Very important update. Today on Peter Boyle show in CO John Sampson admitted that Arpaio told him not to show up in court in Indiana, and he, Zullo and Arpaio made a deal not to show up in court and not to testify!!!This means that three of them made a deal not to comply with court subpoenas
Posted on | October 18, 2012 | 24 Comments
Today I was on Peter Boyle show in Colorado. At this show I told listeners about the trial in Indiana and told them that they can help with something, specifically they can help by contacting John Sampson, who is running for Colorado state Senate, who appeared in my case before, to show up in court and authenticate his sworn affidavit.
Peter Boyle had his producer call Sampson and put him on the radio as well. He asked him, why is he not willing to show up and testify.
He stated that he is running for office and his time is important for him. He also said that he got involved with Sheriff Arpaio, who told him not to come and not to testify, and Arpaio, investigator Zullo and he (former deportation officer John Sampson) made a deal not to show up in court and not to testify in any of my cases after this deal was made sometime in May. Sampson claimed that it was done because of ongoing investigation, so that he will not have to state on the stand something that is part of the investigation.
I responded that first and for most this trial has to do with the national security, with the well being of the country, which is more important than his campaign. I will pay for his air fare and his hotel, just as I paid for everything when he came to testify in Georgia. All he has to do, is show up for 5 minutes and attest to the judge that he is John Sampson, that is his signature on the affidavit and it is all true and correct under the penalty of perjury.
He is not expected to reveal any secrets or any confidential information from an ongoing investigation. He and Arpaio and Zullo are required to comply with court ordered subpoenas and appear in court and confirm only what they already made public and made a part of their public sworn affidavits.
I told them that Arpaio went around the country and made speeches and collected millions of dollars, when he promised people that this will be prosecuted. Arpaio made all the information public himself. However, after he raised all this money, he did not submit a criminal complaint to the FBI. There is no evidence of any complaint to the District Attorney and there are no charges filed by the District Attorney and he is refusing to appear in court and simply authenticate to the judge that what he put in his affidavit is true and correct.
I am asking people to contact both Arpaio’s campaign in AZ and John Sampson campaign in CO and demand that they show up pursuant to subpoenas. If you donated to either one of them, believing that they promote the issue of eligibility, and now you see them refusing to show up in court and simply confirm to the judge their own sworn affidavits, it means that their behavior is opposite to what they claimed when you gave them a donation. In my opinion you can ask for a refund of your donation to both of them. This is despicable. People, who claim to be the leaders of the community, who claim to lead the fight end up causing damage.
Now we have an admission from John Sampson that Arpaio is the root of the problem, that Arpaio told him not to testify, that a deal was made, a pact was made between him, Arpaio and Zullo not to show up in court and to disregard court issued subpoenas.
Here is a response from one of the listeners of the show:
peter boyles radio show / arpaio unload :
GREGJ | 8:09 AM (22 minutes ago)
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8:55 AM (7 minutes ago)
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24 Responses to “Very important update. Today on Peter Boyle show in CO John Sampson admitted that Arpaio told him not to show up in court in Indiana, and he, Zullo and Arpaio made a deal not to show up in court and not to testify!!!This means that three of them made a deal not to comply with court subpoenas”
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October 18th, 2012 @ 8:45 am
Can’t you have the judge call Sampson and Arpaio by phone and order him to testify via speakerphone? If they hang up on the judge, you can ask for contempt can’t you?
October 18th, 2012 @ 9:34 am
according to Sampson the subpoena was not made out properly-but it was only a lame excuse not to do the right thing- I would expect a man of his position to answer a subpoena-
October 18th, 2012 @ 9:45 am
Can you post here the telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses of these gentleman?
I have some information that LORD JESUS CHRIST told me to tell them. LORD JESUS CHRIST said it is Hid Holy Will of God for them to stand up and face evil crimes and lies and to defeat and overthrow evil crimes and sins against God and humanity by standing up in court with overthrow the USA and the world!! it is Lord Jesus CHrist’s Holy Will that these men stand up and etner into court their honest adn true information. in court about their legal findingss
October 18th, 2012 @ 9:45 am
Can you post here the telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses of these gentleman?
I have some information that LORD JESUS CHRIST told me to tell them. LORD JESUS CHRIST said it is Hid Holy Will of God for them to stand up and face evil crimes and lies and to defeat and overthrow evil crimes and sins against God and humanity by standing up in court with overthrow the USA and the world!! it is Lord Jesus CHrist’s Holy Will that these men stand up and etner into court their honest adn true information. in court about their legal findingss
October 18th, 2012 @ 10:18 am
Arpaio sent me info to donate a while back to his election fund. Glad i did not. What about the Sunrise tea party? Any comments from them?
