Press Release: Complaint filed by Attorney Orly Taitz against Schumer, Harris to vacate (cancel) unconstitutional trial against Donald Trump
Posted on | January 21, 2021 | 14 Comments
Press Release: Complaint filed by Attorney Orly Taitz against Schumer, Harris to vacate (cancel) unconstitutional trial against Donald Trump
On 01.21.21 Attorney Orly Taitz filed a legal action on behalf of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation against Chuck Schumer, in his capacity of the Senate Majority Leader and Kamala Harris in her capacity of the President of the Senate to vacate (cancel) unconstitutional trial against private citizen Donald Trump. DOFF v Schumer, Harris complaint 21-cv-120
The complaint states: “US Senate is currently seeking to try Donald Trump, a private individual, who is no longer in office.
The US Constitution gives the US Senate the right to conduct a trial in only one instance, under Article 2, Section 4 of the US Constitution, which states: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” (emphasis added).
The plain language of the US constitution allows the US Senate to conduct trial of a sitting president, not a private individual, and gives it only one remedy, removal from office. It does not give the US Senate a constitutional right to try a private individual who is no longer in office. A planned trial is unconstitutional and with no legal basis. This trial, based on admissions of the Senate majority leader, is planned to prevent Donald Trump from running for office again Such unconstitutional and illegal actions by the Senate will deprive the members of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation of their Constitutional First Amendment right for the political speech, namely, to vote for Donald Trump in future elections.
Supporters of the foundation are asked to donate to cover the court fees and expenses of this legal action. Donations can be made via pay-pal on the website or or by mail at 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Activity in Case 8:21-cv-00120 v. Defend Our Freedoms Foundation Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)
5:19 AM (10 minutes ago) |
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Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 1/21/2021 at 5:18 AM PST and filed on 1/21/2021
Case Name: | v. Defend Our Freedoms Foundation |
Case Number: | 8:21-cv-00120 |
Filer: | Defend Our Freedoms Foundation |
Document Number: | 1 |
Docket Text:
COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-30155781 – Fee: $402. (Attorney Orly Taitz added to party Defend Our Freedoms Foundation(pty:clm))(Taitz, Orly)
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Orly Taitz
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Document description:Main Document Original filename:C:\fakepath\DOFF v Schumer, Harris complaint 21-cv-120.pdf Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP cacdStamp_ID=1020290914 [Date=1/21/2021] [FileNumber=31259057-0 ] [ 010486faa2ca34360ea7fe9d49308c |
Tags: Attorney Orly Taitz > cancel trial of Donald Trump > Harris > sue schumer
14 Responses to “Press Release: Complaint filed by Attorney Orly Taitz against Schumer, Harris to vacate (cancel) unconstitutional trial against Donald Trump”
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January 21st, 2021 @ 6:52 am
Good morning, Dr. Taitz. What if Texas vs PA et al, Lin Wood, etc…are all sham lawsuits to steer us away from Writ Quo Warranto? Why wouldn’t all of these brilliant attorneys have recommended this action to political candidates affected by election fraud?
Have you seen Leo Donofrio’s blog?
January 21st, 2021 @ 7:10 am
I saw, Donofrio wrote about my quo warranto cases, Judges refuse to grant them, claiming that only federal and state prosecutors can file them.
January 21st, 2021 @ 7:38 am
January 21st, 2021 @ 8:10 am
please, consider donating to cover court fees
January 21st, 2021 @ 5:31 pm
Bless you, Orly. I will put a check in the mail to help with the filing fees, etc.
January 21st, 2021 @ 6:20 pm
[…] a Thursday press release, Taitz said the lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, or DOFF, would […]
January 21st, 2021 @ 6:58 pm
[…] a Thursday press release, Taitz mentioned the lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Defend Our Freedoms Basis, or DOFF, would try […]
January 21st, 2021 @ 7:09 pm
[…] a Thursday press release, Taitz said the lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, or DOFF, would […]
January 22nd, 2021 @ 8:36 am
Boy, I’m must be missing my boat here…
I’m usually the first to get posted on any of the catagores! lol…..
January 22nd, 2021 @ 9:08 am
Dear Orly,
I do not understand if your action now is reasonable at all.
