

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

What addition of sarah Palin means

Posted on | November 28, 2009 | 16 Comments

Submitted on 009/11/27 at 4:55pm

Sarah Palin is a private citizen; no different from you and me, and as such she/we has/have no ’standing’ to prove she/we was/were individually hurt by Obama’s ‘emaculation’ — to use a Rush Limbaugh phrase.

There is no reason to pick on Sarah Palin when there are 40 Republican U.S. Senators and 178 Republican Congressmen who have done nothing; while they clearly have the necessary
’standng’ to do something/everything that is required to resolve this issue.

Direct your anger to a proper source.


Sarah Palin has perfect standing, as well as McCain. They ran as candidates of a major party. if not for Obama’s fraud they would be the president and vice president. She can show damage and standing. Instead of being intimidated by Obama’s thugs in MSM and  selling out for a few million dollars book deal, she needs to stand up and do the right thing and either join as an additional plaintiff in my motion for reconsideration or motion for leave of court to file a second amended complaint. With her on board we can get immediate discovery. The moment the stay of discovery is lifted, Obama will be gone within 24 hours. we all know he has nothing to show. Democratic party big wigs will be the first to knock on his door with an offer he can’t refuse. They can’t afford a public trial of a sitting Democratic party president and a chance of him being convicted of massive fraud and treason, that will signify total annihilation of the democratic party, or at least a major blow to the party.



16 Responses to “What addition of sarah Palin means”

  1. truthbetold11
    November 28th, 2009 @ 4:13 pm

    The efforts are tremendous. Something has to give soon. The courts are afraid of one word RIOTS thats it. To many stupid people just wont understand just like the rodney king thing they all wents nuts. samething here his zombats wont understand because they are brain washed. We need to keep up the truth getting out something will burst the bubble

  2. Elizabeth
    November 28th, 2009 @ 5:12 pm

    If Sarah Palin is the key to getting
    this into the court system
    and the whole mess over with,

    she doesn’t know it, or she would
    be on board in a heartbeat…. don’t
    you think?

    Therefore, someone who has access
    to her either through emails or
    phone calls or …???? needs to
    let her know.. Does she have
    a FACEBOOK??? I should think
    that would be an avenue to pursue.

    Unless a person is aware of the
    necessity for her involvement,
    nothing will ever be accomplished
    in that respect.

    Dr. Taitz has more pull and
    influence than we, the readers,

    Now Sarah is on her FACEBOOK…
    that is an indication that Sarah
    is amenable to being an asset
    in this endeavor.

    Just my thoughts on this
    frustrating subject.

  3. motley
    November 28th, 2009 @ 5:44 pm

    Well, we just have to be willing and brave enough to face riots. Could the Military be called in since the rioters would be traitors as well in trying to overthrow the government because their impostor government was ousted?

  4. Yephora
    November 28th, 2009 @ 5:56 pm

    Wow Orly, when you put it that way, it makes perfect sense. Imagine, gone in 24 hrs? And his whole stinking thugocracy with him?? Sarah _does_ need to get on board! Thank you.

  5. ihveit
    November 28th, 2009 @ 6:15 pm

    i wish mrs palin would join the fight but i doubt she will… as to obama i personally dont want him to resign i want him convicted along with a lots of others involved.. and if it destroys the demo party so much the better because i know many of them are in this fraud anyhow…

    as to one poster concerned aobut riots.. let me say this..it wont be riots like the rodny king things.. this will be a civil war and you CAN BET those starting the riots will lose..

    personally with any riot i would never (and i mena never) sit back and watch a bunch of idiots destroy my property.. and that was he problem from the first riot .. everyone was afraid to do anything because of the law.. had they defended their property you can rest assured that would have put an end to such nonsense..

  6. Edward Paard
    November 28th, 2009 @ 6:55 pm

    it seems to me that with gov. palin’s book tour well known, you might have luck going to her at a book signing and giving her all the documentation and presentments that you have, much the same way you did chief justice roberts a few months ago. obviously her handlers are the ones keeping her from the truth, much the same way the court clerks keep interfering with your cases in the court.

  7. thistle
    November 28th, 2009 @ 7:31 pm

    If riots is what they are afraid of, then it’s most important that there be a list of crimes committed by Obama during the time he’s been sitting POTUS and every single news media needs to read each of these crimes to the American people or be accused of treason themselves. They played a major part in getting this Chicago thug elected and what they did was treasonous, as far as I, and many, are concerned.

