One of the comments on petition to recall Brewer
Posted on | April 21, 2011 | 1 Comment
Comments:She is way off base. The bill allows a court challenge so one person IS NOT the gatekeeper! And who is she to decide what is a distraction as opposed to a legitmate concern of the American people that want the Constitution upheld!!!! I say, recall this govenor. I hope the Arizona legislators that passed this with a 2/3 majority will override the veto!
Response from Orly
At the moment the legislature cannot overwrite the veto, since apparently there wan undue influence of the regime on both Brewer and speaker of AZ house Kirk Adams. Adams abruptly ended the session 3 days early. Legislators did not have an opportunity to overwrite her veto. We have to recall Brewer in order for the new governor to call the emergency session and overwrite her veto.
another possibility, is that this traitor Jan Brewer will reconsider her actions and will announce that she will sign an amended bill. this will give her an opportunity to save face and call an emergency session to pass the amended bill and for her to sign it. Legislature does not have a problem in removing from the bill a provision, allowing to alternative records for people like Obama, who do not have an original long form birth certificate. Legislature has no problem removing from the bill any alternative documents and limiting the bill to the certified copy of the original birth certificate and a certified copy of the original social security card. After all it leaves Obama zero wiggle space.
One silver lining in this affair, in Brewergate, is that, it highlights the enormity of corruption not only in the White House, Congress and department of Justice, which we know about, but it shows that corruption spreads to the states’ capitols and Governors’ mansions. We are more corrupt than Egypt, Libya and Syria taken together. Congratulations! Mazel Tov!. Now we need to start climbing from this pile of …
One Response to “One of the comments on petition to recall Brewer”
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April 21st, 2011 @ 11:01 am
Is what the did legal? Doesn’t the state senate have a right to over ride the governor’s veto regardless if the session ends early. This seems pretty outrageous that just the because the session ended early, their veto power goes away.