

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Response from Obama’s attorney received, he is neeting with Obama, Secretary of DHS and Secretary of HHS and by 19-20 of August will have an answer whether they will appear for a deposition and for the hearing in Judge Hanen’s courtroom. Now we know why Obama took a brake from golfing and flew to DC

RE: Urgent notice to appear From Daniel Hu (USATXS) <Daniel.Hu@usdoj.gov> To orly.taitz <orly.taitz@hushmail.com> Cc Colin Kisor (CIV) <Colin.Kisor@usdoj.gov> Sent Friday, August 15, 2014 at 12:46 PM Encrypted No Signed No Dear Dr. Taitz: I have received your voicemail message left today and take this opportunity to respond. We are meeting with our clients next week and hope to […]

Media is reporting on the decision by Judge Hanen: Deportations sought: Lawsuit to remove or quarantine immigrants moves forward

https://www.valleymorningstar.com/premium/article_2bf5b316-242e-11e4-9573-001a4bcf6878.html Deportations sought: Lawsuit to remove or quarantine immigrants moves forward Posted: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:42 pm Deportations sought: Lawsuit to remove or quarantine immigrants moves forward By EMMA PEREZ-TREVIÑO Staff Writer Valley Morning Star BROWNSVILLE — U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen has set a hearing date for a California activist, who wants […]

Most of Obama’s supporters posting here work for the DOJ and courts. I need help in identifying the IP of n Obama’s supporter, who wrote this. Judge Hanen might want to know, which DOJ attorney believes his prior order was meaningless and grand standing. The order is attached here

Sedative 0 approved takeone@gmail.com Submitted on 2014/08/14 at 4:16 pm They will tell you to go pound sand, bitch. You aren’t entitled to anything because nothing has been decided at this point. You have to first prove that you have standing which you do not have. The case is going to be tossed. I guarantee […]

Motion for a leave of court to file a supplemental brief, was filed with Judge Hanen in TX. No decision on application to stay trafficking of illegals yet

DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ 29839 SANTA MARGARITA, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 PH 949-683-5411 FAX 949-766-7687   US DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS BROWNSVILLE DIVISION   TAITZ,                      )                              Case # 14-cv-00119  V                                )       HONORABLE ANDREW S. HANEN PRESIDING JOHNSON, ET AL   ) A MOTION FOR LEAVE OF COURT TO FILE A SUPPLEMENTAL […]

Obama operatives in the media continue attacking Attorney Orly Taitz, calling her names in response to the order by Judge Hanen, why shouldn’t he rule in favor of Taitz

News for orly taitz Gubment Response to Orly Taitz Border-Crosser Lawsuit is … OC Weekly (blog) ‎- by Matt Coker ‎- 40 minutes ago See the update at the end of this post on the Department of Justice’s response to Orly Taitz’s lawsuit. ORIGINAL… DOJ responds to suit, calling to deport or quarantine … Monitor‎ – 19 hours ago US responds to removal or quarantine […]

1,180,000 article links under Orly Taitz in Google, which means that a lot of people are waiting for the rourt rulins, particularly by Judge Hanen

Monitor widely quotes Obama’s attorneys. Decision by Judge Hanen is due any day

OC Weekly DOJ responds to suit, calling to deport or quarantine immigrants Monitor–2 hours agoShare BROWNSVILLE — The U.S. Justice Department said California dentist and attorney Orly Taitz, who is challenging the transfer of immigrants from South Texas to …

Far left pro-Obama rag attacks Attorney and Dr. Orly Taitz as they are unhappy with the order by Judge Hanen for Obama to show cause why shouldn’t he rule in favor of Orly Taitz . Obama’ CA yellow press wants Taitz deported to Texas

Orly Taitz Sues Obama et al. to Either Deport Border Crossers or Quarantine … OC Weekly (blog) 22 minutes ago Written by Matt Coker Texas likes to brag about wooing businesses away from California, so you’re welcome, Rick Perry, for the Lone Star State’s latest plucking from the Golden State: an Orly Taitz lawsuit. Yes, as the Valley Morning […]

Judge Hanen can find that Obama and Sec of DHS and Sec of HHS violated 8 U.S. 1324 by trafficking thousands of illegals and sentence them to 15 years in prison

U.S. Code› Title 8 › Chapter 12 › Subchapter II › Part VIII› § 1324 8 U.S. Code § 1324 – Bringing in and harboring certain aliens US Code (a) Criminal penalties (1) (A) Any person who— (i) knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other […]

Google and Valley Star post an in depth report about the legal action by attorney Taitz and an order to Show cause by Judge Hanen in TX to Obama and Sec of DHS and Sec of HHS, to respond by August 11 why shouldn’t he rule in favor of Orly Taitz

News.Google.com Top Stories Lawsuit seeks to deport border crossers Valley morning Star  – ‎1 hour ago‎ BROWNSVILLE – California dentist and attorney Orly Taitz is challenging the transfer of undocumented immigrants from South Texas to other states, saying they would spread epidemics of scabies, tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, swine flu, dengue … Examiner.com Americans protest American leadership and the […]

Obama, Secretary of DHS and Secretary of HHS bring a second attorney to represent them, they have 3 days left to comply with the order to show cause issued by Judge Hanen and answer why shouldn’t the court rule in favor of Attorney Orly Taitz. Answer is due on August 11th

Taitz v Johnson, second attorney joins the case on behalf of the federal defendants Taitz v Johnson, Order to show cause why the shout should not rule in favor of Taitz Taitz v Johnson Application for Stay draft 12 final summons Taitz v Johnson Certificate of interested parties Taitz v Johnson filed motion to expedite […]

Attorneys for Obama, Secretary of HHS and DHS ask Judge Hanen to allow them to file an oversized brief. I did not oppose it. Typically such motions are granted and opposing it will only make me look petty and unreasonable in the eyes of the judge. It is important to concentrate on important things

This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended.  ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to receive one free electronic copy […]

Attorneys for Barack Obama, Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary of Health and Human services prepare their response, which was ordered by Judge Hanen to be filed by August 11, in 5 days

Good Afternoon Dr. Taitz,   I am writing to you under Southern District of Texas local rule 7.2 in order to confer with you about Motions. I am in the process of drafting the Government’s response to Judge Hanen’s order to show cause, which he issued on August 1. Your filing was 43 pages (plus […]

WorldNews.com joins Google and examiner in reporting on the 10 day order to Obama, Burwell and Johnson to show cause why Judge Hanen should not rule in favor of Attorney Orly Taitz

TX Federal judge issues Order To Show Cause; Response … article.wn.com/view/…/TX_Federal_judge_issues_Order_To_Show_Caus… 42 mins ago – TX Federal judge issues Order To Show Cause; Response due in 10 days … that defendants are required to file a response within 10 days.

Breaking News: Judge Hanen in TX issues and order to show cause for the Defendants to respond why he should not rule in favor of Plaintiff Dr. Orly Taitz

BREAKING NEWS – Conservative Patriot – Blogger conpats.blogspot.com/2014/08/breaking-news-why-are-illegal-aliens.html 15 hours ago – Judge Hanen in TX issues and order to show cause for the Defendants to respond why he should not rule in favor of Plaintiff Dr. Orly Taitz in the case, where she …

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