
Attorney Orly Taitz on Cliff Kincade show: After Trump, will Republicans impeach Obama and Biden?


Sent to Trump: Just as FBI did nothing on Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social Security number, it does nothing on evidence of massive bribes related to Joe Biden. Are top FBI and DOJ officials bribed to cover up? Need a special prosecutor to investigate Bidens, Obama, FBI and DOJ

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. @DrOrlyTaitzEsq Level 1: @realDonaldTrump Just as FBI did nothing on Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social Security number, it does nothing on evidence of massive bribes related to Joe Biden. Are top FBI and DOJ officials bribed to cover up? Need a special prosecutor to investigate Bidens, Obama, FBI and […]

Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein knew that Obama was using a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and that Russia and other intelligences could blackmail Obama, yet they covered it up. Why there are no criminal charges against them for obstruction of justice and possibly treason???

Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein knew that Obama was using a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and that Russia and other intelligences could blackmail Obama, yet they covered it up. Why there are no criminal charges against them for obstruction of justice and possibly treason??? By Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ Please, see attached file with documents. Evidence […]

Open letter to AG Sessions, demand to investigate Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN and fabricated IDs, as well as possible blackmail of Obama due to his use of bogus IDs

Open letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions Hon AG Sessions, Yesterday, former acting AG, Sally Yates testified that former National Security advisor, Michael Flynn, was compromised and subject to potential blackmail. I am providing to you herein an attached file Evidence of forgery, fraud, fabrication in Obama’s IDs, which shows that Barack Obama used a […]

Please, tweet to this idiot, Meryl Streep, who gave the most offensive and stupid speech at Golden Globes

Please, tweet to this idiot, Meryl Streep, who gave the most offensive and stupid speech at Golden Globes Today, Meryl Streep gave the most idiotic and offensive speech at Golden Globes. The fact that one can act and mimic different accents and mannerisms well, does not mean that this person has any brains. Case in […]

CNN defends Stanford judge, Aaron Persky, and on this one I am with CNN. The public should turn its’ anger to other judges, Obama-case judges, they need to sua sponte reverse their decisions or resign from the bench

CNN defends Stanford judge, Aaron Persky, and on this one I am with CNN. The public should turn its’ anger to Obama judges, they need to sua sponte reverse their decisions or resign from the bench By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ We are seeing a campaign of public outrage against a Stanford judge, Aaron Persky. […]

Obama insulted intelligiance of every American by saying that the motiff of the Orlando terroris act is not known

We have already received reports that the Orlando terrorist, Omar Saddigui Mateen, called 911 and pledged his allegiance to ISIS. Witnesses reported that he yelled “Allahu Akbar” as he was murdering innocent Americans, yet Obama is saying that he does not know the motif. Obama treats every American citizen as a brain-dead moron by lying […]

Supplemental brief filed by Attorney Orly Taitz in a case dealing with Obama allowing into the US thousands of illegal aliens with deadly infectious diseases

Taitz v Johnson Supplemental brief 03.11.2016 U.S. District Court SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 3/11/2016 at 1:21 PM CST and filed on 3/11/2016 Case Name: Taitz v. Johnson et al Case Number: 1:14-cv-00119 Filer: Orly Taitz Document Number: 87 Docket Text: Supplemental BRIEF Per 03.01.15 Order […]

Romney’s speech is a Hail Mary and a psy-op by the ruling Globalist mafia to demoralize Trump hours before the debate. Trump should stay calm, presidential and smiling and let others bark like little chihuahuas attacking the big dog.

Romney’s speech is a Hail Mary and a psy-op by the ruling Globalist mafia to demoralize Trump hours before the debate. Trump should stay calm, presidential and smiling and let others bark like little chihuahuas attacking the big dog By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Romney gave a speech today which was nothing but a Hail Mary […]

Please come to my court hearing on Obama’s bogus IDs, October 20, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, 95 7th str. San Francisco. Please, forward to other media outlets for publication

Press Release Law Offices of Orly Taitz On October 20, 2015, 9th Circuit court of Appeals will hold a hearing in Grinols et al v Electoral College, US Congress, Obama, Biden, Governor of CA, Secretary of State of CA. The case brought by Attorney Orly Taitz on behalf of multiple plaintiffs. One of the plaintiffs, […]

Drudge writes about Arpaio/Klayman case, which was dismissed, but does not write about my case in the 9th circuit, where I was granted a hearing and it was already found that my client, former Pres. Candidate, Keith Judd, was granted standing. Was Drudge, like WND and Birther report, paid by Arpaio to promote him and quash any news about my cases?

Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled oral argument in case Grinols, Judd et al v Electoral college, Obama, Biden, Governor of CA, Secretary of State of CA. This case was filed by CA attorney Orly Taitz.  In this case the District Court judge, Morrison C England,  has already […]

It will take President Trump 8 years to deport all illegal aliens with criminal record

It will take President Trump 8 years to deport all illegal aliens with criminal record By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ    07.26.2015 Presidential debates are in 2 weeks and the media and 15 other candidates are getting ready to gang on the front runner, Trump. The main issue they will be pressing, is illegal immigration […]

Iran will have nukes, Castro is supported and the US is bankrupt and torn apart by instigated racial violence- Obama’s work is done. Do you understand now why BO’s criminal prosecution for use of bogus IDs is so important?

          Three cheers for a flawed Iran deal Financial Times U.S. National Debt More than Doubles under Obama’s … +106%: Obama Has More Than Doubled Marketable US Debt 5 Race Riots in Obama’s Post-Racial America – Breitbart Black Mob Violence: Obama and Media Silent — Why? I was wrong: Obama is behind race […]

Yesterday’s fast track vote might be a death sentence to TPP/ Obamatrade

Yesterday’s fast track vote might be a death sentence to TPP/ Obamatrade By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ   Yesterday we have seen 60 Senators and 278 representatives vote for fast-track, however this might be a  death sentence for the final, actual TPP. What congress voted for, was only the bill to allow TPP agreement, aka […]

After stealing our taxpayer money for her education, health care and living expenses, obnoxious illegal alien is waving a Mexican flag at university graduation. Demand to have her immediately deported to Mexico, let her waive Mexican flag there! Anti-American, treasonous Obama and his regime encourage this grand theft from us, time to rise and stop it!

Controversy erupts after undocumented immigrant waves Mexican flag at graduation A week after graduating from the Thurgood Marshall College at the University of California, San Diego, a 22-year-old undocumented immigrant is still getting plenty of criticism for proudly waving a Mexican flag on stage as she received her college diploma. It all started after Indira […]

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