
Antisemite and Israel-hater Obama tells Black Caucus to boycott the Prime Minister of Israel. Christian syndicate talk show host Roger Hedgecock excoriates Democrats, calls Pelosi “piece of work” for urging boycott and later lying about it

Report: Obama White House Told Black Caucus to Boycott Netanyahu’s Congressional Speech Yesterday, a syndicated talk show host, Roger Hedgecock, announced that he is sickened by the behavior of Obama and the Democrats and their treatment of America’s strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel. Obama attacks US allies, such as Israel and begs our […]

Were Democrats bribed to make Boehner a Speaker?

Now even CNN reports, what Taitz reported yesterday: Boehner was elected with less than half of the members of the Congress voting for him, only 216, not 220, as was reported by Drudge and others yesterday. Boehner became a speaker thanks to 22 Democrats, who did not show up to vote. A burning question remains: […]