

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

This request was received by certified mail at SSA on October 8, they were supposed to either provide the info or deny my request within 30 days. It has been 80 days. Two letters, stating they are processing the request, but no answer. Today I sent a final demand to respond within 10 days or another legal action will be filed and a formal complaint will be sent to the judicial committee of Congress.

Posted on | December 27, 2010 | 10 Comments


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ


Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100

Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688

Ms Dawn Wiggins

Social Security Administration

OEO FOIA Workgroup

300 N. Green Street

P.O. Box 33022

Baltimore, MD 21290-3022

Dear Ms. Higgins,

I am requesting US Code 5 §552 FOIA disclosure of the following information in regards to a number of matters where the disclosure of information under US code 5 §552 FOIA is essential in the interest of US National Security and preservation of the 14 th amendment Equal Protections rights of the U.S. Citizents. A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the 36,000 outlets of U.S. and International media, Inspector General of the Department of Justice, Public Integrity Unit, 

Requested information is as follows: 

1. Official SS- 5 Social security application for Stanley Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama,(Exhibit 1)  show it to be filled out in 1959, however on the bottom of the card, the revision  7/65. What does 7/65 mean? Does it mean Revision date 7/1965?

2.  What are the dates for the social security form SS-5 revisions?

3. Previously I requested release of Social Security number application 042-68-4425, issued  in the state of CT in and around 1977 to an elderly  individual born in 1890 and later assumed by Barack Obama. SSA refused to provide the application. Due to the fact that the full application was denied, I am requesting only partial information:

a. zip code to which the original card was mailed

b. gender of the applicant

c. date of the application

Please, see attached a sworn affidavit from a recently retired senior deportation officer of the department of Homeland Security John Sampson, attesting to the fact that it is a common practice to release partial the SS-5 application. (Exhibit 2)

4. Research of the National databases shows that there were several individuals born between 1890-1896, who obtained Social security cards shortly before passing away, possibly for the purpose of receipt of the Medicare benefits. I am requesting a certified photocopy of the original applications for ss-5 for these individuals, as they are deceased and privacy concerns would not apply in regards to deceased  individuals. Please see an enclosed check for the $27 fee per copy, made payable to the Social Security Administration, attached to the request

Bossing Margaret


Birth 07 January, 1896

Death November 1982

SS card issued around 1977


Born 30 May 1890

Died Apr 1979   8806810 (Danbury, Fairfield, CT)(none specified)

Connecticut 042-68-9248

Social security card issued between 1977-1979

5. If another individual assisted those elderly in filling out such SS application, I am requesting information on the name of the individual, who assisted the applicants as well as the official, who processed them.

6. Please, see attached sworn affidavit of a licensed investigator, certified by the department of the Homeland Security, Susan Daniels. It states the in the national databases name Barack Obama is linked to other social security numbers, among them 485-40-5154

This number was actually assigned to    Lucille T Ballantyne

born 12.22.1912

died  09.13.98

The son of Ms. Ballantyne, Harry C. Ballantyne was the Actuary of the Social security administration with an active to all social security records and death indexis. As  any change in the social security records is supposed to leave a paper trail and electronic trail, showing the access code of the employee, who effectuated the change, please advice, if the paper trail and/or electronic trail of such records shows  Mr. Harry C. Ballantyne, Actuary of the Social Security Administration, making any changes or alterations and/or additions to Social Security records  485-40-5154 and/or 042-68-4425, 042-68-4426, and/or 042-68-4427 or any other records, contained in the Affidavits of the investigators Sankey(Exhibit 4), Daniels(exhibit 3) and Sampson (Exhibit 1).

As breach of the integrity of the Social Security administration represents the matter of National security and the time is of the essence, I request a response to this request within 20 days,


Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ.- President of

Defend our Freedoms Foundation

 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100

Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688

Public Integrity Section

Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Washington DC 20530-0001

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders

The Honorable Mrs. Margaret Sekaggya

Palais des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

International Criminal bar Hague

United Nations Commission for

Civil Rights Defenders

Orsolya Toth (Ms)

Human Rights Officer

Civil and Political Rights Section

Special Procedures Division

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

tel: + 41 22 917 91 51

email: ototh@ohchr.org





Attn Dawn Wiggins

FOIA officer

Dear Ms. Wiggins,

Attached US code 5 §552 FOIA request was received by the Social Security administration on October 8, 2010. Requested information was supposed to be provided or denied within  30 days. It has been 80 days and there was no information provided nor was it denied.

At this time I am demanding a final response within 10 days from the date of this letter. If final response is not received, a legal action will be filed to enforce Freedom of Information rights. Additionally a formal complaint will be forwarded to the Judicial committee of Congress as well as Inspector General and the Public Integrity Unit of the Department of Justice.

