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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Shockingly Conservatives, Constitutionalists and Republicans are joining Democrats in signing a petition not to rush with an attack in Syria. Review by Orly Taitz

Posted on | September 3, 2013 | 8 Comments

It appears that a coalition of Conservatives and Liberals, Republicans and Democrats is forming in urging the Congress not to rush with a military action in yet another country.Yesterday Conservative Constitutionalist FOX- “Five” talk show host Eric Bolling, as well as his co-hosts stated that they oppose US strike in Syria.

Liberal Democrat Alan Grayson expressed the same sentiment, as he appeared on CNN. Any Congressman on both left and right knows that if they vote to rush to attack Syria, it might end up yet another prolonged conflict, might end up being an all out war with many US soldiers killed and maimed.

Every conflict is being sold to America as a “blitzkrieg”,  a limited strike, a lightening war, but it inevitably turns into a long conflict. We thought that Afghanistan will be a piece of cake, but it lasts for over 10 years, same with Iraq. More Americans died in Afghanistan and Iraq, than in 9/11. Thousands of members of the military came home without limbs, without eye sight, paralyzed, so many young families are broken. Hundreds of thousands suffer from a PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. One of my sons is now doing a PhD in PTSD, so I know how wide spread this problem is.

In 9/11 we at least knew who was responsible for the attacks, as Al Qaeda took responsibility. U.S. was attacked and multiple nations joined the coalition.

Now we do not have a coalition, U.S. was not attacked, our allies were not attacked, this is an internal conflict in another country and most importantly we did not see any evidence as to who is responsible for the attack. We have seen reports going both ways, that either Assad or al Qaeda mercenaries could have been responsible for the attacks.

Arab league met yesterday and decided that the U.N. should deal with this conflict, not United States. I received an e-mail from the International Criminal bar which forwarded to all members a letter signed my multiple attorneys and engineers from the Middle East urging U.S. not to rush, not to get involved in an internal conflict.

I am not saying that Bashir al Assad is not a dictator. He is.  Assad family have instilled a dictatorship which lasted decades, which started with the thirty year rule of Hafez al-Assad and continues with thirteen year rule of his son, Bashir al-Assad. I am sure that Syrians would want a true democracy, I am sure they are fed up with nearly half a century of the same family ruling the country. With that being said, let’s not forget that this is the Middle East, which is different from the US. In the Middle East it is common for the same person and the same family to stay in power for years and sometimes decades. The question is, who will take over, if  U.S. strikes and helps the rebels?

Sadly we do not have a good track record in picking sides. Specifically Brack Obama, John McCain and Lindsey Graham have a terrible record. Three of them supported Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Tunisia. By many accounts what was sold to us an Arab Spring, was nothing but a Muslim Brotherhood coup d-etat. There are many accounts stating that  this Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring was either masterminded or aided and abetted by the US, by the CIA.

Now we became the laughing stock, as Egyptians revolted against Obama’s puppet Morsi and his Muslim brotherhood regime. Currently Morsi is being tried for multiple Constitutional violations and possibly murder of members of the opposition. We have no idea who Obama and CIA are planning to put in power in Syria. Could it be another Morsi?

Yes, Assad is a dictator, but he comes from a largely secular family. While Assad belongs to Allawite sect, which is a part of Shia branch of Islam, he married Asma Al Akhras,   who is a Suni. If Assad would have been a religious fanatic, he would not marry a woman from an opposing religion. Bashir al Assad is a doctor by profession, he studied medicine in Great Britain and became an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor. His wife is of an Arabic descend, but she was born and raised in Great Britain. She got her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and French literature and she worked as an investment banker. I might be wrong, but in my opinion it is easier to reason with people who were educated in the West, who are technocrats by profession, than with some mullah, some religious fanatic.

Members of the Russian parliament offered to meet with the members of the U.S. Congress. During NAZIsm Russia and US worked together in defeating Hitler. Maybe it is worth is for members of the U.S. Congress to meet with members of Russian Duma  and try to find a common ground in putting together an investigating commission to ascertain who used the chemical weapons. If Assad did it, he has to be prosecuted in international tribunal in Hague. If Al Qaeda mercenaries did it, they need to be prosecuted.

I believe the world needs to see all the evidence, as to who is responsible for the attacks. After all the evidence is out, let’s try to build a coalition in holding people who are responsible accountable. arab league decided yesterday that this internal conflict should be handled by the U.N. so, maybe we should give some deference to Arab league and their decision as to who should help them deal with their internal conflict.

