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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Orange County Register article about Barnett v Dunn, Bowen, Brown

Posted on | May 12, 2010 | 2 Comments

Suit filed on behalf of Obama birthplace lawyer

May 12th, 2010, 4:11 pm · 21 Comments · posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter

Orly Taitz 

A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the candidacy of Laguna Niguel attorney Orly Taitz, a secretary of state hopeful who has filed several unsuccessful lawsuit attempting to have President Barack Obama removed from office. Taitz says Obama is not a natural-born citizen and so is ineligible to serve as commander in chief.

The suit alleges that her opponent for the GOP nomination to the state’s top elections job, Irvine’s Damon Dunn, is ineligible to run. It also names Secretary of State Debra Bowen and Attorney General Jerry Brown as defendants, alleging that they have not fulfilled their responsibilities in allowing Dunn to run.

The suit was filed Tuesday in Sacramento Superior Court by Pamela Barnett, a Taitz supporter and a plaintiff on at least one of the Obama lawsuits filed by Taitz.

Damon Dunn 

Taitz previously filed a complaint with Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley

Taitz alleged that Dunn been registered as a Democrat within the last 12 months, which would disqualify him to seek the GOP nomination, Kelley said. Candidates must be registered for three months with the party they are running for, and cannot be registered for a different party for 12 months.

Kelley said that Dunn has been registered as a Republican in Orange County since March 17, 2009. That’s just short of the 12-month mark given the March 12 filing deadline, but meets the three-month requirement.

Taitz offered evidence that Dunn was registered to vote in Jacksonville, Florida, as a Democrat. Dunn has confirmed that he registered as a Democrat there in 1999, but said he left the city the same year and his registration there was subsequently terminated.

In her lawsuit, Barnett provides evidence that Dunn did not disclose his previous registration as a Democrat in the space provided when he registered to vote in Orange County.

Barnett also provides a letter from the Jacksonville elections director, noting that Dunn had called on July 10, 2009 to ask that his registration record be removed from the database. The director, Jean Marie Arkins, said that her lawyers said that it could not be deleted. In the letter, Arkins also called his voter registration record “ineligible” – an indication that Dunn’s registration as a Democrat there had lapsed.

Dunn, a former NFL player and a former Democrat, has been widely endorsed by Republicans despite Taitz’s attacks on him. Read the list, which includes the California Republican Assembly, the New Majority, three congressmen, and 16 state legislators.

Dunn’s candidacy for the top elections job is itself unlikely, as he is a self-proclaimed “recovering non-voter.” He says he never voted before 2009. He said he registered as a Democrat in Jacksonville because his family is Democratic, and he was asked to register when he went to get a driver’s license.

Read Dunn’s and Taitz’s biographies and policy positions in the Register’s Voter Guide 2010.

Read more about Taitz:

Birthplace attorney renews fight against Obama


2 Responses to “Orange County Register article about Barnett v Dunn, Bowen, Brown”

  1. Phil
    May 12th, 2010 @ 10:35 pm

    Lady Liberty…I’ve read the Dunn info and wanted to ask:…since Dunn has made the 3-month deadline, does that negate the 12-month deadline that he (DIDN’T) make?

    Also:…I’ve checked over his endoresements from others…and there is no way that these people could actually know this guy!!! And it might be good to have as many supporters as possible (I included, if I can find emails for them, etc.) to make contact with the people who support him and fill them in on what he has done (illegally-?) and let them know this. They may (NOT) know that he has been trying to pull a fast one here? And that might make a lot of difference in the outcome of the election?

    But I’m hoping that your most recent lawsuit will turn the tide? If you can do it, see to it that as many people as possible know about that lawsuit and what Dunn and Bowen and even Brown have done!

    I’ve sent Dunn and his manager-? an email tonight (but the tech problem keeps coming back to keep my email from going to that Hector Barajas !

