The squatter in the White House calls the state of Israel a squatter, and tells Israelies to go… I say, the squatter in the White House, sitting there with a forged birth certificate and an invalid CT Social Security number needs to lead by example and needs to go first!!!
Posted on | May 21, 2011 | 5 Comments

not Mona Lisa
Image for tea shirts or bumper stickers
Leonard |
5 Responses to “The squatter in the White House calls the state of Israel a squatter, and tells Israelies to go… I say, the squatter in the White House, sitting there with a forged birth certificate and an invalid CT Social Security number needs to lead by example and needs to go first!!!”
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May 21st, 2011 @ 8:59 am
If the DNC is shown to have been complicit whagt are the implications and what might the consequences be? Al Qaeda promisedc after 9-11 that they would “decapitate the USA at the top” and then added “in a way you will not understand until it is too late.” _hey always do what they promise but dedicated patriots such as you, Orly, they did not figure into the equation. God bless you always .
May 21st, 2011 @ 12:47 pm
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday
May 21, 2011
“In an interview with CNBC’s Jane Wells, rock n’ roll singer Gene Simmons slammed President Barack Obama on his proposal to weaken Israel in support of the Hamas-Fatah alliance.”
Gene Simmons: “How about you live there and try to defend an indefensible border?… He has no f**king idea what the world is like.”
“Yesterday, Barack Obama told American ally Israel to give Old Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount and the most sacred sites of Christianity, to the Hamas-Fatah terror alliance.”
Comments Under Video:
#2 May 21, 2011 at 9:25 am
American Patriot commented:
While Simmons point on indefensible borders is valid, he is way off base on Obama. BHO very MUCH KNOWS what the world is like and knows very much what he wants. This person is pro-Islam and is doing his level-headed best to deliver Israel to the Muslims.
Our own president is actively working against our interests. It can’t be stated any more bluntly.
Where’s Congress?
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#10 May 21, 2011 at 9:47 am
Doc54 commented:
This is a goverment of the people, by the people, for the people and Nobama is definitely not speaking for anyone I know. Any elected official that sits idly by and allows the president to trample over constitutional laws like this are as much to blame as BHO. if they’re not part of the solution, they are part of the problem !! Grow some balls congress and stop this lunatic NOW !
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#11 May 21, 2011 at 9:49 am
Chisum commented:
Borderline Treachery
Would that the president of the United States were as worried about Arizona’s border as he is about “Palestine’s.”
There was less fanfare about this latest Obama oration on the future of the Middle East, staged at Foggy Bottom, than there was about his 2009 Cairo speech. It was, however, every bit as delusional, and twice as treacherous.
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#13 May 21, 2011 at 9:59 am
Ipso Facto commented:
Simmons was totally correct despite his “in artful” descriptions.
Obama has absolutely no idea what the world is like. He further has no idea how to accomplish anything. Obama has so many deficiencies that his entire personality is nothing but a motley conglomeration of defense mechanisms. He may be a good speaker, however, his words are all crafted to deceive, and thus he has honed his presentation abilities to match those of the most effective shuck ‘n jive artists. When he talks – its all engineered to distract people from the truth or from what he really plans to do. His speeches may cultivate adulation – but they are all lies.
Obama’s policies are nothing but extreme liberal ideologies which he has no idea how to successfully implement. Everything he has tried to do in concert with others has failed miserably. Only those things he has been able to ram through with no input from outside his inner circle have become law, and at that, they will all eventually be undone, overturned or declared unconstitutional.
He is the penultimate product of affirmative action. Isolated from the real consequences of his wanting behavior throughout his entire life, he has never had to face negative feed back nor has he ever received a realistic performance evaluation – that is until now. It is very clear that his performance was evaluated by the people in the elections of 2010 when both he and his entire party were summarily rebuked.
Since Obama has never learned how deal with negative feedback and modulate his positions to even make sense, he continues to go on with one ridiculous thing after the other. Not only does our emperor have no clothes, he has no brains, maturity, character, integrity, or experience.
This guy is going down bad in 2012!
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May 21st, 2011 @ 1:21 pm
Posted: May 21, 2011
12:00 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
“Gottfriend said members of Congress need to oppose Obama’s remarks “immediately.”
His plan, Gottfried said, would not only divide Jerusalem and the nation of Israel but make America’s strongest ally in the region nearly indefensible.
“Who are we to change Israel’s borders,” asked Janet Porter, president of Faith2Action. “We must stand with Israel like never before.”
On the website is information about the effort, including a video:
Porter told WND the ad is a response to Obama’s “assault” on Israel.
Based on biblical references to the Jewish nation as the “apple of God’s eye,” she said, “I believe that to follow what the president would want puts both countries in peril.”
She said the Palestinians from whom Obama is trying to obtain favor “do not recognize the right [of Israel] to exist. They despise her.”
Even on a secular plane, without references to the biblical prophecies regarding Israel, she said, “No foreign country or U.N. resolution has a right to decide a nation’s borders. In America, if we can tell Israel its borders, what keeps Dearborn from a U.N. resolution announcing ‘Dearbornistan. It’s absurd.”
The newspaper ad said:
We stand with your right to secure Israel’s borders without giving away additional land to your openly avowed enemies who do not recognize your right to exist. We recognize that former “land for peace” agreements such as the Gaza withdrawal that ravaged thousands of families from their homes, only served to increase terrorist attacks from even closer range, killing many innocent men, women, and children.
We recognize that the United Nations “peace plan” is NOT a plan for peace at all, but would ethnically cleanse 400,000 Jews from their homes and lands. No foreign country or U.N. resolution has the right to decide a nation’s borders.
We acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s God-ordained undivided capital, knowing that Israel’s sovereignty will protect the holy sites of all faiths, rather than allowing them to come under control of Hamas terrorists who hate Jews and Christians alike.
We honor Israel as our greatest and most trusted friend and ally in the region, and are grateful for the vital intelligence and technological advances that have enhanced our own security. We believe Israel’s ancient prophets who warned of dire consequencs to any nation who would divide your land.”
Read More Here:
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May 21st, 2011 @ 5:38 pm
What a pathetic sight to see the forger in the white sit down like a 7 year old and berated by the israeli prime minister in front of the world
looks like Bibi saw the guilt in the usurper e face ,was very nervous ,his veins in the neck pulsating, knew that bibi could be prosecutor who could send him to jail,
A president of the most powerful country made to look like a scared chicken
Come on resign and face jail
May 22nd, 2011 @ 4:36 pm
Al Qaeda IS the CIA..the American government CREATED Al Qaeda..tentacles all over the world!
Hussein will NEVER resign; the only way left is to FORCIBLY remove the thug!