

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Press Release: Attorney Orly Taitz appeared on Cliff Kincaid TV show talking about her latest legal action to vacate unconstitutional senate trial of private citizen Donald Trump

Posted on | January 22, 2021 | 3 Comments

The Unconstitutional Senate Trial of Trump on Phony Charge

Orly Taitz, the famous lawyer who questioned Obama’s eligibility to be president (based on a stolen SS number), argues that a Senate trial of former President Trump over phony incitement to riot charges is flatly unconstitutional. She urges Trump to join her lawsuit challenging the farcical proceeding, scheduled to begin on January 25. Go to www.taitzreport.com

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Preview YouTube video The Unconstitutional Senate Trial of Trump on Phony Charges


3 Responses to “Press Release: Attorney Orly Taitz appeared on Cliff Kincaid TV show talking about her latest legal action to vacate unconstitutional senate trial of private citizen Donald Trump”

  1. Davey Crockett
    January 22nd, 2021 @ 2:02 pm

    That sounds like a good job, Orly…

    And that was great when you talked to the host about Trump…

    I didn’t get the chance to hear that…

    But it was a great show anyway!

    And it was a great sweater, too!

  2. Alexander Gofen
    January 22nd, 2021 @ 5:42 pm

    Thank you for this show. Here are however a few questions.

    1) Speaking about the most conspicuous treasonous repooplicans such as Pence, NcConnel, and others: why don’t you call to expel them from this party immediately?! Why is all that talk about 2022 primaries?! Which decent party on the earth tolerates the members which betrayed their own candidates and rushed to uphold this unprecedented 2020 election coup?
    – Only a sham party, a treasonous party such as repoops does this.

    2) Why are you both speaking as though it all were only the guilt of democrats, while the guilt of the repoops since 2008 and up to now is eve more insidious and ugly?!

    3) You said that Trump threw the towel: then why did you choose to file the case for him at all? Why did you choose to file the case which the kangaroo courts would surely sabotage under “No standing”?!

    4) By the way, if the Senate does proceed with the impeachment trial despite its plain unconstitutional nature: this would be a chance for Trump and his team to bring the issue of the election fraud loud and proud! Why not to try this?

    5) What sense does it make for you to contemplate any future “election”?! Which election?! With the same and more manners of fraud?! With the same voting machines engineered for fraud and controlled from outside?! I have sent already affidavits (as a programmer) that there must be no electronics in voting machines except photo sensors and counters. Who in the existing illegal government would ever address this? We are trapped!

    All the efforts of the patriotic remnants now must be directed towards full exposure and prosecution of the 2020 election fraud. If this issue is not addressed now, there is no future.

  3. Davey Crockett
    January 23rd, 2021 @ 12:36 pm

    Well, first of all, Mr Goofball why do you continually try to agetate Dr Orly all the freakin’ time?

    I can’t stand you, Mr Goofball, since all you seem to want is to attack Dr Orly with your stupid nonsense, when the person who is so messed up with his dialogue is YOU!

    I can’t understand any of your comments and who cares about what you are saying anyway!

    Dr Orly is really trying to do something constructive here and all you do is attack her comments and try to keep her from succeeding!


    She’s the one who has all the time and efforts for the comments and you have to stick your A** in this every time!

    Do you not see and understand how hard this is when Dr Orly goes out of her way to solve a problem?

    This is NOT the roll of a person who is just sitting back and baying at the moon, like you do!

    I still can’t understand you own babble most of the time, so why not just stop the chatter and keep your own comments to yourself when you have nothing good to say about her!

    I feel that, most of the time, she is on the money and don’t need any of your guff to keep your “song” going!

    If you have nothing but negative narrative going all the freakin’ time, just kick it in your butt to keep it quiet!

    No one needs to be rattled all the time when you have some “troll” to spew out!

    What tiresome nonsense! Pick up the positive ding dong and keep it shut!

    What a pain in rear end, you are!

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