Thank you in advance for your prompt and expedient cooperation.

National security is on the line.


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

President of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation


10 Responses to “This request was received by certified mail at SSA on October 8, they were supposed to either provide the info or deny my request within 30 days. It has been 80 days. Two letters, stating they are processing the request, but no answer. Today I sent a final demand to respond within 10 days or another legal action will be filed and a formal complaint will be sent to the judicial committee of Congress.”

  1. Redd
    December 27th, 2010 @ 4:42 pm
  2. Phil
    December 27th, 2010 @ 7:57 pm

    Orly:…It looks like these (S.S.) people are “stalling”…something like what you’ve seen from the judiciary! I think that if they don’t cooperate, the “House” Judiciary Committee will do some damage to their plans, after the 1st of the year!

    And please be aware, too, that if things start going a little too “easy”…then, that could mean they (Obama & that Hawaii governor, too) will be “up to something”! I wouldn’t trust the whole lot of them!

    It sounds “plausible” to me…that they could try to “fake” a “long-form” B.C.? Then, the Supremes give “discovery,” and it would “seem” that they have “allowed” that discovery and they produce a “fake” B.C.?

    And then, they can “shout”:…hey, we gave you discovery, and you Birthers still aren’t satisfied! Don’t “blink!!!” They’re all treasonous, so they will try “ANYTHING” to get their way!

    There have been too many “abnormal” situations that have been created for America…so that alone raises “red flags” all over the place!

    Let’s all keep Praying for Orly and the Supreme Court on Jan. 7th! This could/should become an historical day?! Remember the Prayer Time Line:
    East-(9pm); Midwest-(8pm); Mt Time-(7pm); and Pacific-(6pm)! The Power of Prayer and the effort put forth for America…and the knowledge that, God CAN DO ANYTHING! NEVER, EVER GIVE UP!

    Davey Crockett…

  3. Veritas
    December 27th, 2010 @ 8:39 pm

    Frightening to see the disdain of the Obama administration for citizens! This as the following (from Drudge) is happening in Venezuela:

    Venezuela’s Chavez makes first use of new powers…

    …dismisses critics as ‘crazy’

    Arrests more than 12,000 for ‘drug crimes’…

  4. Martin Pinsky
    December 27th, 2010 @ 9:04 pm

    Well, if anyone is a persistant and astute patriot itis you. All this great and good work you are doing may in the end be like plowing a field with a table fork in light of the blinders on our courts. This usurper has positioned himself very strongly behind 67,000,000 votes– the main reason the courts won’t touch this in the circular catch 22 of poticians tossing it at the judicary and the judicary saying it is a political matter and repeatedly discovery be damned.

    I hope you are in contact with another notable and noble fighting female like yourself–Brigette Gabriel–taking on the jihadist radical islamists and uncovering their front guises here in the States. She is quite brilliant and committed as you are and both of you are among my favorite battling personalities. She isperisitant like you are in trying to uncover this thin-yes thin but highly protected layer in the way of truth that can unseat this radical jihadist islamist president. In another time and in another place, when men had gonads he would have been phsyocally removed from office as the treasonous insult to your country that he is—a liar and a thief. I know alot about this man– the literature is voluminous—analyze and just put it together in your head and you will see who and what he is–with no small help from Klien’s Manchurian president a copy of which i sent you–the score is—two books sent, not a single thank you, but, hey you are busy and i understand ( maybe).

    Immentioned to you before get a publicist– a pro- you have energy and dogged determination but you are not a publicist– you are a lady, with manners facing the rapacious hun– they shoot wild boars you know, wonder why they stopped doing it here?

    it is fait accompli that you are known as queen of the ‘Birthers” go with it. Write your book, tell your story and keep details in the back of it- notes, sources, appendix,,etc. The recruit a number of your military followers and march on washington– you have to annoy this guy more– he can be prodded and he is a massive egotist and thin skinned. he certainly is not your friend and will never be anything but dismissive and unfriendly– so screw him!! give him suorus.

    You know a horse fly bite won’t kill him unfportunately, but it will annoy him and with enough pressure applied he will say or do something stupid to add to the list of inanities coming from this disgrace to the office.

    so three things Orly: A publicist. A book, and a firm and stolid march before the white house– you leading your company of military retirees in full regalia. And when they say oh there she is queen of the birthers, you reply: Damn right thats who I am and he–(pointing to the white house) is the king of liars.

    Activist mode in a physical sense– yu have to take the gloves off once in a while– Obama and his other spawns of satan, not only have their gloves off, but wear brass knuckles.
    Polite legal delicacies seem important and are designed to be effective quintessentially within the system, but in this system? No– too manipulated. IT was planned from the beginning to mask this thief–so as his first act on his first day in office–as you well know– he sealed everything–Americans are docile and stupid and don’t care–Then he passed and exec order that demands all inquires go through the AG.

