

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Soros got his wish, 40 bln of taxpayer moneys were stolen through IMF to go to Ukraine after Soros precipitated a revolt there. Time for US to withdraw from IMF and invest in US the money given to IMF. Call your congressman, demand to stop IMF economic raping of America and Americans

Posted on | February 12, 2015 | 5 Comments

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5 Responses to “Soros got his wish, 40 bln of taxpayer moneys were stolen through IMF to go to Ukraine after Soros precipitated a revolt there. Time for US to withdraw from IMF and invest in US the money given to IMF. Call your congressman, demand to stop IMF economic raping of America and Americans”

  1. gdw
    February 12th, 2015 @ 6:41 am

    The UN Trojan horse is about globalists attacking our wallets, confiscating sovereign property, deeming ‘world’ law and ‘world’ regulation of our freedom, who do you think pays for the UN (that PAYS NO TAX)?

    Too many layers and layers of non-producing federal government and UN parasites in suits need evermore revenues for their opulent salaries, lifestyles and pensions. And most UN employees don’t even pay any tax (some ‘internal’ tax …whoppee).

    … So, how many UN ‘world’ (foreign) pensioners are we funding with our taxes?

    Imagine how much extra money we would have if we defunded the world’s behemothic tax parasites and redundant layers of government that are becoming more and more tax hungry and authoritarian towards it’s citizens.

    The UN and all of it’s huge organizations, commissions and agencies including the IMF and World Bank, generate no revenues, are not subject to the laws of any country it operates in, pays no tax, produce nothing, is dictating ‘world’ regulations, confiscating your wealth through federal taxation and backdoor taxation through complicit federal government agencies like the EPA.

    One dollar spent on a ‘FEDERAL’ level cost 10 times more than if that same job was done on a ‘STATE’ level, logic would point to keeping federal government no bigger than our constitutional mandate, notice the federal government taking states property and states rights away form states and handing control of US properties and law making over to the UN?

    Now add in the cost of the UN and the obscene waste and inefficiency of ‘world’ dollars:

    Wikipedia the UN and see how BEHEMOTHIC it now is with all it’s agencies, impotent peace keeping forces, organizations, commissions and each comes with their own building complexes, vehicles, uniforms, equipment, support complexes, staff, salaries, travel, security, food and energy expenses, conferences AND the now tens of thousands of UN retirees (mostly foreign) and their pensions, perks and benefits.

    YOO HOO, who do you think is paying for all of that?

    WAKE UP, maybe next time you look at your pay check or worry about your own pension.

    With the full backing of our traitorous federal monster government, the UN is ramming ‘Agenda 21’ and ‘Common Core’ (which is now proselytizing Islam to our children, Google it) down the throats of the world, the UN’s World Bank is complicit in forcing poor farmers off their own land in Africa and South America for corporate and endowment ‘tree farm/carbon credit’ investments, is deeming sovereign resources off limits, trying to eliminate (citizen’s only) the right to bear arms, our country’s sovereignty and our individual freedoms and now trying to force a ‘world’ climate change tax and ‘world’ wealth tax on us AND under the guise of saving us from asteroids, the UN is trying co-opt the US space program, it’s technology, resources and an on going effort to control the internet and MORE OF OUR TAXES.

    YOO HOO! Imagine the savings if our country stopped funding the UN.

    Lagarde’s (IMF) salary is over $300,000 + per year PLUS tens of thousands in ‘stipends’. and she PAYS NO TAX.

    “most UN employees pay no tax”.

    The IMF and World Bank are UN agencies of now countless agencies, commissions and organizations, one big Trojan Horse and tool of a few dynastic families, sucking the wealth, sovereignty, freedoms and life out of the world.

    The IMF is nothing more than a world asset stripping debt collector for the western alliance globalist elites.

    Global taxation, a ‘one world’ currency and open borders are all part of the globalists plan to eliminate sovereignty of nations.

    10 nations that control the world’s gold – MarketWatch
    Oct 20, 2012 … The International Monetary Fund is the third-largest official holder of gold, with more than 2,814 tonnes.

    Where’s all that IMF gold coming from? (Ask NATO< Libya? Egypt? Tunisia? Ukraine? soon Syria?) And Germany can't get their's back?

    The IMF is getting fantastically rich, while the world is collapsing into poverty.

    The IMF is ANOTHER UN agency, it is not a 'nation', it has been deemed 'supranational sovereignty' (deemed by the UN's 'International Court of Justice' -yep, another UN agency). so the UN creates an agency to deem itself and it's other agencies supranational sovereignty over the world and makes it's own laws, decides it needn't pay any tax nor provide any revenues -sweet deal if your a UN employee.

