Trump bans all Perkins Coie lawyers from federal positions. The law clerk for federal judge in my Obama case was Perkins Coie plant
Posted on | March 6, 2025 | No Comments
Trump bans all Perkins Coie lawyers from federal positions. The law clerk for federal judge in my Obama case was Perkins Coie plant
“The order will also prohibit federal agencies from hiring Perkins Coie LLP employees, barring specific authorization, and it “will prohibit funding contractors that use Perkins Coie LLP.”
“The Federal Government will halt all material and services, including sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) access provided to Perkins Coie LLP and restrict its employees’ access to government buildings,” according to the document.
The order will also prohibit federal agencies from hiring Perkins Coie LLP employees, barring specific authorization, and it “will prohibit funding contractors that use Perkins Coie LLP.”
There will be a “rigorous” review of all contracts between the law firm and the federal government, and agency heads will be directed, as legal, to terminate contracts.
“The practices of Perkins Coie LLP will be reviewed under Title VII to ensure compliance with civil rights laws against racial bias,” the document adds.
Trump stripped today security clearance from all employees of Perkins Coie-“Russian Collusion” law firm, their lawyer Judith Corley delivered Obama’s “birth certificate” from HI and another employee was a plant-law clerk to federal judge David O Carter in my case in CA, where I provided evidence of Obama using a stolen CT SSN and other bogus IDs
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