
Wives and children of US soldiers should protest in front of the White House with signs: “No more slaughter of our fathers by jihadists on bases. Give them back their guns or they will take their guns themselves!”

Wives and children of US soldiers should protest in front of the White House with signs: “No more slaughter of our fathers by jihadists on bases. Give them back their guns or they will take their guns themselves!” By Dr. Orly Taitz ESq Enough is enough. Clinton says “basta” because she does not like hearing […]

When will Bruce Jenner go through a second surgery to go back to being a man; will he commit suicide as many other thasgenders do if ratings will start going down and he will end up home alone as an old drag queen?

When will Bruce Jenner go through a second surgery to go back to being a man, will he commit suicide, as many other thasgenders do, if ratings will start going down and he will end up home alone as an old drag queen? By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ The title of this article seems harsh, […]