Posted on | August 9, 2015 | 22 Comments
Response from Orly Taitz to Business Insider: speaking the truth is not racist, attacking Trump and Taitz for speaking the truth-is perverted, slanderous, defamatory and constitutes a liability
By Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ
Business Insider published an article by Chris Togniotti called “Donald Trump is the GOP’s new normal”. This article was nothing but a hit piece on the GOP front-runner Donald Trump. Towards the end of the article Tognotti doubled down on defamation and wrote: “However, you don’t have to look so deeply into candidates’ policy proposals to see that Trump isn’t that different from his peers. Trump, as everyone should know, is basically the most
famous birther on the planet. His short-lived 2012 pseudo-campaign was built primarily on stoking shameful, racist suspicion about
President Obama‘s citizenship. It was practically a dry run for an
Orly Taitz presidential campaign, minus her dulcet Moldovan accent.” Togniotti defamed both Trump and myself, Orly Taitz, calling both of us racists for speaking up the truth about Barack Obama’s use of a flagrantly stolen Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 and all fabricated IDs.
As an attorney, I represented the most prominent African-American in this country, former US representative in UN, Doctor Alan Keyes, as well as multiple other prominent minority members of the military and officials, all of whom challenged Obama’s bogus IDs. So far no court adjudicated this matter on the merits and one of the cases is still sitting in the Court of Appeals without a decision. During Watergate we had Attorney General Elliott Richardson, who chose to resign his position rather than cover up crimes committed by Nixon. Sadly, now we have Erick Holder and Loretta Lynch, who would rather commit treason and become criminally complicit in the biggest crime in the history of this nation rather than expose their friend and boss Barry Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Soebarkah.
Attached file
Evidence of forgery, fraud, fabrcation in Obama’s IDs shows that Obama is the first birther. Obama published his 2009 tax returns in 2010 and originally did not “flatten” the PDF file which showed that Obama is using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425. Obama was not a resident of Connecticut and reporters like Tognotti and others should’ve knocked on the doors of the White House and demanded answers from Obama, why is he using a Social Security number from a state where he never resided. Until Obama randomized the numbers in 2011, the numbers were assigned by the states, as such Obama’s Social Security number should have been from Hawaii, not Connecticut. There is no legitimate reason for Obama to have a Connecticut Social Security number.
Further investigation by multiple licensed investigators showed that this number was issued to a resident of CT, born in 1890, immigrated from Russia, Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel, presumed deceased with no heirs. The same attached file contains a sworn affidavit by the former Chief Investigator of the Special Investigations unit of the US Coast Guard, attesting to the fact that Obama’s Selective Service certificate is a clear forgery with a fabricated 1980 cancellation US postal stamp. Further evidence shows forgery in other IDs.
Donald Trump, Attorney Orly Taitz, Ambassador Keyes and others had strength of character to speak up the truth and take action. Corrupt members of the media defamed the whistle- blowers, calling them racists, even though Ambassador Keyes is African American.
Moreover, this issue is more important today than ever. Obama is pushing Iran Nuclear Arms agreement, which makes as much sense as Molotov-Ribenthrop peace agreement, which served as a precursor and an accelerator for WW2 and death of 65 million people. Now it is more important than ever to investigate Obama’s use of stolen and fabricated IDs, to ascertain his true identity and his true goals.
Additionally, Donald Trump was attacked for his treatment of women. As a woman, as well a licensed doctor and attorney I attest to the fact that Mr. Trump was the only celebrity who acted as a decent person, as a gentleman and provided support to my quest to find truth, while members of our controlled media acted as attack dogs and waged a war on me simply for speaking the truth.
As such, I demand an apology from Business Insider and Chris Togniotti for defamation thrown at me, Donald Trump and others in calling us racists, for speaking up the truth. I also suggest that Business Insider, Chris Tognotti and other members of the media follow the steps of Woodward and Bernstein and investigate the Watergate of our times, aka Obama-forgery-gate.’vez
Business Insider |
– 1 hour ago |
It was practically a dry run for an Orly Taitz presidential campaign, minus her dulcet Moldovan accent. But Trump isn’t even alone in that regard.

One of hundreds of letters I get:
Dear Orly,
Congratulations on your excellent work defending our freedoms in USA.
Your work is consistent, intelligent, and is effective.
In many of your appearances in courts and in your other public appearances you have have been able to destroy the logic of defense by means of sudden and incisive observations and striking insights.
Furthermore, your work has resulted as well in Judge Hannen decisions against US Government and WH and in favor of US citizens interests and in favor of interests of 25 US States.
There is no one with comparable record of accomplishments for more than 8 years of Mr. Obama rein.
My appreciation and admiration to you!!!
Re: bravo Orly
Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.
Click to teach Gmail this conversation is not important.
Millions of us know the truth and hold you in high esteem for stepping out on the limb first …. even before Rev. J. T Manning.
God bless and keep you and I Emailed Trump people to ask them to consider you on his staff..
Thomas Bennington commented on your post. |
Simply stated, Globalists with power who choose to remain anonymous, groomed a cocaine using homosexual illegal alien and walked him to the White House. He has been robbing us for almost 8 years and what are we going to do about it? Orly Taitz has done all she can and continues. Corruption at the top is rampant. I don’t think Obama is going to leave office. I think he is doing too good of a job screwing the Individualists for the benefit of the Globalists. Watch this video if you question Barry Soetoro used to be a cocaine using homo. Here I am picketing the Supremes with Orly Feb 15, 2013.