1) Yes, it is outrageous that the US “House of representatives” and “Senate” chaired with their “leaders” arrogantly disregard the law and Constitution one more time, behaving as a mob of hooligans, rather than a legislature of a civilized nation.
– They have just certified the grossly fraudulent election without hearing the evidence in merits: tones of evidence!
– They have been ignoring the natural born definition since Obama and up to Harris now.
– They ignored the plain fraud of Obama such as stolen SS#, gross forgeries of his personnel docs.
– They ignored (already during more than 100 years) the Constitutional requirement that our currency be backed with fixed amount of gold, and on and on.
Therefore the fact that you are suing them against only this last violation (concerning Trump impeachment as a private person) looks bizarre.
2) You have experienced already a sabotage of American kangaroo courts in a form of lack of standing many times! And now you are trying the same thing again expecting a different result!.. And this time the lack of your standing would be not even terribly twisted by “judges”: you are filing not on behalf of Trump and not as his attorney…
Therefore I really do not understand what is the reason of this exercise…
January 22nd, 2021 @ 9:20 am
Speaking about the bigger picture, what we are witnessing now is defeat of civility and of the civilization. Worse, I must say that it’s a sort of a perfect defeat (by analogy with a perfect storm). The enemy destroyed simultaneously both pillars somehow supporting the remnants of the conservativism in America:
– The rigged election system – officially acknowledged as secure! Never to be challenged! Rigged and remaining under the control of those who had rigged it for indefinite future.
– The broken illusion of the stupid and heavily conditioned “conservatives” which voted for the repoops (believing as though otherwise their vote is wasted). Since now even the most blind and stupid of them would realize the enormous treason of the repoops, thus losing their only goal (though a sham goal).
Thus, we have neither voting incentive any more, nor reliable election. We fell into an abyss from which there is no way up… And the bottom line is…
– the entire Congress is treasonous and fraudulent, and must be damned;
– the entire Supreme kangaroo Court and all lower courts must be damned;
the entire law enforcement and intelligence top down are treasonous and must be damned;
– the entire US Army and Navy are treasonous by not arresting all the above! The entire US Army and Navy have violated their oath to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic already two times: during the 2008-2016 imposture, and now during the 2020 election coup, thus must be damned most strongly!
There is nothing anymore: just entire failure of what was the USA, which therefore must be terminated by massive secession of all states.
January 22nd, 2021 @ 11:34 pm
Hi Dr. Orly, thanks for filling that suit, my check will be in the mail immediately.
To digress a minute, I’ve read many pro and con posts concerning the election but this one really made me laugh:
“instead of playing ‘Hail To The Chief’ for Biden, they should play “Pop Goes The Weasel” ha ha
How true!
January 28th, 2021 @ 12:10 pm
What an example of diabetic nonsense!
Alex, you have a problem here……
All you do is criticize and more criticism!
And you are the problem child here!
Nobody should be that critical about what they right!
So why do you do it?
Orly is the best critical analysis we have here!
Why do you do nothing but criticize her, when she is doing her job!
Do you realize that she probably has had a way of keeping track of the Trump, even though he was gone for a few days…
And he knows who’s doing what!
And Orly also knows how to take care of the situation a lot better than you do!
And to put that info down on the site here for all to see, is ridiculous!
You are making a mockery of all that she has done and is doing now!
why the hell is it that you just can’t keep your big mouth shut for a while!
We went through this way back in the Obama time frame, and you just couldn’t stop then, either!
And of course I had to discuss this kind of info with you and you just can’t stop doing the “playing ‘GOD'”, thing, right?
Who cares about all the crap you brought up…Orly has done a great job! And of course, she was doing a job that she saw at that time!
What you see is what you are able to figure out “AFTER” the fact…so that makes it very strong for your comments!
But, gee, I don’t see any comments “BEFORE” her analysis, do I?
It’s always AFTER the fact!
So why not clear it up and relax, jack, cause America is NOT going anywhere!
And Trump is coming back, the way he planned!
So relax and enjoy the show, which you are trying to figure out, with NO MORE GUESSES!
And how about being a little more understanding about her analysis! No one is perfect!
And by the way, most everybody in govt is trying to show some very strong statue for themselves!
I suggest that you have some more understanding of the political scene, too!!
February 10th, 2021 @ 1:31 pm
[…] a Thursday press release, Taitz said the lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, or DOFF, would […]