    UN? Proven corrupt, unelected, made up mostly of 3rd world dictatorships.

    NATO, the UN and all of it's agencies, commissions, organizations, etc (UN agencies include the IMF and World Bank), all have the same boss, they're all really just tentacles of the giant, globalist vampire banksters squid.

    Notice the elimination of individual accountability? 'NATO' decided this or that, the 'UN' deemed this or that, and we must all comply regardless of our rights, freedoms and laws of OUR OWN COUNTRY. Any official that your taxes fund needs to be thrown out if they support the UN. The working tax payer needs to be mobilized against funding the UN.

    We have to stop giving credibility and decision making powers to unelected foreign entities that we are forced taxed to fund while they supplant our own country’s laws and sovereignty and take control over our resources.

    Too many layers and layers of non-producing federal government and UN parasites in suits needing evermore revenues for their opulent salaries, lifestyles and ever growing pensions.

    Time to defund and take away the UN’s ‘supranational sovereignty’, restitution of it's assets (starting with the IMF's stolen gold hoard) claw back their pensions (US taxes for foreigners) and kick them the hell out of our country.

    Through imposed ignorance (thank MSM and the 'federal' Dept. of supposed Education -that's now injecting Islam into our public schools, Google it) we are handing over our resources, funding (taxes), technology and sovereign law making to basically an unelected, new monarchy (UN) made up of mostly 3rd world dictatorships who are just tools of a few dynastic families.

    … time to defund and reform federal into constitutional compliance, reign in regulatory down to it's original intended purpose, defund the IRS and the Department of Education (responsible for all our LOW INFORMATION VOTERS), re-coup our state's rights, take back federal land -our state's property from the feds), time to take back control of our own waterways and national parks and de-fund the UN, kick them out of our country, claw back pensions and restitution of it's assets starting with the IMF’s gold hoard.

    US citizens (working and paying taxes) fund 22% of the entire UN world budget & our 'federal' regulatory is also back door funding the UN (with your taxes, especially the EPA). We have been funding the United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) since 1972. How's that sustainability & peace working out? How many of their 'professors' & administrators are now comfortably retired on obscenely fat tax funded pensions? The UN includes the 'World Tourist Agency', and it is tax funded.

    When our own US citizens were furloughed, why wasn't the massive 22%++ of US tax funding of the UN and it's countless agencies, organizations and commissions withheld or even mentioned by MSM (sarcasm)?

    Why then isn't MSM all over this? A co-conspirator of the Rothschilds explained it years ago:

    "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. "

    -David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany in June 1991


    …and George Bush Sr. New World Order Speech Sept 11, 1991

    Sept. 11?



    The United Nations Headquarters complex was constructed in stages with the core complex completed between 1948-1952. The Headquarters occupies a site beside the East River, on 17 acres (69,000 m2) of land purchased from the foremost New York real estate developer of the time, William Zeckendorf, Sr. Nelson Rockefeller arranged this purchase, after an initial offer to locate it on the Rockefeller family estate of Kykuit was rejected as being too isolated from Manhattan. The US$8.5 million (adjusted by inflation US$82.6 million) purchase was then funded by his father, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who donated it to the city.[6] Wallace Harrison, the personal architectural adviser for the Rockefeller family, and a prominent corporate architect, served as the Director of Planning for the United Nations Headquarters. His firm, Harrison and Abramovitz, oversaw the execution of the design.[7]

    With their huge international investment exposure and influence, wouldn't you expect the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to be just a little more concerned and vociferous, as the world 's economic structure is crumbling toward chaos and war and people's freedoms are systematically taken away?

    Unless they are orchestrating it.

  2. Veritas
    February 12th, 2015 @ 10:25 am

    Soros and Gov. Cuomo’s brother must twitter each other about how they never read the Declaration of Independence: CNN Anchor Cuomo: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’…

  3. Donna
    February 12th, 2015 @ 11:52 am

    It doesn’t do a dammed bit of good to call our reps—- they are all in it for themselves! America has been bought!

  4. Analyst
    February 12th, 2015 @ 12:20 pm

    Wow! Boy, it’s too bad those 9/11 planes didn’t make a mistake and fly into the UN Building, instead!!

    Soros does need to be stopped, since just about everything he does, as well as O, is nothing but treasonous!

    And would like to see Soros get his butt taxed into poverty, to show just how much he cares about “sharing” his wealth with America??

    Yeah, right! Fat chance, huh?

  5. Courage
    February 12th, 2015 @ 11:24 pm

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