
If a 100 FBI agents searched for a year and didn’t find evidence of Russian hacking, how did Clinton manage to find evidence that Russia hacked into DNC?

If a 100 FBI agents searched for a year and didn’t find evidence of Russian hacking, how did Clinton manage to find evidence that Russia hacked into DNC? By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Director of FBI, James Comey, did a press conference. One of the reasons Hillary Clinton did not go to prison, is because […]

What Trump wants to find in Clinton’s e-mails: I say he wants the name of the yoga instructor that needs to be fired and the name of the stylist who put Hillary in Mao Tse Tung’s jacket

What Trump wants to find in Clinton’s e-mails: I say he wants the name of the yoga instructor that needs to be fired and the name of the stylist who put Hillary in Mao Tse Tung’s jacket By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ It doesn’t cease to amaze me, the level of unprecedented idiocy of the […]

Behind pro-Israel rhetoric of Hillary Clinton, there are dangerous liaisons with Muslim brotherhood and rabid haters of Israel

Behind pro-Israel rhetoric of Hillary Clinton, there are dangerous liaisons with Muslim brotherhood and rabid haters of Israel By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Today Hillary Clinton gave a speech in support of Israel at AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs committee. As a professional politician, she told AIPAC, what AIPAC wanted to hear and at the […]

Hillary Clinton is clueless about the basic geography

https://youtu.be/5NoKJO6CdIY Hillary Clinton is clueless about the basic geography By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Yesterday former Secretary of State and presumptive Democratic party nominee, Hillary Clinton, testified before the Benghazi committee. First and for most, we found out that there were 600 requests for additional security made by Ambassador Stevens and his staff and Clinton […]