neocon names behind 911. This was remarkable not so much for his courage but for his credibility. I guess he realizes that nobody gets out of this world alive, and sometimes you just reach a point when enough is enough. He certainly nailed it on the head when he began to explain the psychology of the psychopath.

    I became a little weary when the Dr. stood up for Bush senior…I’m afraid he might fall down and not get up if he supports the “new world order, I don’t know where I was 11/22/63 when the magic bullet blew out Kennedy’s brain.”

    https://www.shufuni.com/ The interview was dynamic because Dr. P spoke from the heart. He wasn’t mincing his words at all. He spoke with passion. The same passion I see come out of other patriot’s hearts. He was great and spot on about 911 and the chicken hawk baby killers. “Member of Association of Foreign Intelligence Officers, stand down, false flag, denial… he was informed of the inside operation by a high ranking general and protects his source until reaching a grand jury…he is a doctor on the battle field trying to save lives, He is no chicken hawk like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Hadley, Rice…OBL died of Marfan syndrome…Tommy Franks stated to him OBL died…Dr. P lectures at the War College every year…”beware of taking orders from civilians…especially “chicken hawks.”

    “Forget about the birth certificate, it’s his Education, how he came to power, greatest criminals from Wall Street are not in jail…Why does a government have to lie to the American people?”

    “I never was a right hand man of anyone. I got thrown out of more places…” This is great stuff…got to love this guy.

    Break down…Obama began with a lie…when you say one thing but do everything differently you are a sociopath…”

    “No banker has been arrested…picked up the Noble prize for peace and then declares war…nothing but corruption…Pinetta…oh my gawd a commercial break…and Alex you want to change the subject when you return…I hate the break and I did not like you changing the subject. The Dr. was on a roll…an unabashed roll including some impressive names to incredible insight…this guy is in the know…you have to let him get it off his chest without changing the subject or putting your hackneyed two cents in…you got to concentrate more on questions…the great ones are identified by the questions they ask, not by the knowledge they know…

    https://www.elephanttube.com Twenty six best sellers…wow…black ops…mujahedin…great lead in…”Jack Ryan” …great lead in…Albright, Bhutto comments are factual and a good lead in…why they lead this hoax today.

    “Marfans syndrome…OBL was dying…Panetta…eighty percent of the CIA is involved in special ops…Zoelick…Hillary Clinton incompetent like Rice…forget the NY Times…great stuff…there are no terrorists except Ahacka? being supported by the CIA through the ISI. Deception and denial…for three administrations…General Petraus…the Dr. likes Petraus…no mental health benefits for the veterans…psy ops from administration to administration…the terrorists don’t exist…economic warfare exists…China…Karzi biggest drug dealer in Afghanistan…”that’s right”…throws out Carter…Yako? Kahn…father of the Pakistani Army…Bhutto…intimate knowledge of the Pakistani Army…Dr. studied at MIT…India is the Pakistanis obsession…infiltration issues in Khasmir and Afghanistan..mentions Kissinger Baker…Bush senior brilliant in foreign policy…brilliant control the CIA…likes Gates…does not like Penetta or Bush the Younger…the psyops resurrection of OBL..god knows how many intelligence agencies we have now…Dr. is a Council on Foreign Relations Fellow…(here is room for some good questions ‘is there a schism developing there? Who are the main players and what disagreements are going on? )

    Read More Here: https://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-special-broadcast-on-the-bin-laden-hoax/

  5. John Sawers
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 2:54 pm

    Jim Black said, “Can you believe that he is telling the truth about Sunday raid on Bin Laden?”

    Tell ya what Jim, go ask the SEALS involved.

  6. BlackSunshine84
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 4:04 pm

    FOX News also reported before 0bama’s speech Monday that 0sama was killed in a missile strike in Afghanistan the last week of April. It’s since been scrubbed, but it was Brett Baier who said it.

  7. Pv
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 5:27 pm

    Prewd American…you are a racist

  8. ANGIE
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 8:02 pm

    Please go back to where you came from. You will be held responsible for this B.S and you have just confirmed your ticket to hell. You don’t represent this country and your a freakin’ idiot. When someone close to you gets treated terribly or has been hurt, remember YOU sowed these seeds.

