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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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Open letter and challenge to Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC

Posted on | January 28, 2011 | 4 Comments


Dr Orly Taitz, ESq


Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

29839 Santa Margarita ste 100 

Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688

949-683-5411 orly.taitz@gmail.com

attention Lawrence O’Donnell

“The Last Word” MSNBC


Dear Mr. O’Donnell,

First of all I would like to congratulate you on getting a prime time show on MSNBC and on the great ratings the day of your debut. Definitely, the audience would prefer respectful and more balanced discussion than what was offered by Keith Olbermann show.

With all that being said  and down I would like to challenge you to a debate and discussion in relation to your criticism of  Glenn Beck and his assertion that the behavior and tactics of current administration is akin to Nazism. I challenge you and most liberal, reformist rabbi-es, who challenged Beck and I would state that on this issue I support Beck and the President of FOX Roger Aisles.

Nobody can accuse me of not bejng sensitive to Holocaust. My husband and I named our three sons after the relatives who perished in the Holocast. Those relatives were three young boys, brothers of my father in law. They were told to dig their own graves and later shot and killed by the Nazi officers and they were thrown in those graves. My father in law was one of the donors to and supporters and  of the holocaust memorial in Riga, Latvia. The names of those relatives are in archives of the Muzeon a Shoah in Jerusalem.

With all that being said I submit to you that what we are seeing in Washington today is extremely dangerous, many of the tactics of the current administration are indeed reminiscent of Germany in early 1930s and if we do not stand up, we will end up with full blown shoah. (holocaust).

I submit to you that partly shoah happenned because of  journalists like you, who burried their heads in the sand, who looked the other way and did not report the truth and resorted to mostly regime propaganda.

On your show you expressed your unhappiness about a state gun in Montana, but in reality more people died not from the guns of law abiding citizens, exercising their rights for self defense, but in the hands of dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Ahmadinejad, Hussein.

Today we are moving full speed towards dictatorship with media being complicit.

I know that a number of rabbies were offended by Beck’s comments and his use of word Holocaust. I disagree with those rabbi-es. Permit me to explain. The word Holocaust existed before Nazi Germany came into being. While Eli Weizel was the one, who used the word Holocaust referring to the extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany, this word existed for hundreds of years.The word holocast   comes from Greek and has two roots “holo”- means whole, “Caust” means burning. This word was used in ancient Greece and Roman to signify the sacrifice of the innocent.

Here are some examples (compilation by Mr. Petry):

Hauing offred vp their sacrifices, victimats and holocaustes to their false Gods.  (The earliest recorded employment of “holocaust(es)” by a secular English author within the Oxford English Dictionary — Philip Stubbes, The Anatomie of Abuses, 1583 [from the OED’s (1989) entry “victimate”])

… they haue forsaken me … they haue filled this place with the bloud of innocents. And they haue built the excelses [high places] of Baalim, to burne their children with fire for holocaust [in the Hebrew OLOT] to Baalim: which I commanded not, nor haue spoken of, neither haue they ascended into my hart.  (Rheims Douai Bible, 1582-1610, Ieremie [Jeremiah] 19:4,5 — the only employment of “holocaust” to refer to the killing/ sacrifice of human beings (plural) in the Catholic Bible, a translation of the only OLAH/ OLOT in the Hebrew Bible referring to the killing/ sacrifice of human beings (plural).

… we haue shunned the obscuritie of the Papists, in their Azimes, Tunike, Rational, Holocausts, Præpuce, Pasche … whereof their late Translation is full, and that of purpose to darken the sence, that since they must needs translate the Bible, yet by the language thereof, it may bee kept from being vnderstood … we desire that the Scripture may speake like it selfe … that it may bee vnderstood euen of the very vulgar.  (King James Bible (1611): Introductory Matter 17:13  — one web source: https://www.jesus-is-lord.com/pref1611.htm#s17 )

The muses holocaust: or, A new burnt-offering to the tvvo great idols of presbytery and anabaptism (Samuel Holland, 1662 — first book title to employ “holocaust”)

