PH. 939-683-5411 FAX 949-766-7687
350 JAY STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, 11201-2908
Dear DA Thompson,
as many citizens around the country, I was grieving an unfortunate passing of Mr. Eric Garner, which occurred after he resisted a lawful arrest and due to his known medical condition of asthma, high blood pressure and obesity.
As many around the country, I am hoping that there will be additional measures taken to prevent such unfortunate deaths happening after a lawful arrest. Among them, hopefully, different techniques will be used in arresting medically compromised individuals complaining of shortness of breath and there should be a mandatory educational programs in schools teaching students of dangers of resisting a lawful arrest.
However, MSNBC talk show host Al Sharpton, who is also known for spearheading a slander of a District Attorney in Tanana Brawley case a few years age, has decided to take this grief over an unfortunate death to a different level.
Mr. Sharpton has organized a “Kill the cops” rally.
During Sharpton rally people were chanting “what do we want?
Kill the cops.
when do we want it?
As a result of this clear incitement of violence and incitement of murder of police officers, on 12.20.2014 two Brooklyn police officers were assassinated in cold blood by a Muslim Black Panther Ismaaiyl Brinsley, while a few accomplices cheered and clapped. Later, reportedly, Ismaaiyl Brinsley took his own life. Police said Brinsley approached the passenger window of a marked police car and opened fire, striking Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in the head. Brinsley, 28, wrote on an Instagram account before Saturday’s shootings: “I’m putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let’s take 2 of theirs,” two city officials with direct knowledge of the case confirmed for The Associated Press. He used the hashtags Shootthepolice RIPErivGardner (sic) RIPMikeBrown — references to the two police-involved deaths of blacks that have sparked racially charged protests across the country. AP
Unless Sharpton is stopped and prosecuted, more police officers will be assassinated in cold blood.
While I personally do not reside in Kings county, I have relatives resigning in Brooklyn and Borrow Park. additionally, as the President of Defend Our Freedom Foundation, I m concerned about the well being of members and supporters of DOFF, who reside in Brooklyn.
Mr. Thompson, when Attorney General of NY suggested a special prosecutor in regards to death of Eric Garner, you opposed it stating the following:
“As the duly elected District Attorney of Brooklyn, I am adamantly opposed to the request by the New York State Attorney General for authority to investigate and potentially prosecute alleged acts of police brutality. No one is more committed to ensuring equal justice under the law than I am.
“Moreover, acts of police brutality are not only crimes against the individual victim but also are attacks on the communities in which they occur. Therefore, local prosecutors who are elected to enforce the laws in those communities should not be robbed of their ability to faithfully and fairly do so in cases where police officers shoot, kill or injure someone unjustly. The people of Brooklyn have voted for their District Attorney to keep them safe from all crimes, including those of police brutality. The Attorney General’s proposal would override their choice – and that should not happen.” Ken Thompson, Brroklyn District Attorney
So, since the people of Brooklyn voted for Brooklyn District Attorney to keep them safe from all crimes, this includes the crime of inciting violence and inciting murder and they are awaiting your action .
Mr. Sharpton should be held accountable for his incitement of violence against police.
I am urging you to start investigation of Mr. Sharpton at your earliest convenience.
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
CC Chief of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Hate Crimes Unit Marc Fleidner,
CC Chief Assistant District Attorney Eric Gonzalez
Hey Orly, I called the DA’s office this afternoon to support your efforts to get Al Sharpton indicted in the police officer cases. When Val called me back, she said my request would be turned over to the special unit they are having to establish over this because they are getting thousands of calls. Good work Orly. You need to get this out so more and more will also call the DA’s office. They are feeling the pressure and the more we apply the more they will have to act.
Anything else I can help with, please let me know.
keep up the great work. You have a lot of supporters.
Brenda Smith
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, December 22, 2014, 4:53 PM
Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley Attended Mike Brown Rally – Took Video

Ismaaiyl Brinsley murdered NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Raphael Ramos in cold blood on Saturday.
Today New York police officials announced that Brinsley had attended a Mike Brown rallyin New York City.
He took video at the protest.
“He talks about Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin, as I said. We’ve recovered his cellphone from Baltimore. There’s over several thousand images on it. We’re paring down that as well. One of the cellphone images that we have is a video from Union Square Park where he is a spectator watching one of the protests. We date that around December 1st.”
The Eric Garner grand jury decision was announced on December 3rd. There were#HandsUpWalkOut protests in New York on December 1st.
