

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

What is the beauty of AZ twin laws?

Posted on | April 23, 2010 | 10 Comments

The beauty of AZ twin laws, is that not only Obama will not be re-elected, but he can be arrested as an illegal alien and deported back to Kenya.

That is, after he is criminally prosecuted and serves time for the Social Security fraud.


10 Responses to “What is the beauty of AZ twin laws?”

  1. FreedomMom
    April 23rd, 2010 @ 4:41 pm

    you got that straight… I think we should invite him…

  2. Thomas
    April 23rd, 2010 @ 5:08 pm

    That is an interesting concept , except that I think ” OBAMA ” may actually be a citizen [ as much as I hate to state this , but He is married to Michelle , and as far as I know she is a U.S. Citizen ] ( though in no way is he a ” Natural born Citizen )

  3. Ken
    April 23rd, 2010 @ 5:59 pm

    yes please check it out/ his social security is


  4. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    April 23rd, 2010 @ 6:22 pm

    he never applied for his citizenship based on marriage, he continued the old fraud

  5. Thomas
    April 23rd, 2010 @ 6:46 pm

    Dr Orly Taitz , this is one of your many talents ( ie ) Legalities , therefore If “OBAMA ” has done such , then I would think that He is guilty , because He may actually not even be a U.S. Citizen , It is really looking like the bottom is starting to fall out on ” OBAMA “

  6. Veritas
    April 24th, 2010 @ 12:23 am

    and even had he been “naturalized,” that kind of “citizenship” can be revoked!

    And is it possible that in Kenya they are telegraphing something to us in America?

    Obama goes walking in the vicinity of the Kenyan Embassy.

    Two times in two weeks members of the Kenyan Government assure the World that Obama is truly “KENYAN-BORN” while the Minister of Lands then asks when Obama will “REPATRIATE HIMSELF!”

    Has he prepared an Exile Escape route right to the Embassy and then “back home” when it is finally abundantly clear that he is going to face trial? As Sarah would say “I betcha!”

  7. hippybiker
    April 24th, 2010 @ 4:37 am

    I’m moving to Florida in May to help out my mom(also to get the h*ll out of Obama land(Sh*tCago area). she told me “make sure you bring your birth certificate, otherwise you will have trouble getting your florida drivers license. Seems Florida is getting like AZ….They want the illegals out.

  8. Catbertt
    April 24th, 2010 @ 9:28 am

    Other than the fact that they violate the US Constitution…Oh well, the citizens of Arizona get to pay the court costs of losing again.

  9. L.Amm Fromm
    April 24th, 2010 @ 11:03 am

    Hello Orly,
    You write “he never applied for his citizenship based on marriage” in above reply.
    Just a hint, as it may come up in your own fight for Secretary of State in CA: are you prepared to tell the public about your own citizenship and when it was granted ?

  10. Martin Pinsky
    April 24th, 2010 @ 11:57 am

    Orly Good for you all around– youbare a nfighter no doubt.

    Some are saying Larkin should have had legal advice prior to taking his stand– in the militray format does not augur according to informed military law opinions.

    Frankly as revered as is our constitution and our vaunted system of law I do not think that progress can be made in standard by the rules fashion. I know who the enemies are and many won’t touch this–will mention them in a moment.

    Sinclair is an eccentric but i think he has opened a can of worms. true he is very easy to attack and much of his position is hearsay and difficult to substantiate, but I think there is a point or two in his writings that can open a few doors to see into the Obama mania and mindset. Sinclair is not stupid i have spoken to him and he is quite lucid and fair minded– he is not a grifter–does not sound or speak like one and I have met a few in my travels. There are two pooints of contention that need further examinationZ: the death of young and drugs– the homosexual suggestions would prove valid on the heals of the other two.

    What Obama may be hiding is not so much concern over the validty of his citizenship requires for the office he holds –as you can see the judges are lock armed on it–discovery might as well be on alpha centauri. I think Obama’s real concern is a criminal record and arrest for drug sales and dealing as a source of income for campaigning in alinsky land chicago.

    You know, use a little commonsense, on one square block is Obama’s house, Ayers house and calypso joe Farakhans house. Claypso joe is an honored guest in Syria–and our vaunted governmnet did not snaction Farakhan for going to syria at a time when it was restricted– his answer when challenged was: I am a free black man and can go any damned place I want”- seems whites are very intimidated by blacks in any position of power or authority–because they did not even slap his hand—look at congressman jefferson getting a year–after being convicted and snetenced to straighten out his affairs—only in america a don king says.

    Do you notice the persistant tinge of any isreal and by extention ant- semiticism issuing from the arab kiss ass administration?
    Everytime Farrakhan ngets some syrian money he goes off in anti semitic tirades—piece of shit that he is–came here in a flying saucer don’t you know bt his own admission– hey maybe he might consider leaving in one.