    Also, I’ve sent Dunn an email too: to let him know that I and others are going to be checking on what happens with the lawsuit, to make him see that he (IS) committing elections fraud, if that 3-month deadline is not the official ruling I have listed above?

    And am going to hit the shows with emails, as well. As many supporters as possible (especially if you live in Ca.), do make contact with these shows and make contact witht he people Dunn has listed as his supporters, so they will know what Dunn is up to and what Bowen didn’t do to perform her duties and responsiblities in her position, to vett Obama when it was necessary! She is negligent and possibly-? treasonous, for not protecting America in her official capacity, as the Sec. of State of Ca.!

    This left-wing treasonous mentality is another tentacle of that Octopy from D.C.! And it seems that everyone of these people we take a look at, is a (left-wing, liberal [D]…)! They all seem to have this treasonous mental-illness!

    And that group of 21 responses to the lawsuit, is it-? show a very strong smear job from (obvious) Obama supporters! They got nerve posting that garbage on your site! I tried to post, but that tech problem-?-kept me from doing that, as far as I know?

    I believe that once some or a lot of those supporters of Dunn find out what this guy is all about, they will begin to take a very long look at whom Dunn is! He’s a fraud and a charlaton! Isn’t it amazing what these C.E.T.’s think they can get away with?

    So everyone reading this post, PLEASE…take it upon yourselves and get involved with this very, VERY important fight and this election! We all need Orly to win this election, to compliment Arizona and other states that are now starting to make a move to counter the govt in D.C.! This is a massive chess game…and we need to put Dunn, Bowen, Brown, Obama, etc. in check-mate, ASAP!

    It does take some time and initiative and some self-discipline! But after the first time or two, it becomes as easy as just knowing RIGHT from wrong! And these liberals don’t care about that! This is our country, too! And I don’t plan to let them take over and do ANYTHING!!!

    GOD BLESS ORLY TAITZ, GOD BLESS ALL PATRITOS, AND GOD BLESS OUR CONSTITUTION AND AMERICA!!! Come on, everyone get tough! Get mean, and don’t let these (corrupt, evil, and treasonous) spahn of satan get away with anything!!!!

    Davey Crockett…

  2. Jim
    May 13th, 2010 @ 8:08 am

    “In the letter, Arkins also called his voter registration record “ineligible” – an indication that Dunn’s registration as a Democrat there had lapsed.”

    Nice biased interpretation of the letter. Here is what the letter actually said :

    “Mr.Dunn contacted our office via telephone and asked for his ineligible voter registration record to be removed from the Duval county database”

    It is NOT Arkins calling his record “ineligible”, it is Dunn referring to it in the phone call as being an “ineligible” record.

    There is no indication from the letter that his registration there as a Democrat had lapsed.

    But all of that is beside the point anyway.In order to apply to run for the office of Sec of State, you have to be registered as a voter in CA. Since his voter application was filed frauduently ( leaving line 16 blank ) , his application is not valid and therefore he is not a registered voter in CA. He digs his own grave with his later action on July 10, 2009 where he requests from FL to have his voter registration record removed from the database. This is mens rea that he knew that he had committed a criminal act in filling out his voter registration in CA by leaving line 16 blank on the form. Now , knowing that he had committed a crime and had tried to have the evidence expunged, he commits a further crime in Nov, 2009 when he declared his candidacy – knowing full well that he had committed a crime in the filing of his voter registration, tried to cover that up ( but was unsuccessful ), but declared his candidacy by filing documents that he knew were fraudulent.

    If it were just an omission, a normal person would contact the voter registration in CA and correct the mistake. What does he do ? He contacts the Florida voter registration and tries to have the evidence removed. He knew full well that he was a registered Democrat and tried to hide the fact. In the process he committed crime – twice. Once by leaving the line blank and signing the form under penalty of perjury that the info was true, and second when he filed his papers for Sec of State KNOWING that his voter registration was fraudulant and therefore invalid.

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