December 22nd, 2014 @ 3:25 pm
Wow! It’s a great news!
God Bless You Orly!
And Very Marry Christmas for all decent people!
December 22nd, 2014 @ 3:39 pm
Related news ICYM: https://www.conservativefiringline.com/walid-shoebat-obama-wants-race-war-overthrow-americas-government/
December 22nd, 2014 @ 4:41 pm
Thank you, Virginia, for that link. Many suspect that in the ensuing chaos that Obama would then have the “perfect storm” to “justify” his calling Martial Law.
Eerily, the current situation seems to be in line with the prophecy (2009 though he began to speak of it in 1999) of the renowned pastor and author, David Wilkerson, who predicted something akin to “Watts” violence with riots even in Times Square:
December 22nd, 2014 @ 5:00 pm
Great news Orly! If anyone is guilty of stirring the violence against Police, it has to be Sharpon, as He is the biggest racist and Hate monger in our Nation , next to Obama and Holder.
All of His actions and support in rallying the community against the Police led directly to the deaths of the 2 New York police Officers.
How anyone as Racist and anti American as he can remain within Our Congress just goes to show the type of morally bankrupt and utterly stupid electorate within His District.
Personally, I believed he should be ‘Censored’ on the Floor of the House for His despicable behavior and his undermining the rule of law and order.
In any event, Hopefully someone within this Investigation will hold him accountable, otherwise as You stated in your Letter, he will continue to lead in helping to see that other Police Officers are Murdered.
Thanks Orly for getting the ball rolling by your excellent letter.
December 22nd, 2014 @ 5:34 pm
Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah to all who are still sane…peace/shalom
just watch 2 parts of: The Subversion Factor – Attacks on Police Are Part of a Long Term Program
posted from youtube to noisyroom.net
Both parts can be found under these titles on youtube:
The Subversion Factor, Part1: Moles In High Places
The Subversion Factor, Part 2: The Open Gates of Troy
Watch them both with your families..it tells exactly who, what, where, when and why everything has been totally corrupted in America and these were produced in 1983!
Very, very relevant to what is happening NOW, only it’s gotten way worse. God Bless & Awaken the American people.
December 23rd, 2014 @ 1:38 pm
Yeah, boy, I think we should all view “Big” Al Sharpton as another “hoodie” himself!
I hope the D.A. will throw the book at him!
And YES…all American Patriots have a great Christmas, a very Happy New Year…and Happy Hannukuh to ORly and her Family and other Jewish friends!
December 23rd, 2014 @ 3:49 pm
In reply to “How anyone as Racist and anti American as he can remain within Our Congress just goes to show the type of morally bankrupt and utterly stupid electorate within His District.”
Al Sharpton is not now, nor has he ever been a member of Congress. So what were you saying about “stupid electorate”?
December 23rd, 2014 @ 3:55 pm
who said that he is a member of Congress?
December 26th, 2014 @ 1:29 pm
I think that the reference to a “stupid electorate” might have been, in some way, speaking about the people who didn’t stop Al Sharpton from speaking, when he probably didn’t have the right to do so, in some govt forum????
Thank God, he’s not in Congress!!!
December 27th, 2014 @ 4:56 pm
I fully support your investigation of Al Sharpton and the community organizers that are leading these unlawful protests all over the nation. I believe there is a well funded network of conspirators leading an effort to divide our citizens and provoke civil unrest to the point of anarchy.
Those who think our citizens are not prepared to defend our liberties including law and order will find we are not a few but many.
December 27th, 2014 @ 7:23 pm
Please add my name to the list re investigating Al Sharpton’s incitement of violence against the police.
This is outrageous and must not be tolerated as not only the police lawfully fulfilling their obligation to keep the peace and keep us safe, but no one will be safe if this criminal behavior endangering our police officers is allowed.
Thank you for spearheading this investigation.
Cheers from Vero Beach,
Peggy Fisher
Seaside Scoop Publisher
Vero Beach, FL 32963
December 30th, 2014 @ 3:00 pm
You realize don’t you that Al Sharpton helped the Brooklyn chief prosecutor be nomina
December 30th, 2014 @ 3:01 pm
Ted for US attorney general? The chances that her office will hold Sharpton accountabl
December 30th, 2014 @ 3:02 pm
E is pretty slim. It would be an act of God.
January 10th, 2015 @ 11:55 am
Where is a twitter logo on your page, so that I can retweet this?