What Trump wants to find in Clinton’s e-mails: I say he wants the name of the yoga instructor that needs to be fired and the name of the stylist who put Hillary in Mao Tse Tung’s jacket
Posted on | July 27, 2016 | 15 Comments
What Trump wants to find in Clinton’s e-mails: I say he wants the name of the yoga instructor that needs to be fired and the name of the stylist who put Hillary in Mao Tse Tung’s jacket
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
It doesn’t cease to amaze me, the level of unprecedented idiocy of the CNN pundits, like David Gregory and Jeff Zeleny. Of course, Gregory was kicked out of ABC, so CNN picked up this “Einstein” of deductive reasoning.
Trump stated today that Russia should release those 30,000 of “private” e-mails, which were deleted by Clinton from her private server which no longer exists, so the public would know what was really in 30,000 of her deleted e-mails.
David Gregory, Jeff Zeleny, Kathy Tur and other geniuses of CNN, NBC and other lackey networks started screaming that it is treason, that Trump encourages Russia to hack into Clinton’s server, that national security will be jeopardized and it is treason.
Well, geniuses, the server no longer exists, so Trump cannot encourage Russia to hack into the server that no longer exists. However, Romanian hacker Guccifer testified to the FBI and stated in interviews that he and 10 other people already hacked into her server. So, all Trump said is that if Russia already has her e-mails, they should release them. After all, if all the info is released, people who have the e-mails, cannot use them to blackmail Clinton.
Further, Clinton said that these are her private e-mails about yoga exercises, clothes and preparations for Chelsea’s wedding, so what national security will be jeopardized in disclosing those?
So, what Trump wants to find in those e-mails? Here my suggestions.
Firstly, if Hillary did so many yoga exercises that she had to send 30,000 e-mails about them, and these are the results, then her yoga instructor has to be FIRED!!! I say, Trump wants to do public service and reveal to the public what yoga instructor should be FIRED!!!
Secondly, he probably wants to know which stylist dressed Hillary in Mao Tse Tung’s jacket. (see below Hillary and Mao Tse Tung in identical jackets) I say Trump wants to tell the stylist: You are FIRED.!!!
Maybe, Trump wants to know, who gave 2 billion dollars to Clinton’s foundation and did the money go to starving children in Africa or for Hillary to buy $12,000 jackets, for Chelsea to go to resorts for $35,000 per night or for Bill to give money to his close friend, known to Secret Service as “energizer bunny”, who frequents Bill when Hillary is not there.
The public should provide their suggestions on what Trump wants to find in the e-mails.
And yes, if CNN and NBC and the rest of our bought and paid for media want to talk about treason, how about inviting me to talk about Obama’s use of a stolen Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 and his use of toilet paper for IDs. The silence of networks on that issue is treason in my opinion and it will take Trump as the US president to end this treason and send to prison all of the accomplices. (Evidence of forgery, fraud, fabrication in Obama’s IDs)
Tags: Clinton foundation > Donald Trump > Dr. Orly Taitz > ESQ > Hillary Clinton > jacket > Mao Tse Tung > yoga
15 Responses to “What Trump wants to find in Clinton’s e-mails: I say he wants the name of the yoga instructor that needs to be fired and the name of the stylist who put Hillary in Mao Tse Tung’s jacket”
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July 28th, 2016 @ 4:14 am
LMAO Orly. You are so right !!! Fire the the yoga instructor and try the tailor for treason because he is obviously a communist.
July 28th, 2016 @ 4:51 am
More important is why she spent $ 10,000 on that jacket. Probably because it was the taxpayers money.
July 28th, 2016 @ 5:36 am
July 28th, 2016 @ 5:49 am
Interesting, tidbit !!!! Bill Still – Russia is obligated by Treaty, to return any captured emails !!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FqLBbqCQQU
July 28th, 2016 @ 8:47 am
Russia obligated to turn over Hillary’s Email by treaty
Treaty Between The United States of America and The Russian Federation On Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters:
[Senate Treaty Document 106-22] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office]
106th Congress Treaty Doc. 2d Session SENATE 106-22
July 28th, 2016
July 28th, 2016 @ 1:29 pm
In English, that is noted “Mousey Dung”
July 28th, 2016 @ 2:02 pm
LOL! OMG! I’m laughing my head off!
Oh, Orly, love the category!
You are so damned funny! Trump also has a sense of humor! Guess how?
Last night on the DNC had had the lefty panelists actually getting serious with this!!!
And I heard them discuss about how this should be sent to DOJ or someone who would look into this! LOL!
And these clowns were serious! I thought Mark Shields was going to either going into shock? or have appoplexy! LOL!
I knew Trump was pranking their butts off! LOL!
And others were commenting on this, “serious” breach of ethics by Trump!
And didn’t that general do the same?
LOL! They can’t find enough ways to try to stop Trump!
LOL! God, these people are useless!
Yeah, Orly, these are the “Einsteins” that are running our Nation!
And I kept thinking:…why didn’t they go after O this way???? But we found out that they are as NWO as O!
Go Trumper, Go!
More humor…this shows everyone just how treasonous this crowd really is!
They also got the “Sheeple” in the audience baying at the moon, sun, stars!!! LOL!
They just got a look at Trumps sense of humor!
July 28th, 2016 @ 3:19 pm
It is hard to imagine that Bill and Hillary are so careful that they pick the tarmac in the outskirts of an airport to plan their legal cover ups but use email for everything else. These people are in charge of our well being. It makes me ill.
July 28th, 2016 @ 3:24 pm
Hillary getting a NEGATIVE bounce:
July 28th, 2016 @ 6:17 pm
July 28th, 2016 @ 6:59 pm
Are any of your sons backing the racist xenophobic demagogue?
July 28th, 2016 @ 7:12 pm
Some really smart attorney (and I know one) should look into the Clinton Foundation money laundering.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is an investigative reporter for WND and the author, most recently, of “Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit.” His book comes more than a year after Peter Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash” detailed alleged State Department favors Hillary Clinton performed for nations and individuals that donated to the Clinton Foundation or paid Bill Clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars for a speech.
Corsi told WND and Radio America his efforts to shut down the Clinton Foundation have a much simpler focus.
“What I’m maintaining is there is a much easier offense to go after, and that’s what’s called inurement. Inurement is a criminal offense, and it means you run a charity for your own benefit,”
Much easier to prove than the kind of corruption alleged by Schweizer.
You don’t need a quid pro quo, he said. You just show the financial reporting is so apparently fraudulent and so masking of money that you know went through the corporation because the United Nations reports more that they gave to the Clinton Foundation reports they got. Where did the additional missing money go?
Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2016/07/bestselling-author-clintons-run-money-laundering-ring/#WivsY43Pc92hyeP4.99
July 28th, 2016 @ 9:04 pm
Trump changed the subject of the whole DNC convention on a dime with one sarcastic remark. He owns the democrats and the press.
July 29th, 2016 @ 6:12 am
the article did not have one single racist or xenophobic word
July 29th, 2016 @ 6:37 pm
Admire all the comedy. Very well stated too.
As for critic Faulkner, send him back to
Mississippi. Such a nasty jerk, IMO.
Alert them, Danno!!!