    I don’t worry so much about riots as I do about there being another revolution. Either way, American lives will be lost and that’s a sad thing. But without our freedoms and our country back, I personally would not wish to live. Many people feel the same way as, this last year or so, everything seems upside down. Good is bad, and bad is good. I don’t understand that.

    If they think riots are bad, wait until Obama closes the banks or the dollar hits bottom and becomes worthless. Even good people will be doing bad things if they or their families get hungry enough or can’t buy necessities. I say, let the riots begin, and get this usurper out as soon as possible before everyone in the country is hurting.

  8. Michelle
    November 28th, 2009 @ 7:37 pm

    Dear Dr. Orly-I have been a registered Democrat
    due only to President Kennedy (too young to vote for him). I don’t know what happened to the Democratic party since the presidents murder. I first saw something was really insane when the DNC fraudulently stole the nomination from Mrs. Clinton. Who could trust them after that point? Then all of this insanity started with Obama, I am from the suburbs of Chicago, they went to one of the most corrupt areas on Earth that cesspool of corruption South Side of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. I don’t know if the DNC will ever recover from the fraud that they have committed. Most of my Democratic friends will never vote for them again. They chose the path of corruption, we did not and I’m not going with them. They are supposed to be a political party not a criminal organization. They are fooling no one.

  9. Proud to be American
    November 28th, 2009 @ 7:43 pm

    You don’t give up, do you? You stupid russian bitch. You have absolutely no clue. Doesn’t matter. In just a few weeks or months you’ll be having fun at the expense of the taxpayers in an institution full of people like you.

  10. Mudbug
    November 28th, 2009 @ 9:46 pm

    “Proud to be American” are you insane or just plain ignorant to the facts as they are laid out in front of you?

    You & your “ilk” are the main reason this country is facing this fiasco.

    You offer NO PROOF of anything to support your uninformed opinion,like most all those that support this administration.

    It requires a reasoning mind to see the actual FACTS and formulate an opinion that is rational instead of insane rantings and insults.

    Unfortunately,your side of the issue doesn’t seem to have a shread of PROOF to substantiate ANY of your opinions.

    If you think there are people that will be detained in “camps” to satisfy your insane thoughts…then I have to really question your assertion of being “American” sounds more like another type of regime.True Americans are cut from a different cloth than your ideas….Thank God!

  11. Elizabeth
    November 28th, 2009 @ 11:17 pm

    To the ‘proud to be an American’

    It is easy to hide behind
    a message board, isn’t it?
    Cowards and traitors are
    all alike in that respect.

    We who ARE Americans, in truth,
    are not proud to have you
    in the same country that we
    are trying to save.

    Is it possible that you are
    accustomed to a life of
    tyranny and deprivation?
    and want it to contine
    in that socialist/neo-nazi
    climate? Your venemous
    outpouring is very much
    like Hitler’s against
    the Jews in Germany.
    That must be your upbringing.

    Americans want to save this
    country from that type of
    a life-style.

    In all sincerity, I would hope
    that you open your eyes to what
    is going on right under your
    nose… and if that isn’t working
    for you, then attend classes
    on what democracy entails.

    It isn’t about trillions of dollars
    in debt to Red China, a country
    that has murdered and imprisoned
    and tortured, to this day,
    innocent people.

    It isn’t about lying to those
    who trusted you and elected you.
    Nor ignoring for months a general’s
    plea for more supportive troops,
    while the men/women fight a
    war that is horrific.

    It isn’t about spending millions
    to keep your proof of citizenship
    from the people you serve, and
    as deemed in the Constitution,
    which Obama side-stepped through
    underhanded ways and means.

    This empty suit, Obama, has so many
    flaws and criminal acts that only
    someone who has the same tendencies
    would blindly defend him.
    He has committed and been involved
    in so many frauds and nefarious
    deeds, that it would
    take 3 pages to list them all.
    The above is only the tip of
    the iceberg that is Obamanation.

    Dr. Taitz is a true American;
    far more educated than you
    appear to be from your
    writing style.

    She loves this country and
    wants to save it from the
    ignorance we see emanating
    from your message; sadly,
    you aren’t the only
    subversive who has no
    clue as to what you are
    talking about.

    If only the true Americans
    could weed out those
    subversive wretches,
    who would destroy
    it from within.

