
CNN defends Stanford judge, Aaron Persky, and on this one I am with CNN. The public should turn its’ anger to other judges, Obama-case judges, they need to sua sponte reverse their decisions or resign from the bench

CNN defends Stanford judge, Aaron Persky, and on this one I am with CNN. The public should turn its’ anger to Obama judges, they need to sua sponte reverse their decisions or resign from the bench By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ We are seeing a campaign of public outrage against a Stanford judge, Aaron Persky. […]

Request for information and complaint to FEC re. Cruz, Fiorina campaigns and superPACs. By law the docs must be received within 20 days, by April 18th

Press Release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Request for information and complaint to FEC re. Cruz, Fiorina, superPAC was received today by Federal Elections Commission request for information and complaint to FEC re. Cruz, Fiorina, superPAC ORLY TAITZ ESQ PRESIDENT DEFEND OUR FREEDOMS FOUNDATION 29839 SANTA MARGARITA, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 ph […]

Supplemental brief filed by Attorney Orly Taitz in a case dealing with Obama allowing into the US thousands of illegal aliens with deadly infectious diseases

Taitz v Johnson Supplemental brief 03.11.2016 U.S. District Court SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 3/11/2016 at 1:21 PM CST and filed on 3/11/2016 Case Name: Taitz v. Johnson et al Case Number: 1:14-cv-00119 Filer: Orly Taitz Document Number: 87 Docket Text: Supplemental BRIEF Per 03.01.15 Order […]

Romney’s speech is a Hail Mary and a psy-op by the ruling Globalist mafia to demoralize Trump hours before the debate. Trump should stay calm, presidential and smiling and let others bark like little chihuahuas attacking the big dog.

Romney’s speech is a Hail Mary and a psy-op by the ruling Globalist mafia to demoralize Trump hours before the debate. Trump should stay calm, presidential and smiling and let others bark like little chihuahuas attacking the big dog By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Romney gave a speech today which was nothing but a Hail Mary […]

Hillary Clinton is clueless about the basic geography

https://youtu.be/5NoKJO6CdIY Hillary Clinton is clueless about the basic geography By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Yesterday former Secretary of State and presumptive Democratic party nominee, Hillary Clinton, testified before the Benghazi committee. First and for most, we found out that there were 600 requests for additional security made by Ambassador Stevens and his staff and Clinton […]

On immigration Dr. Ben Carson is worse than Obama. This Dr. Obama is Mr. Amnesty, he advocates legal status for all illegals

On immigration Dr. Ben Carson is worse than Obama. This Dr. Obama is Mr. Amnesty, he advocates legal status for all illegals By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Yesterday Dr. Ben Carson appeared in Greta Van Susteren show. Greta asked him again about his immigration stance and Carson stated that deportation is impossible, impracticable and inhumane […]

Black Lives Matter mob will push the public to vote for Trump

Black Lives Matter mob will push the public to vote for Trump By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 09.03.2015 We are now in the midst of the new Black Panther movement, where the hordes of thugs are on the streets chanting “pigs in the blanket fry like bacon”, threatening to kill all whites and all police officers and methodically […]

Will Dr. Carson use a prescription for Penicillin as his trump card in trade negotiations with China?

Will Dr. Carson use a prescription for Penicillin as his trump card in trade negotiations with China? By Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ Don’t get me wrong, I like Dr. Carson. As a doctor I am particularly appreciative and respectful of his medical career. I also understand that GOP and the country at large are fed […]

Not only I agree with Trump and former assistant AG for Reagan, Mark Levine, I also believe that children of tourists, who come legally, are not entitled to US citizenship, if both parents are foreign citizens

Not only I agree with Trump and former AG for Reagan, Mark Levine, I also believe that children of tourists, who come legally, are not entitled to US citizenship, if both parents are foreign citizens By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ I was asked to comment on the issue of the birthright citizenship. Virginia in VA […]

Trump was banned from GA event. He should fly to GA and do a question and answer session on the steps of the event facility. People will leave the event and will come out to watch Trump and ask him questions

Trump was banned from GA event. He should fly to GA and do a question and answer session on the steps of the event facility. People will leave the event and will come out to watch Trump and ask him questions Our ruling establishment continues attacking Trump. And the reason they attack him, is not because […]

It will take President Trump 8 years to deport all illegal aliens with criminal record

It will take President Trump 8 years to deport all illegal aliens with criminal record By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ    07.26.2015 Presidential debates are in 2 weeks and the media and 15 other candidates are getting ready to gang on the front runner, Trump. The main issue they will be pressing, is illegal immigration […]

Pope Francis- inquisition of our times

In the Middle ages anyone who dared to speak up the truth against the religious dogma, was considered a heretic and was subjected to inquisition. At a time the church believed that the Sun revolves around the Earth and one of the greatest scientists of all times, Galileo Galilei was subjected to inquisition for daring […]

When will Bruce Jenner go through a second surgery to go back to being a man; will he commit suicide as many other thasgenders do if ratings will start going down and he will end up home alone as an old drag queen?

When will Bruce Jenner go through a second surgery to go back to being a man, will he commit suicide, as many other thasgenders do, if ratings will start going down and he will end up home alone as an old drag queen? By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ The title of this article seems harsh, […]

Is anemic response to ISIS a sign of Obama’s weakness or a sign of Obama following marching orders of the International Globalist Oligarchy?

Is anemic response to ISIS a sign of Obama’s weakness or a sign of Obama following marching orders of the International Globalist Oligarchy? By Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ US media writes about Obama’s weakness in responding to ISIS. However, I am not sure whether it is weakness or simply following the marching orders of the […]

Press Release, Complaint against Palestinian leader for Crimes against Humanity was resubmitted in light of Palestinian Territories joining ICC

Press Release, Complaint against Palestinian leader for Crimes against Humanity was resubmitted in light of Palestinian Territories joining ICC Dr.Orly Taitz ESQ Law Offices of Orly Taitz 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688, USA Ph. 949-683-5411 Fax 949-7667603 orly.taitz@hushmail.com     Attention: Fatou Bensouda Chief Prosecutor Office of the Prosecutor International […]

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