Holocaust, … a kind of sacrifice … a burnt offering. Sacrifices of this sort are often mentioned by the heathens as well as the Jews … they appear to have been in use long before … the law of Moses.  (Cyclopaedia, E. Chambers, 1779)

To common wrongs, the masses are indurated … the fires of persecution must have their holocaust, before the people of Europe shall be maturely ripe for revolution.  (New York Times — editorial, 29 March 1853, p 4:2)

 It was after we started with Gatsby toward the house that the gardener saw Wilson’s body a little way off in the grass, and the holocaust was complete.  (F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 1925,  Ch. VIII, last paragraph)

As for the Turkish atrocities … helpless Armenians, men, women, and children together, whole districts blotted out in one administrative holocaust — these were beyond human redress.  (Winston Churchill, The Aftermath, 1929, p. 158)

INVENTORY CLEARANCE … Oriental and domestic rugs … all are included in this great holocaust of price … FLINT & HORNER 66 W 47th   (New York Times — advertisement, 10 April 1932, p N3)

The nationalist student body [in Berlin] … ‘will begin making ceremonial holocausts’ of such literary works as do not measure up to their ideals of the German spirit.  (New York Times, 26 April 1933, p 8:6)

as you can see that Holocaust relates to many ethnicities, it refers to different atrocities and different themes.

Often people ask, how could Holocaust happen in advanced and educated Germany? The reason- lack of transparency in the media, lack of transparency in the courts.

I challenge you to start showing real honesty and transparency, I challenge you and your network to stop committing journalistic malpractice, to stop aiding and abetting this massive elections fraud and start reporting on the fact that Mr. Barack Hussein Obama does not have a valid long form birth certificate. Recently governor of HI announced that he will retrieve one, however he later acknowledged that the actual original long form U.S. birth certificate  for Barack Obama does not exist in the health department in HI. There is only notation made by someone in the archives, in the indices, stating that some records exist for Obama, but nobody saw the actual records, nobody saw the actual birth certificate.

I provided multiple courts with sworn affidavits of licensed investigators, among them John Sampson, senior deportation officer of the department of home land security, attesting to the fact that the social security number Obama is using today is a Connecticut number, which could not have been legally assigned to Obama, while he resided in HI. Obama never resided in CT.

You never reported about LTC DR. LAkin, a highly decorated officer and a flight surgeon, who is currently being incarcerated in Fort Leavenworth for demanding an answer to his questions of Obama’s eligibility before deploying to Afghanistan.

Today we have LTC Lakin incarcerated, Commander Fitzpatrick incarcerated, tomorrow it will grow into a holocaust of patriots being incarcerated for exercising their Constitutional rights of free speech and their right for redress of grievances. I was sanctioned by a GA judge for representing active members of the military, challenging Obama and demanding answers regarding Obama’seligibility. When civil rights attorneys like me are being harassed and persecuted by the judiciary, that signifies the end of the freedom of redress of grievances, that signifies the law of tyranny.
Will you be willing to talk about these issues? Will you be willing to let the truth out?

Are you going to stand up for the Constitution of this Nation or will you be a  SILENT    co-conspirator in this assault on the U.S. Constitution and freedom of speech, will you be an accomplice in this massive elections fraud of the US citizens?


Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ


4 Responses to “Open letter and challenge to Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC”

  1. Alec
    January 28th, 2011 @ 2:26 pm

    Excellent letter. For a more complete understanding of tyranny and mass murder in the 20th century, I post these links below.

    The Soviet Story full film MUST WATCH:

    The Soviet Story trailer and DVD for sale:

    Mao’s great leap forward killed 45 million in 4 years:

    20th Century death tolls:

    We must return to a democratic republic under the Constitution. Thank you for all you do.

  2. korean racing queen
    January 28th, 2011 @ 4:00 pm

    “No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.” ~ Oscar Wilde

  3. John
    February 1st, 2011 @ 1:02 am

    Shame on you!

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