

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Obama administration and pro-Obama media believe that Attorney Orly Taitz is the source of the current Supreme Court case

Critical opportunity for the Supreme Court to show it’s not tainted by partisan politics The Hill (blog)  – ‎2 hours ago‎ The GOP politicians took page from the playbook of birther queen Orly Taitz who identified Hanen as anti-immigrant and filed a lawsuit in Hanen’s court to stop the federal government from bussing immigrant minors […]

U.S. District Court SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 2/22/2016 at 1:44 PM CST and filed on 2/22/2016 Case Name: Taitz v. Johnson et al Case Number: 1:14-cv-00119 Filer: Document Number: 81 Docket Text: ORDER entered. Telephone Conference set for 3/1/2016 at 03:00 PM Courtroom 6 before […]

Trump will be asked during the debate, who will you pick to replace Scalia as the Supreme Court Justice

Trump will be asked during the debate, who will you pick to replace Scalia as the Supreme Court Justice I would recommend US District Judge Andrew Hanen, who stopped Obama-amnesty with an injunction.

U.S. District Court SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 1/20/2016 at 3:48 PM CST and filed on 1/20/2016 Case Name: Taitz v. Johnson et al Case Number: 1:14-cv-00119 Filer: Document Number: 78 Docket Text: ORDER granting [77] Motion for Leave to File. The court hereby grants the […]

Press Release: Supplemental brief filed in Texas v US by Attorney Orly Taitz

Press Release: Supplemental brief filed in Texas v US by Attorney Orly Taitz Texas v US supplemental brief by Taitz (212 pages brief and exhibits) Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688   US DISTRICT COURT   SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS            BROWNSVILLE DIVISION   TAITZ,                      )                              Case# 14-cv-00254   […]

Judge to hold hearing on Arpaio, Taitz roles in immigration suit

Print UNDER THE RADAR online_josh_gerstein.jpg Josh Gerstein BLOG ROLL FOIA Blog How Appealing Reporters’ Committee Time’s The Page Wired Threat Level WSJ’s Law Blog BLOG ARCHIVES Judge to hold hearing on Arpaio, Taitz roles in immigration suit By JOSH GERSTEIN 12/14/15 06:07 PM EST The main front in the legal war over President Barack Obama’s […]

Newspaper article reporting on Taitz case to stop spread of infectious diseases due to illegal immigration

Texas Federal immigration cases consider contempt charges and civil sanctions Texas Federal immigration cases consider contempt charges and civil sanctions August 2, 20158:53 PM MST Scales of justice eh Johnson, immigration, Judge Andrew Hanen, illegal aliens, Orly Taitz Americans are increasingly expressing concern about the U.S. government’s disregard for current immigration laws, and the lack […]

Orly Taitz continues the battle, donations are greatly appreciated

orly taitz » Sonoran News Federal judge issues stern warnings to Obama administration Sonoran News  – ‎Jul 15, 2015‎ orly taitz Hanen issued a memorandum and opinion in another case brought by Dr. Orly Taitz (r), a Southern California dentist and lawyer, who asserted in her complaint she had developed a persistent cough after treating illegal […]

Excerpt from Sonoran News reporting on Taitz Case

Hanen issued a memorandum and opinion in another case brought by Dr. Orly Taitz (r), a Southern California dentist and lawyer, who asserted in her complaint she had developed a persistent cough after treating illegal aliens in her office, as part of government program, shortly after the Obama administration transported tens of thousands of illegal […]

From civil rights leader in AL, Harold Sorensen: 6:33 AM (1 hour ago) to me Fox news Kelly file reported Judge Hanen case and expecting Johnson to be in his court room….period…. Judge Hanen issues orders simultaneously in States’ and Taitz case. In States’ case he ordered Gov. officials to court for possible civil sanctions, […]

WOW!!! Trump is leading all GOP candidates in NC, 4% ahead of Bush. For general election he is only 3% behind Clinton in NC

Veritas 3,923 approved Submitted on 2015/07/08 at 2:19 pm 8 July 2015: — https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/08/poll-donald-trump-leads-gop-field-in-north-carolina/ Judge Hanen issues orders simultaneously in States’ and Taitz case. In States’ case he ordered Gov. officials to court for possible civil sanctions, in Taitz’s case he wrote that if defendants are intentionally infecting people with drug resistant TB, civil sanctions […]

Paula Hoehn 306 approved Submitted on 2015/06/09 at 10:53 am Dear Orly, This is a youtube video about a warning device for border crossings invented by former Army sniper Mike King. I am sending this info to my congressman and asking him to support its use in securing our borders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZFJWHmKo8g Mike King’s SEIDARM™ – […]

Federal Judge Refuses to Drop Injunction Against Obama Immigration Policies

orly taitz » Blue Nation Review Federal Judge Refuses to Drop Injunction Against Obama Immigration Policies Blue Nation Review  – ‎12 hours ago‎ Hanen has a history of anti-immigration decisions. His reputation was so well-known that notorious anti-Obama conspiracy theorist Orly Taitz worked to ensure that her lawsuit accusing the government of “trafficking illegal aliens” went […]

Thank you for an unusual compliment

jbh 10 approved Submitted on 2015/05/10 at 7:44 am I have been with Orly since the beginning. And she is a pitbull in a silk dress. Reminds me of Trey Gowdy. She needs to be in the Senate. JBH Judge Hanen’s supplemental order excoriates Obama for demands of mandatory non compliance with the US immigration […]

A word of thanks from a supporter, Virginia.

Virginia W. 36 approved Virginia W. Submitted on 2015/04/30 at 5:00 pm If it had not been for Dr. Taitz’s perseverance and tireless devotion to exposing the fraud & all his lawlessness, these cases would not even be before a judge or Supreme Court. The impostor didn’t bank on a patriot like Orly. He thought […]

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