Meanwhile, let’s concentrate at what is urgent in the U.S: dealing with the budget. We are paying over 700 billion per year in interest only on our enormous 17 trillion dollar debt. Only the interest on the debt is more than the budget for the US military. We have to deal with our debt, with unfunded obligations, with 90 million Americans who are completely out of work force and 20 million on unemployment. We have to address the fact that we have the lowest work force participation in 34 years, that half of our young people cannot find jobs, that even higher percentage of people in the inner cities are not working, that millions lost their jobs, homes and life savings.

I received this e-mail from a supporter Florence, who is a Constitutionalism and a conservative. She signed a petition by a Democrat Alan Grayson. I believe that at the moment we might have a coalition of  Republicans and Democrats urging not to start military action in yet another country. The world has to see the evidence of culpability and it has to be an international effort in holding individuals involved in chemical attack accountable. US should not rush into a unilateral action.

By Orly Taitz


Hell must have frozen over for me to sign a petition of THIS MAN! But he is a dem opposed to Obama attacking Syria, so I signed his petition, and am forwarding to my friends. We should be bring home ALL our troops over there; not be sending more to be killed or maimed. Flo


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Rep. Alan Grayson 

Paid for Alan Grayson for Congress. Contributions Alan Grayson for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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8 Responses to “Shockingly Conservatives, Constitutionalists and Republicans are joining Democrats in signing a petition not to rush with an attack in Syria. Review by Orly Taitz”

  1. Rod Riddle
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 3:10 am

    South Carolina Tea Party is drafting a Resolution to get rid of Liberal Hack Lindsey Grahamnesty!! Good riddance!

  2. Kevin J Lankford
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 3:40 am

    One single appropriate act they know to be desired by the more rational minds of the people will hardly recompense their long history of deceit and destruction to this country.

  3. Perestroika
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 5:01 am






  4. Veritas
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 5:36 am

    Again from Sharon Rondeau’s THE POST EMAIL news site:
    Russian News Service: Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Might Have Been “Staged”

    Posted By Sharon Rondeau On Monday, September 2, 2013 @ 11:03 PM

    by Sharon Rondeau

    Bashar al-Assad became leader of Syria in 2000 after his father’s death. The elder Assad had been in power for 30 years. Rebel forces including terrorists have been attempting to bring down Assad for more than two years since the Arab Spring protests.

    (Sep. 2, 2013) — On August 21, the same day on which an alleged chemical weapons attack was launched in Syria, reportedly killing hundreds of people, a Russian news service reported that the incident might have been “staged” in order to “provoke international action.”

  5. Baruch
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 5:57 am

    Индонезийский синдром Обамы


    An interesting article, and has something about you at the end.

  6. Veritas
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 6:02 am

    Is Military website pictures ‘Treason’,
    ‘Free Speech’, or victim of ‘Syrian Hack’

    Excerpts via Mara Zebest @ The Gateway Pundit

    Strange photos appeared to pop up on a U.S. Marine website with an accompanying message to “Refuse your orders.”

    Initial article reports found at theBlaze and RedFlagNews asked the question if the photos and message were ‘Treason’ or ‘Free Speech?’

    Later reports at IBTimes and WSJ (and others) revealed the Marine website was defaced by pro-Syrian government hackers. […]

    Due to the nature of a hacking, the original question posed on ‘Treason’ or ‘Free Speech’ can be put aside for another day. But here’s something to ponder since the question is deeper than the initial thought aimed at our military men, thus the original question premise needs to be altered.

    While everyone is afraid to say this – I’m not – so I’ll say it: The President is not a “Natural Born Citizen” (born on U.S. soil to two U.S. citizen parents)—thus not eligible to be President.

    And it’s even in doubt if he’s a “citizen”—thus not eligible to have been a Senator.

    So if a President is not eligible to be President (a clear violation of the constitution), and the military swore to uphold the constitution against enemies, both foreign and domestic—would such questions from the troops be



    ‘upholding their constitutional oath’?

    Just a thought.

    – Mara Zebest @ The Gateway Pundit

  7. Evidence Tracker
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 6:11 am

    I guess a liberal finally got his head out of the sand.

    All evidence should be considered, not just OBAMAS red line.

  8. Rod Riddle
    September 3rd, 2013 @ 9:37 pm

    Veritas, yes and that is precisely what the Hero Colonel Lakin was doing. He was upholding his sworn oath and was sent to the Gulag for doing so.

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