    Instead of being angry,
    educate yourself. Go to
    classes that teach what
    being a ‘proud American’
    really is. You might
    end up saving your own

  12. dp
    November 28th, 2009 @ 11:39 pm


    You are right Sarah Palin could very easily cause major issues for Obama if she joined your group. I actually think you would have a good chance at discovery because of it. I also believe that she would be taking a very big political risk if she wants to be President. Let’s just say if for some reason you still couldn’t get discovery or were stopped in the process she would be a sitting duck for the media to pounce on her for what they would spin as being a birther nutcase. She could totally kiss her career goodbye at that point. On the other hand as a patriot I would find it very hard not to do what is right for the country and if I did succeed then that would be a stepping stone to become president.
    I think her advisers are going to discourage her from joining you but unless you ask and present the facts who knows what she might do.

  13. Elizabeth
    November 29th, 2009 @ 1:43 pm

    I disagree with the assesssment
    that Sarah Palin would ruin
    her chances for presidency,
    by joining Dr. Taitz to
    remove a traitor and an impostor.
    She would be another heroine
    in the eyes of millions of

    Frankly, the media is on her
    case constantly nowadays,
    with no just cause. The
    anchors and reporters and
    blogs are merciless in their
    venom, and for no reason aside
    from her Christian beliefs.

    The woman is, along with Orly,
    someone who has integrity, wisdom,
    courage, and indifference to the
    negativism of the ignorant. As
    someone said, ‘Consider the source’
    when you read denigrating reports,
    filled with hatred.

    There has been from time memorial,
    GOOD vs. EVIL.

    Choosing which side to join and
    assist, you make enemies, no matter
    what you choose.

    In God’s eyes… there is no
    alternative. You choose GOOD
    every time.

    I believe Ms. Palin would be
    honored to join the ranks of

  14. Leslie
    November 29th, 2009 @ 2:52 pm

    Palin is just another neo-con but in prettier clothing. She is the pig with lipstick. With that said, lets hope she still has a little bit of pride and love for country and considers signing on, or in the least endorsing Orly’s work.

  15. Elizabeth
    November 29th, 2009 @ 5:34 pm


    You must have grown up
    in a permissive environment
    where one used crude and
    vulgur speech about another
    human being, whom you have
    never met nor know on a personal

    There is no uplifting
    spirit in your message
    regarding a woman who
    has values, education, and
    a vision for America’s future.

    As with Dr. Orly, these women
    are Esthers, (if you know your
    Bible) and are, though not purposely,
    in the same category as historic
    martyrs, fighting for the cause of

    Women who have manners and
    godly principles, along with
    a high value system, are
    misrepresented and attacked,
    by foolish and ignorant people.

    It takes stamina, energy,
    and the courage of one’s convictions
    to do what is right for one’s
    neighbor and the country, plus
    one needs the innate
    sense of what is Good and what
    is Evil. Some people are not
    born with this gift.

    Every word we utter and write
    and think is one day accountable
    to the Creator.

    Remember this:defamatory speech
    is not becoming
    to a lady or a gentleman.

  16. Elizabeth
    December 1st, 2009 @ 2:59 pm

    I have taken the liberty of sending
    Sarah Palin via FACEBOOK
    Dr. Orly’s comment about how Sarah
    would be beneficial in the Cause.

    I explained about Obama’s many
    nefarious faults and his plans
    for this country, his czars
    and his lack of eligiblity.

    Also, I sent her a speech by a member
    of Parliament, in Holland,
    about the Islamization of Europe.

    He says the same is happening in America.
    His name is Geert Wilders and the speech
    is long, so I broke it up into 2 parts.

    He said that if Israel falls into
    the same plight, giving in to the
    Muslims, it will not solve the
    eternal conflict but only give the
    Muslims more courage to continue to
    dominate the world, including U.S.

    He states that England and France
    are overrun by Muslims who
    attack and harass
    anyone who is not of their belief.
    Not only are they a thorn in the
    side of citizens in Europe, but
    they are intent on destroying
    any other society so they can
    make it their own culture.
    Mosques are everywhere and
    more being constructed.

    I would like to post his speech
    but it is too long for this board.

    I had suggested someone contact
    Mrs. Palin through FACEBOOK.

    Since no one seemed to volunteer,
    I had to join FACEBOOK myself
    just for that purpose.

    She needs to have at least
    the chance to refuse.

    I have faith in her and hope
    it will be rewarded.