
Important to stop final TPP! Call every GOP and Dem Congressman, demand immediate non-confidence motion in Boehner, throw corrupt Boehner from speakership, stop TPP!!!

Important to stop final TPP! Call every GOP Congressman, demand immediate non-confidence motion in Boehner, throw corrupt Boehner from speakership By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ   As we know, TPP is the most anti-American and treasonous agreement the nation has ever known. So far only the fast track mode of “Yes”or “NO” voting passed, however, […]

Were Democrats bribed to make Boehner a Speaker?

Now even CNN reports, what Taitz reported yesterday: Boehner was elected with less than half of the members of the Congress voting for him, only 216, not 220, as was reported by Drudge and others yesterday. Boehner became a speaker thanks to 22 Democrats, who did not show up to vote. A burning question remains: […]

Now Bloomberg reports, what Taitz reported yesterday: Boehner was elected with less than half of the members of Congress, 216, not 220 as Drudge and other media outlets reported yesterday. 30 Republicans, not 25 did not vote for him. Democrats put him into speakership by not showing up for vote. With only 216 votes of support he is vulnerable and can be thrown out on a simple motion from the floor to remove speaker

Anti-corruption (anti ruling mafia) fraction of the House of Representatives did, what they set out to do. 28 Republicans were supposed not to vote for Boehner in order to force the re-vote. Anti-corruption caucus gathered 30 Republicans: 25 voted for others and 5 did not vote at all. Boehner got a total of 216 votes, […]

Lying CBS claims there was no rebelion. In reality 30 Republicans did not vote for Boehner, he is week and vulnerable and can be removed from Speakership with a simple majority vote

CBS ran an article today The Boehner Non-Rebellion a Non-Problem for GOP. In reality this was the biggest rebellion in the ruling party  against the sitting Speaker since the  Civil war  BOEHNER HOLDS ON… Narrowly Reelected Speaker… Largest rebellion by a party against its own incumbent speaker since Civil War… 30 Republicans did not vote for […]