

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

I would greatly appreciate donations to cover a copy of this full day hearing transcript of 10.29 14 hearing before Judge Hanen

12/24/2014 56 TRANSCRIPT re: Injunction motion hearing held on 10/29/14 before Judge Andrew S. Hanen. Court Reporter/Transcriber Barbara Barnard. Ordering Party Daniel Hu. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/24/2015., filed. (bbarnard, ) (Entered: 12/24/2014)

Judge threw out Arpaio immigration case. All hope with Judge Hanen in TX in ruling in favor of Orly Taitz and in favor of the states in 2 immigration cases before him

https://ca.news.yahoo.com/u-judge-throws-arizona-sheriffs-immigration-suit-against-030104270.html Taitz v Johnson motion to produce Executive orders Taitz v Jeh Johnson et al Motion 11.26.2014 Taitz v Johnson order by Judge Hanen for Obama, Johnson, Burwell to provide information to the court Taitz v Johnson supplemental brief 11.07.14 filed Taitz v Johnson List of witnesses for October 29th hearing Taitz v Johnson Government […]

Do Obama, Johnson, Burwell and DOJ believe that Judge Hanen is about to rule in favor of Taitz?

Today Obama’s DOJ attorneys ordered a transcript of 10.29.2014 hearing of Taitz v Johnson, Burwell, Obama. Previously Taitz asked Obama’s attorney, Colin Kisor, whether they will order the transcript, which is very costly. If the government orders the original   transcript, then Taitz can order a copy, which costs much less than the original trnscript. […]

Controlled “opposition” media, including FOX and Drudge, report that CDC might be hiding infectious diseases, including Ebola, however, FOX, Drudge and others are covering the actual FOIA case and a scheduled hearing before Judge Hanen in TX to force CDC to produce information

Press Release: Court sets a hearing on CDC cover up of … beforeitsnews.com/…/press-release-court-sets-a-hearing-on-cdc-cover-up… 11 hours ago – Law Offices of Orly Taitz. Press Release: Court sets a hearing on CDC cover up of infectious diseases and their failure to provide information. Taitz v Burwell …

Top article on YAHOONEWS writes about Amnesty challenge before Judge Andrew Hanen in Texas

Judge on immigration case had criticized US policy WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal judge assigned to rule in the lawsuit over President Barack Obama’s changes to immigration rules last year accused the Obama administration of participating in criminal conspiracies to smuggle children into the country by reuniting them with parents living here… Associated Press Fox: […]

Important breaking news! Brownsville, TX: 17 states file similar case with the same judge, Andrew Hanen, bring similar charges as Taitz did

Taitz v Johnson motion to produce Executive orders proposed order in TX et al v USA, injunction from enforcing 11.20.2014 amnesty Immigration debates rise in Brownsville Brownsville Herald–3 hours agoShare Orly Taitz, a California dentist, attorney and activist in the Birther movement, sued July 14 and is seeking an injunction against the president. Immigration debates […]

I believe that a positive decision is coming in Taitz v Johnson, Burwell, Obama soon, as Google is feverishly delinking all positive articles about me and promoting the most defamatory garbage. They might be concerned about the upcoming decision from Judge Hanen

Surgeon dies after ‘false negative’ Ebola test, let’s hope judge Hanen will order quarantine

Surgeon dies after ‘false negative’ Ebola test USA TODAY  – ‎51 minutes ago‎ A surgeon who had tested negative for the deadly Ebola virus in Sierra Leone before testing positive days later died Monday in Omaha, Nebraska Medical Center announced. Ebola-infected doctor is disease’s second victim to die in USLos Angeles Times Army Reservists heading to […]

Second Ebola patient dies in US after he had 2 false negative Ebola tests. This second death weighs in favor of Judge Hanen ruling in favor of injuction sought by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz in her case against Sec of DHS, Sec of HHS and Obama

Ebola Patient Dr. Martin Salia Has Died in Nebraska: Officials NBCNews.com  – ‎9 minutes ago‎ Dr. Martin Salia, a surgeon who was diagnosed with Ebola in Sierra Leone and flown to Nebraska over the weekend for treatment, has died, hospital officials said Monday. Sierra Leone doctor dies of Ebola at Nebraska hospitalReuters Surgeon with Ebola died, […]

DHS Buying Nearly 100,000 Pairs of Underwear for illegals. Is Obama regime expecting mass diarrhea if Judge Hanen rules against them?

DHS is buying hundreds of pairs of underwear for illegals expecting a large wave of illegals post Obama’s amnesty. at the same time DHS is disarming the border patrol. Please write to Congress and FBI, we have to stop this treason of illegal amnesty, open borders, loss of jobs and wages by American citizens. we […]

Texas Biotechnology News – Biotechnology News Today joins dozens of other publications awaiting decision by Judge Hanen in Taitz v Johnson: case seeking to ban travel from Ebola hot zone and quarantine illegal aliens until they are checked for infectious diseases, their criminal record is checked and a judge rules whether there is any legal basis to grant them asylum. The decision is expected in the near future

Texas Biotechnology News – Biotechnology News Today biotech.einnews.com/state/texas Cached … Media Monitoring & Online News Coverage of Texas … Decision on Ebola ban and quarantine coming soon from Texas Federal judge. … Inhaled Ebola Vaccine May …

After pleadings with allegations of obstruction of justice were received by Judge Hanen today, an e-mail was received from Obama’s attorney, where he says that he just got back to DC, supposedly did not see the request for documents submitted a week ago

Good Afternoon Dr. Taitz,   I am back in DC today, having returned from Chicago yesterday. To the extent that the parties ultimately engage in discovery, it should in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. But I expect that the Court will need to resolve the preliminary issues of standing and jurisdiction first. […]

During 10.29.14 hearing Judge Hanen posed specific questions and gave till Nov 7 to provide additional answers and information, which are contained in this supplemental brief

Taitz v Johnson supplemental brief 11.07.14 filed

Article about Taitz case before Judge Hanenin TX to quarantine illegal aliens and people from Ebola zone, is ranked as the most popular article in Examiner

Most popular articles on Examiner Inbox x 6:52 PM (14 hours ago) to me Alltop – Top Examiner Cities News examiner-cities.alltop.com/ Cached Similar Justice for the Gilbert 23: MCSO report released; the Hugheses plead not guilty …… Decision on Ebola ban and quarantine coming soon from Texas Federal …

More professional websites are awaiting with interest for a decision in TX by Judge Hanen in a case brought by Attorney and Dr. Orly Taitz, seeking to quarantine illegal aliens and quarantine individuals arriving from Ebola zone

Dental Offices News – Dental Industry Today dental.einnews.com/news/dental-offices Cached Dental Offices News Service from EIN News. … Decision on Ebola ban and quarantine coming soon from Texas Federal judge. Oct 28, 2014 – 19:51 GMT … U.S. Customs and Border Protection News – US Politics Today uspolitics.einnews.com/news/customs-border-protection Cached Similar U.S. Customs and Border Protection News Service from EIN News. … […]

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