Putin backed forces are consolidating territories and creating a separate state of Eastern Ukraine
Posted on | February 7, 2015 | 3 Comments
We are seeing today a split of Ukraine into 2 states: Western and Eastern Ukraine.
Previously pro-Russian forces seized Crimean peninsula with strategic ports and 2 strategic industrial zones of Donbass: Donetsk and Lugansk.
I can see now pro -Russian offensive in 2 areas: Debaltsevo and Mariupol.
Debaltsevo is a rail road center between Donetsk and Lugansk. Mariupol is a coastal city on Azov sea between Crimean ports, particularly Sevastopol with military bases and Eastern Ukrainian cities.
What I urge you to do, is simply draw a line between those points and you will see an outline of the new state of Eastern Ukraine. We are seeing a division similar to Eastern and Western Germany during the cold war and North and South Korea.
I believe that pro -Putin forces will not stop there. They already possess tanks and air force and they have several thousand soldiers of Ukrainian army completely surrounded. They are emboldened and they are on the offensive. This is the reason, why Merkel, Holland and Kerry traveled to Kiev and Moscow. They are trying to stop the offensive, however, they were not successful in stopping it.
I believe that pro-Russian forces will move further in direction of Kramatorsk, Slovyansk, Harkov and Odessa. Keep in mind. Odessa is next door to Transnistria, which Putin carved from Moldova, just as he carved Abhazia and Osetia from Georgia. It is possible that Putin will consolidate Eastern Ukraine with Transnistria either in a separate republic or will make it a part of Russia. These areas used to be a part of the Russian Empire which, I believe, Putin is craving to emulate.
Recently George Soros, who started the uprising in Ukraine and who together with Biden’s son and a few of the oligarchs is making a fortune on the takeover of the Uksaine, asked IMF for 1-3 billion dollars for Ukraine, as it is on the verge of economic collapse. Soros was asked, if he will give his own money. Soros responded that he will not.
Rada, the parliament of Ukraine, is voting on a bill giving the parliament impeachment powers. It is yet to be seen, whether these impeachment powers will be used against President Poposhenko. Some in Rada are upset that Poroshenko did not keep his campaign promises to end the war in Eastern Ukraine in 2 weeks. well, he will not be the first president of a state not to fulfill campaign promises. Additionally, I believe that Poroshenko is truly trying to end the fighting and pro-Russian offensive. I don’t believe he is a match to the Russian military might. I don’t believe the Ukrainian army was trained with the same vigor as spez-naz forces, which are allegedly leading the offensive.
Recently, at a meeting with Putin, Poroshenko accused Putin of an intent to take over the whole Ukraine and push towards Kiev. Jokingly, Putin responded that if he really wanted to take over Ukraine, then within 2 days he would have drafted over a million reservists and on the third day his troops would be in Kiev and he would not stop there. A day later his troops would be in Tallin (capital of Estonia), Riga (Capital of Latvia) and Bucharest (Capital of Romania).
I was somewhat surprised by his mention of Bucharest, as Romania was not a part of the Soviet Union, though it was a part of the Warsaw block. It is possible that he is mentioning Romania because he cut his gas lines going through Ukraine and is using Turkey for gas supply from Russia to Western Europe. Romania is very close to Turkey. Additionally, in the area of Ploesti, in Romania, there are vast oil reserves, large oil fields that Putin might be eying.
Putin’s remarks were meant as a joke, though a day or two later Putin announced a large draft of reservists. Was he really joking?
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Russian-backed rebels massing to attack key Ukrainian towns: Kiev
By Aleksandar Vasovic DONETSK, Ukraine (Reuters) – Pro-Russian separatists have intensified shelling of government forces on all front lines and appear to be amassing forces for new offensives on the key railway town of Debaltseve and the coastal city of Mariupol, Ukraine’s military said on…

Tags: Crimea > Dontesk > Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ > Mariupol > Odessa > Poroshenko > Putin
3 Responses to “Putin backed forces are consolidating territories and creating a separate state of Eastern Ukraine”
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February 7th, 2015 @ 10:20 pm
Putin went against building califate…Kabayeva is furious 🙂
February 7th, 2015 @ 11:13 pm
it was reported that Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, Alina Kabaeva, is indeed Putin’s common law wife or possibly they are already officially married. Indeed, she is fro a mixed origin. Her mother is Russian-Christian, she is a well known athlete as well. Her father, Marat Kabaev, is a well known soccer player and he is from Usbekistan, he is of a Tatar origin. Tatars descendants of Mongols and majority of them are Muslims. I do not know if Kabaeva practices any Muslim religion, though. Her parents were divorced when she was a child. Around age 14-15 she moved to Moscow and lived in the home of her coach. From what I recall the coach’s name is Irina Weiner. She is Jewish. So, for some 10 years, while Kabaeva was advancing in her athletic career, she lived in a Jewish home. I did not see her adhere to any religion, though. Maybe, I don’t know enough.
February 8th, 2015 @ 9:15 am
All this comes while the economic order of the world is going through a paradigm shift:………
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