Response from the Governor’s Office [ ref:_00Dt0LBWY._5008z78QAv:ref ]


VT Noreply

8:18 AM (4 minutes ago)

to me

Office of Governor Phil Scott

109 State Street

Montpelier, VT 05609


Dear Orly:

Thank you for reaching out.

Governor Scott shares concerns expressed by many governors and leaders of both parties about the situation on the southern border. He believes Congress should continue to work towards solutions to both secure the border and address the significant humanitarian needs. He is hopeful the current negotiations in the Senate are productive and successful.

The Governor is asked to join onto many national-level letters, and he believes it is most constructive to participate when they are bipartisan and organized through the National Governors Association.


Governor’s Constituent Services Office


Philip B. Scott
Governor of Vermont

State of Vermont
P: 802-828-3333|F: 802-828-3339
109 State Street, Pavilion

Montpelier, VT 05609