    MY take on him now lingers in one area and one area only–he is a paid lacky of the Saudi’s and as such a traitor– now just as mole jihadists hide and ly and mask their activities behind bland traditional fronts, this president (dickhead) is making moves toward the center. A shameless bastard– and he was born a bastard by the way.

    there is no american long form birth certificate– that is plain and it is rather easy at this advanced stage to deduce what is going on vs. the birth certiciate– the vault guardians are lying and made to do so. The SS people are delaying beyond reason hoping you will go away– well they have the wrong person in you. They have no intention of enforcing the law. the judges have no intention of allowing discovery– the obama chess pieces are well positioned and are powerful pieces. Truth be damned–an illegal president? WHO CARES? The only danger to his Obama is Hillary and she is currently sharpening her teeth.Get a publicist for your political aspirations and to help stave off the hun.

    Write your book for the PEOPLE and appendix all boring documents to the lay person.

    March on the white house

    Happy New Year


  5. Kathy M
    December 28th, 2010 @ 3:26 am

    I think that we need ICE to show up and threaten Obama with Deportation for being an illegal alien. (He would come unhinged) I know that sounds ridiculous, but the illegal alien track may have future merit.

    Thank you for your perseverance and keep fighting.

    God Bless

  6. Ed
    December 28th, 2010 @ 4:19 am

    Be prepared,I feel it in my bones thta we have only even seen the tip of te ice berg as far as Obama is concerned…WAKE UP AMERICA…we need also to rid the world of George Soros and others like him that want to control everything we do

  7. Shania Jones
    December 28th, 2010 @ 12:35 pm

    You go, girl! It’s about time that you got on this woman’s raggedy white ass to get you the information you want!

  8. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    December 28th, 2010 @ 3:31 pm

    please, use more appropriate language

  9. Starla
    December 28th, 2010 @ 4:52 pm



    “Paula says:
    Monday, December 27, 2010 at 4:50 PM

    Does the House have anything to do with removing a president? Isn’t this strictly set aside for the senate? Allen West was elected to the House, so he may not have much say anyway.
    Mrs. Rondeau replies: If it were a regular impeachment, that begins in the House of Representatives and the Senate acts as the trial court. However, either the House or Senate Judiciary Committee can issue a subpoena which is just as valid as that issued by a federal judge. Congress subpoenas people to appear to testify in front of them frequently. Why not Obama with all of his documentation, if he can produce it?”

    # # # #

    Ninety-nine percent of We The American People KNOW the truth and the truthful answer is: Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH alias Barack Hussein Obama II CAN NOT & WILL NEVER publicly show a certified legal USA Hawaiian Birth Certificate because: (1) It is completely obvious he does NOT and NEVER had a certified legal USA Hawaiian Long-Form Birth Certificate because he simply was NOT born in Hawaii, and he was NOT born anywhere in the USA.(

    (2) You can’t produce certified legal evidence when you do not have the certified legal evidence to produce, and Barack Obama DOES NOT NOW & NEVER HAD this simple certified legal evidence to produce. Barack Obama will NEVER have this certified legal evidence to produce!!

    (3) Therefore, this is why Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH alias Barack Hussein Obama II is constantly lying about everything that concerns his simple personal citizenship and his simple and easily verifiable personal identification records!! Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH alias Barack Hussein Obama II is legally NOT a Legal USA Citizen today whatsoever at all, and he never has been a legal USA citizen in the USA at any time.

    (4) Legally, truthfully, & factually Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH alias Barack Hussein Obama II is today a 100% Illegal Immigrant & a 100% Illegal Alien in the USA who is literally a 100% Foreign Terrorist Usurper who is literally waging war on the USA, & who is literally attacking the USA in a planned Coup D’Etat attack of WAR to overthrow & to destroy the USA government with his co-workers.

    We The People FULLY KNOW that Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH alias the Foreign Born Domestic Enemy Terrorist Usurper Barack Obama is Daily committing 100% Illegal High Crimes & High Treasons against ALL American citizens and against the Rule Of Law in the USA Constitution & he and his co-workers will be ARRESTED PUBLICLY & STOPPED BY WE THE PEOPLE through GOD leading us!

  10. John
    December 29th, 2010 @ 9:25 am

    @Orly – Appropriate language? Who are you kidding? You allow Starla and Phil to post their insanely hateful racist rantings; you yourself dishonor the country that was generous enough to take you in and allow you to succeed by making false and baseless claims against duly elected officials; you disrespect members of the great American judiciary system that protects the rights of lunatics like you to express your insane views; and then you have the unmitigated chutzpah to scold someone for inappropriate language? Alas for you, hypocrite.

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