

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

it appears Obama regime pressured World News and Google to remove the article about Texas hearing before Judge Hanen to ban travel from Ebola region

Mary Jewell – Examiner.com www.examiner.com/etiquette-in-dallas/mary-jewell Cached Similar Decision on Ebola ban and quarantine coming soon from Texas Federal judge … Federal judge in Texas sets hearing on August 27, 2014, for immigration case … Missing: worldnews

Do you, as members of the public, have specific questions for CDS quarantine expert, and other witnesses who will testify on October 29th before Judge Hanen in Brownsville, TX hearing seeking a ban to travel from Ebola region and quarantine of everyone who came from there as well as a quarantine of illegal aliens

Taitz v Johnson List of witnesses for October 29th hearing Taitz v Johnson Government exhibits for 10.29.14 Taitz v Johnson supplemental brief and exhibits filed 10.24.14 Taitz v Johnson Reply and Exhibits 10.16.2014 Vera Dolan epidemiologist second affidavit

Press release: Obama’s attorneys bring CDC quarantine officer and others to testify to Judge Hanen

Taitz v Johnson List of witnesses for October 29th hearing Taitz v Johnson Government exhibits for 10.29.14

I pray to God judge Hanen grants a stay soon, this is the only thing that can stop spread of Ebola

Rich 88 approved Submitted on 2014/10/23 at 6:59 pm Orly, you seem to be the only one in the legal field out there with any sense at all. All the rest are playing Russian Roulette with Ebola and our lives. For politics. This Obama lunatic has held us all at the point of a gun for […]

latest Ebola case in NY supports the need for a stay filed by Attorney Taitz before Judge Andrew Hanen in TX

Breaking: Fourth US Case of Ebola Confirmed in New York Infowars.com | Doctor visited bowling alley before falling ill.  1074 Comments Break the Fever: ‘Obola: Tyranny is the Disease’ Contest Infowars.com | Only one day left to submit entries to win $5,000 grand prize.  101 Comments Doctor: Obama’s Open Border Policy Fueling Ebola Crisis Mikael Thalen | Doctor […]

Now nearly 1,000 people watched this video. Please, if at all possible, be in Brownsville, TX, for the hearing US Dstrict Court, Judge Hanen, 10 am, October 29th, 600 Harrison Ave, Brownsville, TX

Press release: 12 days left to Ebola travel ban injunction hearing in Brownsville, TX, before US District Judge Andrew Hanen

Press release: More information and pleadings submitted for for October 29. 2014 hearing seeking to ban all travel from Ebola affected countries. Pleadings and exhibits are below. Members of the public are asked to attend October 29th, 10 am 600 E Harrison Ave, US district court, Brownsville, TX, Judge Andrew Hanen Taitz v Johnson Reply […]

2 beautiful young women are fighting for their lives. I really hope and pray that on October 29th Judge Hanen grants my motion to stay all flights from Ebola region and quarantine ones who slip through the travel ban

OBAMA PANICS as Ebola Hits Key Single Women Voting Demo Weeks Before Election Posted by Kristinn Taylor on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 6:45 PM Texas Ebola Patients Nina Pham and Amber Vinson

Ebola ban hearing in TX: October 29, 10 am , Judge Hanen, US District court, 600 Harrison Ave, Brownsville TX

Heart braking! I am ready to cry! Second health care worker in Dallas diagnosed with Ebola. I hope Judge Hanen will take all this into consideration and will grant the STAY for all travel from Ebola affected nations during October 29th injunction hearing!

New Dallas Ebola Case Was Isolated ‘Within 90 Minutes’: OfficialsNBCNews.com Officials: 2nd person tests positive for EbolaWashington Post Featured:Second healthcare worker in Texas tests positive for EbolaOrlando Sentinel Trending on Google+:Texas health officials say second health care worker at Dallas hospital tests …Fox News

US Politics EIN News now reports onTaitz case before Judge Hanen and an affidavit by Epidemiologist Vera Dolan

Texas Houston Crime News – US Politics News – EIN News uspolitics.einnews.com/news/houston-crime 4 hours ago – 10 USEFUL SITE TIPS FOR NEW EIN NEWSDESK USERS · All Topics > All … Ebola crisis: Epidemiologist advises ban on flights, quarantine. Oct 12, 2014 …

Dallas Newswire reports onTaitz case bafore judge Hanen seeking to ban travel from Ebola countries. How long will it take the regime to pressure Dallas Newswire to scrub the article?

Dallas Newswire (Page 3) – Topix www.topix.com/wire/dallas/p3 4 hours ago – Unlike in Spain, Dallas Ebola patient’s dog will be saved The health ….Ebola crisis: Epidemiologist advises ban on flights, quarantine …

Press Release: Epidemiologist submits a second affidavit to Judge Hanen in TX, supports Petition for Stay by Taitz seeking quarantine of illegal aliens and quarantine and ban on travel of legal and illegal individuals arriving from Ebola affected countries

Press Release: Epidemiologist with 30 years of experience and a certified expert submits a second affidavit to Judge Hanen in TX, supports petition for Stay by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz seeking quarantine of illegal aliens and all legal and illegal individuals arriving from Ebola affected countries. Affidavit will be a part of the response […]

Please, contact media in TX, alert them about October 29th hearing before judge Hanen

to me Can you send this to people in Dallas (or maybe post) and ask them to call these stations about your case? **************************** **************************** E-mails for TIPS and PHONE NUMBERS for news stations in Dallas Taitz v Johnson first Amended complaint filed Taitz v Johnson part 2 of SAC Taitz v Johnson response to the […]

INNews reports on Quarantine case filed by Atorney Taitz. Ebola outbreak makes this one of the most important cases in the U.S. Obama was ordered by Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, TX, to file an answer by tomorrow, October 3rd

Attorneys challenge the Obama administration; Push to enforce … obama.einnews.com/article__detail/226720561?lcode=F… 1 day ago … Latest Barack Obama news for political professionals & analysts. … EIN NewsDesk … Attorneys challenge the Obama administration; Push to enforceU.S. laws … and has been accused by some of failing to follow U.S. laws. Barack Obama & Immigration News – […]

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