
AZ senate President to make criminal referral regarding 74,000 bogus ballots to AG of AZ, US AG and the US Senate. Accomplices in this criminal enterprise should get lengthy prison terms at the very minimum

” we will turn [the audit’s findings] over to the attorneys general, not only on the state level, but on the federal level. And we will turn it over to Congress, and they can make those decisions.” Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann on criminal referral to state Attorney general, US Attorney General and Congress […]

Attorney Orly Taitz on Cliff Kincade show: After Trump, will Republicans impeach Obama and Biden?


Press Release: Attorney Orly Taitz appeared on Cliff Kincaid TV show talking about her latest legal action to vacate unconstitutional senate trial of private citizen Donald Trump

The Unconstitutional Senate Trial of Trump on Phony Charge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zccTNCI_PE Orly Taitz, the famous lawyer who questioned Obama’s eligibility to be president (based on a stolen SS number), argues that a Senate trial of former President Trump over phony incitement to riot charges is flatly unconstitutional. She urges Trump to join her lawsuit challenging the […]

Sent to Trump: MN officer Derek Chauvin should be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law, which is a felony. Death occurred during this felony, hence felony murder. US att. in MN needs to bring charges. Time to bring justice and to end riots

Tweet Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. @DrOrlyTaitzEsq @realDonaldTrump MN officer Derek Chauvin should be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law, which is a felony. Death occurred during this felony, hence felony murder. US att. in MN needs to bring charges. Time to bring justice and to end […]

Sent to Trump: Gov. Cuomo wants more bucks for testing. Why not ask New Yorker Michael Bloomberg who just dropped half a billion on his failed campaign. Half a billion will pay for testing for 10 million people and will re-open his home state

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. @DrOrlyTaitzEsq @realDonaldTrump Gov. Cuomo wants more bucks for testing. Why not ask New Yorker Michael Bloomberg who just dropped half a billion on his failed campaign. Half a billion will pay for testing for 10 million people and will re-open his home state

Clinton’s trial started 3 weeks after the impeachment. McConnell needs to schedule trial 3 weeks after the impeachment with or without Pelosi sending the papers

Clinton’s trial started 3 weeks after the impeachment. McConnell needs to schedule trial 3 weeks after the impeachment with or without Pelosi sending the papers By Orly Taitz, ESQ The impeachment of Bill Clinton took place on December 19, 1998 and his trial in the senate started 3 weeks later, on January 9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton I […]

Bravo!!! President Trump flies to Afghanistan and serves Thanksgiving dinner to the soldiers! These are actions of a true patriot President. Our corrupt media is not reporting about this visit. Shame on the media. Yahoo News not reporting, Drudge finally posted a small link after being shamed

Trump in Afghanistan for surprise Thanksgiving visit apnews.com/825e94e2f8b340aab6151b47e0aff161 46 minutes ago · BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan (AP) — President Donald Trump paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan, where he announced the U.S. and Taliban have been engaged in ongoing peace talks and said he believes the Taliban wants a ceasefire. Trump in Afghanistan for surprise Thanksgiving visit … www.houstonchronicle.com/news/world/article/… 53 minutes ago […]

March 13 2019 I twitted President Trump and urged him to offer Great Britain a free trade deal with the US after it leaves the EU. this is what he is offering to Great Britain now

WATCH: POTUS MEETS THERESA MAY…   222 …BILATERAL TRADE DEAL IF U.K. DITCHES E.U. ‘SHACKLES’ March 13 2019 I twitted President Trump and urged him to offer Great Britain a free trade deal with the US after it leaves the EU Posted on | March 13, 2019 | No Comments Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.‏ @DrOrlyTaitzEsq 20s21 seconds ago More […]

Jeff Flake, rabid Trump-hater, is stalling Kavanaugh nomination. Grassley needs to hold the vote with Flake abstaining and report the nomination to the full senate without recommendation. GOP can confirm Kavanaugh by the full senate with one or even 2 GOP senators abstaining on 49-49 vote with Pence casting the deciding vote

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.‏ @DrOrlyTaitzEsq 3m3 minutes ago More @realDonaldTrump Jeff Flake, who was forced to retire from senate due to being anti-Trumper and due to lack of voter support, is now stalling Kavanaugh confirmation. Grassley should hold a vote and simply forward the nomination to full senate without recommendation, on 10-10 vote Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.‏ @DrOrlyTaitzEsq 8s9 […]

I believe that Trump might be able to reach an agreement with Putin to remove Iranian troops from Syria, Putin’s cooperation in North Korea in exchange for some nuclear arms redaction

I believe that Trump might be able to reach an agreement with Putin to remove Iranian troops from Syria, Putin’s cooperation in North Korea in exchange for some nuclear arms redaction By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Reagan was able to make peace agreements with Gorbachev while US was supplying Afghan rebels with Stinger missile, which […]

Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein knew that Obama was using a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and that Russia and other intelligences could blackmail Obama, yet they covered it up. Why there are no criminal charges against them for obstruction of justice and possibly treason???

Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein knew that Obama was using a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and that Russia and other intelligences could blackmail Obama, yet they covered it up. Why there are no criminal charges against them for obstruction of justice and possibly treason??? By Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ Please, see attached file with documents. Evidence […]

Sessions and Rosenstein appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Trump without factual basis to do so, now they claim tht they do not have enough basis to appoint prosecutor on Uranium 1 and other Clinton matters. Time for Trump to replace them

Remember, when Mueller was appointed, there was zero evidence to show that Trump team colluded with Russia to change the results of the 2016 election. There is still zero evidence. Indictment of Manafort and his aide relate to tax evasion going back to 2012 and 2013. Papadopolus pled guilty to lying, however there is no […]

Contact McConnell and every GOP senator. Time for the nuclear option change of rules to fund the wall and move all of Trump’s agenda

We are seeing the government gridlocked yet again. Democrats will not support any of Trump’s agenda. It is time for Senate to act. If Dems cause the government shutdown by refusing funding for the border wall, US senate needs to change the filibuster rules and go for nuclear option, just as they did on Gorsuch […]

Please, tweet to this idiot, Meryl Streep, who gave the most offensive and stupid speech at Golden Globes

Please, tweet to this idiot, Meryl Streep, who gave the most offensive and stupid speech at Golden Globes Today, Meryl Streep gave the most idiotic and offensive speech at Golden Globes. The fact that one can act and mimic different accents and mannerisms well, does not mean that this person has any brains. Case in […]

A strong anomaly in CA results: a national average of 54% of registered voters would suggest 10 mln votes in CA, not 13 mln

A strong anomaly in CA results: a national average of 54% of registered voters would suggest 10 million votes in CA in 2016, not 13 million, as reported. This anomaly gave Clinton the lead in the popular vote By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ. Wikipedia shows that the average number of registered voters, who voted in […]

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