Please, contact University of Akron OH and Politico magazine, demand firing of Prof. Dvid Cohen for academic dishonesty, journalistic malpractice and criminal complicity in elections fraud and forgery
Posted on | July 26, 2012 | 14 Comments
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David B. CohenAssociate professor of political science, The University of Akron :
In 1968, Republican presidential candidate George Romney initiated the practicing of releasing tax returns by making 12 years available to the public. Forty-four years later, his son, Mitt Romney, reluctantly made available only one year and that was only after withering criticism from his GOP rivals for the nomination. In 2008, when he was being vetted as a running-mate, Romney handed over 23 years of returns to the McCain campaign. No one knows for sure what the McCain people saw, but we are certain that Romney was not chosen.
By not releasing more returns, Romney leaves the impression that he has something to hide. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. But in politics, perception is reality, especially at the presidential level. During a presidential campaign, transparency is the best policy because the questions will continue and the negative attention will not cease unless the campaign makes a good-faith effort to clear up any questions. Even members of Romney’s own Republican Party are questioning his motives in not releasing more returns — a sure sign that this tax return controversy will only get worse. President Obama did not put the birther nonsense to rest until the state of Hawaii released his long-form birth certificate in April 2011. That contrived controversy has now all but gone away except for the handful of nut jobs and conspiracy theorists like Donald Trump, Joe Arpaio, and Orly Taitz who can’t seem to let it go (and may also believe the world is flat and that the moon landing never happened).
For Romney, it is best to put that information out now, deal with the negative fallout during the summer, and have the issue behind him when he picks his running mate and goes to the convention. By waiting, he only risks blunting the momentum he will need coming out of Tampa in the sprint toward election day.
14 Responses to “Please, contact University of Akron OH and Politico magazine, demand firing of Prof. Dvid Cohen for academic dishonesty, journalistic malpractice and criminal complicity in elections fraud and forgery”
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July 26th, 2012 @ 3:27 pm
It is not as though I care much about Romney (also a scoundrel and an accomplice in this fixed game), but I am shocked by the extreme stupidity and baseness of this enlightened professor. How much more stupid can a person possibly be to demand openness of Romney’s file now, when Sheriff Arpaio has just officially proved Obama’s documents being forged – i.e. those few docs that Obama had produced or had not succeeded to lock.
If a fiction writer composed a novel in which a fraud shoves a pack of counterfeit dollars (obtained in a black-and-white copier) to a bank teller, and the teller in the novel willingly received them, the editor would reject the scene as a grotesquely stupid.
And now, not one teller, but the entire nation, a former super power and a leader of the democratic world, fell so law, that it willingly receives such rudely counterfeit docs from the fraud, and receives this forgery with the most grotesque servitude and complete lack of dignity!
America is in the deadliest peril ever. All the branches of the government are accomplices of the total treason.
The “president” is an impostor, identity thief, and fraud.
The entire Congress and both “parties” cover up the fraud and are accomplices of the treason.
The Supreme Court is an accomplice of the treason.
The US Military (except three officers) has violated their oath to protect and uphold the Constitution, and willingly took the role of the Red Army of Russia in 1917.
Rise up those few patriots what remained of America! Now the (hot) civil war is upon us!
July 26th, 2012 @ 4:31 pm
July 26th, 2012 @ 5:05 pm
Alleged Professor Davis C. Cohen’s, letter printed above shows that the Alleged Professor is a complete idiot and writes garbage that has very little to do with the truth. How old is this Alleged Professor, maybe this Alleged Professor is senile?
I hope the people the Alleged Professor works for get a chance to read what a dumb fool this Alleged Proffesor really is.
Has this Alleged Professor been teaching his student in such a low class uneducated way?
It appears as if this Alleged Professor has examined/read absolutely none of solid evidence or listened to any of the top expert Witnesses that Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. has that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Whats his Name’s for the most part is using nothing but cheap, poor, fraudulent documents to show who and what he is.
That’s not only my opinion but Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. has a whole list of top document experts who have all come to the same conclusion, THEY ARE FAKE! THEY ARE FAKE!
The Alleged Professor in some tried to hide behind his lack of knowing anything at all about what he was writing about by bringing up something about the Earth being flat, and Americans never landing on the moon.
But the Alleged Professor failed BIG-TIME when it came to presented any bonafied evidence that in anyway contradicts what all of Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. experts have readily made available for people examine.
Is the Alleged Professor a coward to do so, or will he come on this Web-Site and show us all where we are mistaken when we believe in what all the print experts have said on this issued.
Is this Alleged Professor really this, “you know what I mean”. or does he know what he wrote in that letter is nothing but a bunch of garbage.
I hope a few of his students and ex-students got a chance to read this letter that’s full of garbage and untruths
Why is The Alleged Professor disputing all of Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. top experts in printed documents.
Is Alleged Professor himself a bonafied expert in the area printed documents.
We do know that the Alleged Professor is aware that the Earth is round and not flat. I wonder when the Alleged Professor realized that and what other great discovers he has made?
July 26th, 2012 @ 8:57 pm
Please Alleged Professor David C. Cohen, come on this Web-Site if you are not a complete DING DONG and show us where and how we are being mislead.
Alleged Professor are you aware of what’s happening to our Once Great Country right now, or are you in a complete fog like your letter indicates you might be?
If you lose all your Freedoms, which is very possible with what happening right now in this Once Great Country, you’ll wish you had never written such a stupid dumb letter.
July 26th, 2012 @ 9:25 pm
Great comment Alexander!
July 27th, 2012 @ 8:34 am
Here is the email address for David B. Cohen plus with a search you can also find his phone number:
I doubt he will come on this web site and read the posts to him.. it would be best to either email or call him.