  9. Maulder
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 8:06 pm

    Hey, “dweeb-traitor”:…why don’t you take your “pathological, anal-retentive treason” to your “limp-wristed fag” of a precedent and “gush” over each other?

    Your emotional state is still in “jr high school!” Grow up, “proud, pitter-patter!” Obama is a “figment of his own imagination!” He’s the “poster-child” for mental illnes month! Which lasts (24-7-365-366) a year!

    All the C.E.T.’s are living proof that there is a “missing link…with DNA complications!” And Orly is right! Jim is right! All Patriots ARE right! No one can believe this reject from a “rubics-cube” factory!

    Muslims (who are like the terrorists) are low-life, scum-sucking pathos, which lie through their souls! And you obviously can’t discern truth when you: see it! read it! or hear it!

    So, you are the one that has the problem! Are you a black…that can’t handle the “cracker?” Patriots don’t have any problem with the color…but you libs are the ones that play the race-card…all the time!

    Typical alynski pathos-treasonous psychosis! Bet your family is “proud” too, huh? LOL! What a “proud-traitor” you are! You need a psychologist to “mend the fence, son!” And do you know that there ARE blacks in America that can’t stand O-please-I’m-not-a-narcist? One of them posted on here just a few days ago!

    Now…after what I read near the end of your post…”WHO’S THE ONE WITH PREDJUDICE…??” Your Honor, I rest my case!!!


  10. Brian
    May 3rd, 2011 @ 9:19 pm

    Except for a few seemingly canned videos, I think no one has seen or heard from Bin Laden since around the 911 episode. No President–black, white, green, pink, yellow, or purple–who runs our country as a dictator will ever cause me to believe anything he says without 3rd party redundant physical proof. Young, impressionable Navy Seals can be paid to say the necessary convincement, coughed up video footage means squat. Where’s the body from a President who cares little if the whole U.S.A. hates his foreign and defense policies but worries how peaceful Islam will respond to his religiosity?
    Why do we always have to play a deadly game to get basic, everyday info from this man? If it ever does come forth correct, many secular, Jewish and Christian media talkers have a hay day telling prudent people how stupid they were for not living the primitive ‘groupthink’ model in blind faith.

  11. Bart Piscitello
    May 7th, 2011 @ 4:09 am

    Patriots and well informed readers who follow this site:
    The momentum is starting to shift our way.
    Thanks to Dr.Taitz, our Joan of Arc, we are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel; hopefully, it’s not an oncoming train.
    Orley has created a movement in this country that will surpass the the efforts of the TEA party and our so called Republican leaders, our congress and judicial bench sitters.
    Thru her efforts, dedication, and tenacity, she has accomplished what no other person or group has been able to do so far collectively.
    She has been able to investigate, and expose obama, and his regime for birth certificate, and SS # fraud.
    She has filed lawsuits, made many TV and radio appearances, traveled around the country, helped Alan Keyes and LTC Lakin, had an oral appearance before the appelate court, maintained a website, that is constantly sabatoged, and attacked. She has gotten state legislators to push for eligilibility bills.
    Runs a dendistry practice, raises a family,
    and consoles the fears of our weaker brethern.
    She is an inspiration to watch.
    She is the idol of what every true American should be. And she has done all this as a foreign born lady who truly loves America.
    Too bad Dr Taitz is not a ‘natural born citizen’ She would be a better fit in the WH than obama.
    The presence of this lady strikes true fear in the hearts of the enemy. Taitz ranks along
    Golden Mier and Thatcher; infamous woman who have made an impression on history.
    Someday, the name Taitz will rank along side of those woman who have molded history.
    Thank you Dr. Taitz.
    Glad to be a supporter and will continue to help whenever I can.
    Dr. Taitz has done this with personal and financial sacrifice. Thru the Irony Fund,
    (a simple name for donations)we can all help Orley; as we cannot write up briefs, travel, attend shows, speak at meetings,write articles, and do all the necessary things that are necessary to bring the evil machine down to its knees; we ask Orley to do it for us.
    I have sent a donation from my meager tax refund, and will send another donation when I get the State refund.
    I implore all of you people out there to also help Dr.Taitz, even if its only a meager $5.00 donation.
    Feel good after you do it because every dollar helps our cause.
    Every dollar is a pinprick on obama’s ass.
    Let’s make him look like a pincushion.
    Maybe I should name the next donation plea,
    “The Pincushion Fund”

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