August 9th, 2015 @ 12:49 pm
Go get them Orly!!! Love you hon!!!!!
August 9th, 2015 @ 12:54 pm
thank you
August 9th, 2015 @ 1:36 pm
Orly, congratulations, you flushed the media out by getting them to make the election about Obama’s illegal candidacy. They need to be flushed down the toilet as well. They are doing their best to flush This Country down the toilet. It would be nice to see a lawsuit against Business Week upstaging the media attacks on conservatives.
August 9th, 2015 @ 1:39 pm
Can you sue Business Insider for libel or slander with malicious intent?
August 9th, 2015 @ 1:40 pm
I can, however I did not decide whether I will
August 9th, 2015 @ 2:35 pm
If I were you Orly, I would file suit and take him for everything. This injustice has to stop and only you can begin to stop it. Sue his Ass!
August 9th, 2015 @ 2:40 pm
A good piece Orly against those vermin. Now let Donald go after them with his mouth. That will teach them.
August 9th, 2015 @ 3:02 pm
keep in mind, I might get another corrupt judge
August 9th, 2015 @ 4:58 pm
I can only keep reminding that while trump is making waves, they are hardly tidal waves. I could only wish there were some way of prodding him into being more committed to actual confrontation with the media or any one on obama’s ineligibility, and not just obama’s forged documents, but the actual fact that only an uneducated half-wit, or an intentionally lying traitor would accept the premise that a “Natural Born” U.S. citizen can be born of a foreign parent. It just defies all logic and erodes the whole purpose of the Constitutional requirement. I expect this is as close as we will get to some one with real influence taking on the cause of the true U.S. citizens for some time.
In actuality, the fact that trump remains silent on the lack of cruz, rubio, and jindal, meeting that same requirement should be cause to suspect his part in the whole scheme of things.
Regardless, in the end, the media can , and no doubt would or will treat him the same way they did Ron Paul in 2012, while the states do the same, shutting him and his support out of the conventions.
August 9th, 2015 @ 5:55 pm
thank you so much for what you are doing.. one day the world will know YOU WERE RIGHT TO BEGIN WITH.. and then maybe we can disrobe most of those judges who fought against you
August 9th, 2015 @ 7:11 pm
I like trump but I wish he would not get into pissing contests with the media….just say nothing sometimes. Those first 2 questions were cheap shots aimed at trump. I lost respect for Megan that night
August 9th, 2015 @ 10:41 pm
you should run for president Dr Taitz….Seems to me it is not possible to usurp the usurpation in process or until resolved.
The door is still open and anything goes…
August 10th, 2015 @ 12:52 am
I agree
August 10th, 2015 @ 10:55 am
“I could only wish there were some way of prodding him into being more committed to actual confrontation with the media or any one on obama’s ineligibility, and not just obama’s forged documents, but the actual fact that only an uneducated half-wit, or an intentionally lying traitor would accept the premise that a “Natural Born” U.S. citizen can be born of a foreign parent. It just defies all logic and erodes the whole purpose of the Constitutional requirement.”
How true. Mr. Trump has not YET covered the myriad actions undertaken by the usurper, and I wonder if he is aware of what is happening behind the scenes most of the time, but right on stage for us all to see, all of the time.
Mr. Trump is a savvy man, but he seems at the moment to be focused on singular details, when, in my mind, what Obama is doing in so many other avenues of treason, are the key to his rightful demise.
Any other legal president, in our past decades, i.e. Eisenhower, would have been hauled off to the guillotine long ago, just for 1/10 of what Obama has done since the beginning of his take-over.
This indicates that Obama has unknown entities working, maybe blackmailing, maybe threatening the authorities who could cause his arrest.
It is all very strange, for a nation under God, to be suddenly under Satan.
August 10th, 2015 @ 11:02 pm
Desiring for truth is good, especially accepting it for whatever it may be.
If there’s anyone here who may be serious for truth, here’s a recent interview about a candidate’s stance on single-payer healthcare. And think to yourselves: Is this what a real Conservative would say?
August 11th, 2015 @ 4:53 am
In regard to the person who suggested that Orly run for president and I believe he was serious: it’s a pity that so many people are not knowledgeable about the Constitution.
August 11th, 2015 @ 6:55 am
Keep speaking the truth while the professional politicians seek to be politically correct-
August 11th, 2015 @ 10:22 am
The author of that article is a misguided fool. He seems to think that someone(such as Obama, or you, for that matter)who was born in another country can legally be President, or, Vice President. You and most of us with a modicum of education and intelligence understand this. Poor Liberals.
August 12th, 2015 @ 1:51 pm
Yeah…and speaking of those who are not legally eligible to run for the Oval Office…
The (4) who are NOT eligible are still “pretending” to prank America off…
But I think they’re doing this to raise the info level about O…since they’ve got to know that they are NOT eligible…??? Unbelievable!!!
August 12th, 2015 @ 1:54 pm
Another great photo below…
August 15th, 2015 @ 3:05 pm
Trump is pushing a back door amnesty for 40-50 million illegal invaders
August 15th, 2015 @ 3:05 pm
another moderated site