October 18th, 2012 @ 10:21 am
Attention to all you Colorado Voters.
Demand that John N. Sampson appear in Court on October 22nd in Indiana.
Is John N. Sampson above THE LAW?
He has been officially served with a subpoena that command him to appear in court on October 22nd. in Indiana.
If John N. Sampson doesn’t show up in court on October 22nd. in Indiana, the ‘DON’T VOTE FOR HIM” on November 6th, because you don’t want a “TUENCOAT COWARD” as a State Senator, do you?
October 18th, 2012 @ 10:25 am
Attention to all you Colorado Voters.
Demand that John N. Sampson appear in Court on October 22nd in Indiana.
Is John N. Sampson above THE LAW?
He has been officially served with a subpoena that command him to appear in court on October 22nd. in Indiana.
If John N. Sampson doesn’t show up in court on October 22nd. in Indiana, then “DON’T VOTE FOR HIM” on November 6th, because you don’t want a “TURNCOAT COWARD” as a State Senator, do you?
October 18th, 2012 @ 10:39 am
Want to say: Why would Sampson just go along with Arpaio and do what Arpaio told him to do? Was he paid off? By whom? Why would Sampson turn on Dr Orly and then, cooperate with these two “law enforcement” officers, after being of help to Dr Orly all this time? All this is ridiculous! ……Here’s my hope: I hope that Sampson DOESN’T GET ELECTED and Arpaio DOESN’T GET RE-ELECTED!!! And…Dr Orly, don’t pay for anything involving these three guys. Make ’em pay for everything themselves! And…if they don’t show up, then, eat’em alive in court afterwards! And make it so that their local communities (THINK, SEE, HEAR, AND UNDERSTAND) what they’ve done!) That should put a kink in their election campaigns! This is just treasonous!
October 18th, 2012 @ 10:44 am
So Samson is out, Arpaio is out, Zullo is out. Who is testifying? Daniels, Papa and Strunk? I’d focus on prepping them instead of using your valuable time chasing the three stooges. As you said, you gave them most of what they put in their affidavits anyway.
October 18th, 2012 @ 11:08 am
A politician showing his colors; I want to represent you, but I don’t want to do what is right cause it is an inconvenience for me now. We don’t need people of this charactor in our Colorado legislature. Ditto for Arpaio, Zullo. Obama has set a precedent that shows future corrupt politicans how it’s done. Scary
October 18th, 2012 @ 11:09 am
On Drudge in Red letters:
POLLS: Romney takes first lead in electoral college…
October 18th, 2012 @ 12:01 pm
If they all got together and discussed this and then decided not to appear even though they have been subpoenaed, isn’t that conspiracy to obstruct justice?
October 18th, 2012 @ 12:33 pm
You are showing what Arpaio and co. are.
You are showing what the judges and court workers are.
You are showing the corruption in the judicial systems are.
You are America’s happy Amazon.
October 18th, 2012 @ 1:23 pm
Arpaio, Zullo, and Sampson obviously have no morals, ethics, or character…
October 18th, 2012 @ 1:40 pm
Joan is right. How about a motion to compel Sampson to be available by phone from 10-12 on the day of trial. I’m sure that Judge in Indiana would agree if you can guarantee that you have personal knowledge that Sampson will not appear.
October 18th, 2012 @ 1:57 pm
If John Sampson and Sheriff Arpaio are conspiring to obstruct justice, can you add them to the RICO case?
October 18th, 2012 @ 3:21 pm
Dr. Taitz makes the news in Arizona. Beauty vs. The Beast!!!
October 18th, 2012 @ 4:44 pm
An agreement to not show up for trial? Sounds like a conspiracy to me.
October 18th, 2012 @ 8:48 pm
If Joe is holding information to a crime could he not be supoened?
October 18th, 2012 @ 8:50 pm
It is hard for me to think they would do this if they did not have to legally do this. Why would the guy running for office not want Joe to appear? What is his stake in this?
October 18th, 2012 @ 8:52 pm
You take not of this guy and make sure he goes down in the history books as just what he is and it seems he is obstructing Justice for Americans to have a legally sitting President. That would take someone who is being blackmailed, bought off or who is a Obama butt smoozing dog.
October 18th, 2012 @ 8:53 pm
Sorry, I meant to type ‘You take note of this guy and make sure he goes down in history….’
October 18th, 2012 @ 10:09 pm
he was, but he is not complying
October 19th, 2012 @ 3:33 pm
no, she does not allow phone testimony