July 27th, 2012 @ 8:36 am
More contact info:
Department: Political Science
Office: 208 Olin Hall
Phone: 330-972-6045
Website: https://1600pennave.blogsp
July 27th, 2012 @ 8:38 am
July 27th, 2012 @ 11:01 am
This brain dead idiot makes the comment that “the State of Hawaii released his long-form birth certificate in April 2011” as if the impostor-in-chief has no control over his own birth certificate! Is this Professor of Idiocy trying to brainwash everyone with this comment? I surmise this means that no person born in the U.S. has a right to request his birth certificate from the state where he was born and our BCs can only be released if the state authorizes such release. What has this guy been eating?
July 27th, 2012 @ 1:25 pm
Why is this?
July 27th, 2012 @ 1:43 pm
To all the READERS of this WEB-Site:
I am posting this letter that I wrote for the eyes of the alleged Professor David B. Cohen. on the Web-Site because I’m sure any and everything we write him will immediately end up in his waste can, and that will be the end of it!
To alleged Professor David B. Cohen,
Why I call you alleged Professor:
I read the dishonest, inaccurate trash that wrote in a letter, and I find it hard to believe that a College Professor with the slightest amount of intelligence, would stoop as low as you did in that letter.
You didn’t back a thing up in that letter with any bonafied facts showing where Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.’s printed documents experts were wrong in any of their findings. All you did in that letter was to try and imply that Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. and the people that believe in what she is doing are nothing but a bunch of “KOOKS”
If I was a student, ex-student, or your employer, I’d be ashamed of you for making such a fool out of yourself.
About the only thing in that letter of your’s that was full of garbage and untrue statements that had any ring of maybe being true were your remarks about the shape of the Earth and something about men on the moon. Were those two remarks inserted into your letter in your feeble attempt to try and cover up the fact that you had absolutely no bonafied facts to show that Dr. orly Taitz, Esq.’s print document experts are wrong in any way in all their bonafied findings?
If you have anything that might have the ring of truth to it, that can be backed up by bonafied facts, and maybe an expert or two, I challenge you to post that information on Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.’s Web-Site “”, so we all can see where we are wrong in what we believe to be the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help us all.
I think we have a better chance of hearing from an alligator later than hearing from you, you Alleged Professor you.
Yes, I believe all the Doctor’s top print documents experts.
It appears as if, you believe in Whats his Name, who has paid millions of dollars to lawyers to hide his past any and every way that he can
Sincerely, A True Believer
July 27th, 2012 @ 2:02 pm
To all the READERS of this WEB-Site:
I am posting this letter that I wrote for the eyes of the alleged Professor David B. Cohen. on the Web-Site because I’m sure any and everything we write him will immediately end up in his waste can, and that will be the end of it!
To alleged Professor David B. Cohen,
Why I call you alleged Professor:
I read the dishonest, inaccurate trash that you wrote in a letter, and I find it hard to believe that a College Professor with the slightest amount of intelligence, would stoop as low as you did in that letter.
You didn’t back a thing up in that letter with any bonafied facts showing where Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.’s printed documents experts were wrong in any of their findings. All you did in that letter was to try and imply that Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. and the people that believe in what she is doing are nothing but a bunch of “KOOKS”
If I was a student, ex-student, or your employer, I’d be ashamed of you for making such a fool out of yourself.
About the only thing in that letter of your’s that was full of garbage and untrue statements that had any ring of maybe being true were your remarks about the shape of the Earth and something about men on the moon. Were those two remarks inserted into your letter in your feeble attempt to try and cover up the fact that you had absolutely no bonafied facts to show that Dr. orly Taitz, Esq.’s print document experts are wrong in any way in all their bonafied findings?
If you have anything that might have the slightest ring of truth to it, that can be backed up by bonafied facts, and maybe an expert or two, I challenge you to post that information on Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.’s Web-Site “”, so we all can see where we are wrong in what we believe to be the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help us all.
I think we have a better chance of hearing from an alligator later than hearing from you, you Alleged Professor you.
Yes, I believe all the Doctor’s top print documents experts. Tell/show us when they are wrong in their findings.
Oh, Alleged Professor I almost forgot, have you in anyway, shape, or form paid any attention to what the Sheriff From Arizona and his Cold Case Posse has come up with? You’d have to be as blind as a bat not to see that that something is afoul!
It appears as if, you believe in Whats his Name, who has paid millions of dollars to lawyers to hide his past any and every way that he can
Sincerely, A True Believer
July 27th, 2012 @ 2:55 pm
Dear Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.
You are amazing me more everyday with all this super great work that you seems to be turning out on a daily basis.
You have more and energy perseverance than all the rest of us combined.
I glad that I’m on your side.
You have already given the Courts plenty to think about, I wish they would start thinking, and quit hiding behind that unconstitutional “NO STANDING” ruling that they have used so often.
Thank you, for all you have been doing and sacrificing in you gallant effort to save our Sacred Constitution and Once Great Country.
July 27th, 2012 @ 3:54 pm
More on Alleged Professor David B. Cohen:
Is it really a fact the Alleged Professor David B. Cohen is in fact teaching POLITICAL SCIENCE?
I find it impossible to believe a POLITICAL SCIENCE teacher could be as DUMB as it appears that Alleged Professor David B. Cohen is.
Do you think there a chance some of what we see coming from him might just be DISHONESTY rather than DUMBNESS?
I know morally that DISHONESTY is considered bad, but being DUMB has nothing to do with good or bad morals.
Alleged Professor David B. Cohen is definitely one or the other.
Which is it DUMB or DISHONEST?
What else can he be?