    I think what Obama is hiding is drug involvement as per his for instance, 1981 trip to pakistan–and why is michelle’s records sealed as well what post does she hold– this faux black hilary husband basher? She was disbarred–or didn’t you know-

    fine bunch huh? Young’s death maybe the biggest coverup of all- and the chicago police– wonder if the need a knapp commission there as well. Obama and wright never deposed in Young’s death–wonder why?

    If sinclair is right in Obama easily accessing cocaine in ther two day sex tryst, then it follows that he easily and swiftly accessed the cocaine, ipso factor he had a source or he was the source-. THAt is what he may be hiding– perhaps there may have been an arrest or a means to access that arrest in time and space covered somewhere or somehow–even if the police expunged the record or perhaps michele’s as well—something to think about huh?

    Obvama is desperate to keep his business sealed–no matter what– the constitutional violation maybe secondary in his thoughts if there at all– there my be something far less abstract at hand here– seal micheles records as welll!!!!! what the hell is that all about– in fact what the hell is this bum all about and why is he getting away with all this crap–the answer–are ypou sitting and ready to give up on me forever?—the answer is the HOUSE OF BUSH AND HOUSE OF SAUD- Bush went fiancuially rogue and nuts toward the end of his administration– the frying pan of paulison goldman sachs into the obama fire of to big to fail—

    USE COMMON SENSE– dmaned Obama is nobody from nowhere thrust into this high office by whom?

    Why is there no drilling off shore or in alaska-

    yet our bum pressident with soros involved gets alot of money off to Brazil to drill off shore— OBAMA is a puppet and he came into contact as a result of muslim contacts in school and through LOL Soetoro–and through his Grandfather—-he early became a fair haired boy prepped for manchurian candidate mindsets. His arab friends– one became CEO of Pepsico—put him on to a saudi billionaire- who has large interests in GOLDMAN SACHS AND CITI CORP–big enough?. The saudi oil money in concert with the biggest and most powerful american family on earth–the BUSHES– is paying off the entire damned country– the demo congressmen are not worried- hell if the can getlandreau a couple of hundred million whats 10 or 20 million to a congressman of 50 million to a senator– rotten apples? you bet– reotten to the core-
    Captalism and greed is hard to square with constitutional democracy–the whole damned country is for sale and is being bought off with unltimited oil money from our muslim friends– you know the ones that so love isreal–DOES OBAMA LOVE ISREAL? Obama is a fifth columnist pan arab traitor– a puppet bought and sold and if he gets up a head of steam he is drawn up bu a visit to the white house receiving line by two people uninvited who could have plunged a plastic or wood knife right into his eye on the receiving line– same with the air force one flight over NYC without Obama in it– don’t beleieve the press bullshit they too– many in failing financial ppsitions are enjoying the largess of saudi money to cooperate— hard to remove the media and press from being stuck to obamas ass isn’t it.

    Mr and mrs america you are being fucked around with and we must be careful this cancer on our lives and fortunes does not matastacise into civil war or worse a coup de’etat–who flew air force one– who were those people that snuck in to the white house. his demise is fait accompli if his controllers withdraw as Obama–not his legal name- and he rushes 30,000,000 illterate non SS paying lettuce pickers into complete citizenship taking the test in spanish of course before nov. 4th of this year–at that time there will be 30,000,000 people out of work and the egg instead of leaking will crack open and the machine of american life will overheat under the extraordinary compression of this treachery.

    Then the worse news of Obama et al- and many controllers in governmnet in the rotting barrel of rotting apples in governmnet is a unfied militia under retired officers– and if they have the moxy and experience of the secret army in france– they will bring this governmnet down if they have to rather than continance this traitor daily destroying our ghts and values. He is encouraging the destruction of Isreal–won’t happen- but it will encourage world war three– no way the isrealis are oing down – the house of bush and the house of saud are involved in this as well and Bush is in many ways just as culpable as is the puppet Obama. Let me se in telling you what isreal said so you will know there is no way the jews are going down ever again after being fucked around with for 2000 years.
    In Gulf war one–bushes daddy’s war- the scuds were raining down on Tel Aviv – with high explosives- sadam Hussein ( same as middle name as Obama – barack is the name of the white horse of muhammed)received a brief note from isreal: You send nerve gas, we nuke bagdad.” Nuke and Netanyahu both start with an N– we can use a leader like him here–instead of this weak sister liar, anti semite- anti american pan arab commie traitor and apologist.

    Time to camp out at the white house 24/7 wouldn’t you say. maybe some serious second amendment demonstrations–maybe this piece of dog shit can get a hint before 2,ooo,ooo vets head down there slinging arms.

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