

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Old news! Retired Sheriff Mack had all of the info on Obama’s forged IDs for 5 years now, he endored me when I ran for the Sec of State. Mike Zullo will provide a dozen acting and retired sheriffs and one congressman all the info they had for 5 years now. This will not do and will not relief Arpaio from his responsibility to file a criminal complaint against Obama.

Posted on | May 27, 2013 | 6 Comments

Yet again Mike Zullo revealed  with great fanfare that he will speak for about 20 minutes at a meeting of about a dozen sheriffs (some of them are retired and cannot file anything). He believes that this 20 minute of singing to the choir, to a dozen people who had all the evidence for 5 years now and did nothing with it,   will absolve him of a responsibility to file a criminal complaint against Obama.

This meeting is organized by a retired sheriff Richard Mack.

Sheriff Mack knows me. I forwarded to him all the Obama fraud evidence  for 5 years now, he forwarded this info to these dozen active and retired sheriffs that he is connected to. Also, constituency forwarded all the info to these sheriffs as well. Sheriff Mack endorsed me in my run for Secretary  of State 4 years ago, in 2010. Sheriff Mack and a dozen sheriffs connected to him had all the info for 5 years now, so did one or two congressman joining the meeting.

Apparently Sheriff Arpaio and Investigator Zullo believe that speaking for 20 more minutes to a group of 14 people will relive them of their responsibility to file a criminal complaint. It does not.

If a sheriff got evidence that a person ran for office in his county using 100% forged IDs, he has a duty to file a criminal complaint. If he does not do this, he is criminally liable, he can be criminally prosecuted for aiding and abetting in the cover up of forgery, fraud, tender of forged IDs and in this case also treason. I am not even talking about his violation of his oath of office. Individuals, and they know who they are, who defamed and slandered me, engaged in ad hominem attacks on me in order to aid and abet sheriff Arpaio and Investigator Zullo in dereliction of their duties, are accountable as well.

When Sheriff Arpaio and investigator Zullo enticed Deportation officer Sampson to become a member of Cold Case Posse and told him that as a member of the CCP he can no longer testify in my cases, they tampered with my witness.

When they made an agreement with the deportation    officer Sampson that 3 of them will not comply with the court subpoena and will not appear in my case in Indiana, they obstructed justice.

People who are running several web sites and claiming to be conservatives and whitewashing these despicable actions and attacking me, better clean up their act and speak up the truth, as they were part of this RICO to defame me, not to report the truth and defraud the public by telling the public that sheriffs and police officers somehow do not have a duty to appear in court pursuant to subpoenas, that they somehow have  right to tamper with a witness and they somehow have a right to cover up forgery and not file criminal charges when they have a 100% forged ID. They don’t!

Moreover, I am attaching a PDF of the response from the Democratic Party of MS to Zullo’s affidavit.

While I clearly disagree with the Democratic party in regards to the case itself, as I believe that the case was not moot as it was filed by Hugh McInnish before the election and lower court could have done much more, with that being said, you can see the precedents, which clearly show tat the Supreme Court of AL does not take into consideration new testimony, any affidavit  which did not exist at the time the case was reviewed in the lower court by the trial judge.

So, based on  law and precedents the 56 pages of affidavit provided by Zullo will be simply ignored, disregarded by the Supreme Court of Alabama, just as they will ignore the new forgery of Obama’s birth certificate submitted by the Dem party of AL.

So, when Zullo and Arpaio had an opportunity to testify at trial in the trial court in Indiana, California, Georgia and Mississippi, they refused to comply with subpoenas and did not show up. They also manipulated an important witness into not showing up at trial and sabotaged the trial and now they filed an affidavit in the appellate court knowing that it is just hearsay and knowing that the court will simply ignore it. This means treating the public as idiots, throwing them a bone and saying, here I did something. Members of the public deserve better than being treated as morons, they deserve better than to throw them a bone, they need to see action, they need to see a criminal complaint. What’s more, Arpaio and Zullo did not include in their affidavit the most damning evidence, Obama failing E-Verify and SSNVS. Why? Why would you file a 56 page document and include 56 pages of hearsay and not include E-Verify and SSNVS. Any sheriff can run E-Verify and SSNVS, within 5 minutes Arpaio could see that Obama is using a stolen Social Security number. Just on that basis he could file an arrest warrant, just as he filed arrest warrants and criminal complaints against thousands of Mexicans using forged IDs to apply for positions in Arizona. How is Obama different? He filed his certificate of a candidate for the U.S. President in Arizona and claimed identity using a stolen Social Security number.  The reason Arpaio didn’t file a request for a warrant from a local judge, never issued a warrant, never filed a criminal complaint, is because he and Zullo used this case as an opportunity for PR and fundraising, but they never conducted a proper criminal investigation and a proper criminal case, as they never wanted to file criminal charges. Now, when they are cornered, after over 2 years of claiming to investigate a criminal case, they are claiming that it is for Congress to do.

I also see a coordinated effort among bloggers who claim to be supporting this issue. Suddenly George Miller in ObamaBallotChallenge  and reported   Richard Garruth going by Bob Nelson at ObamaReleaseYourRecords are pushing a new line, that it is up to the Congress to decide and 315 million Americans do not have any recourse not through the court, nor through the sheriffs. Well this line is very beneficial  for Obama, as he knows that the most corrupt puppets were placed in the key positions of power in Congress and they were given marching orders not to touch the issue of Obama’s forged IDS.

Well,this is simply wrong. We have a recourse, the sheriffs, DAs, AGs, US attorneys and judges have a duty to act based on our complaints and grievances, and ones that are refusing to abide by their oath of office, being criminally complicit in the cover up, are criminally liable and sooner or later have to be criminally prosecuted and will be criminally prosecuted. So will members of the media aiding and abetting them.




6 Responses to “Old news! Retired Sheriff Mack had all of the info on Obama’s forged IDs for 5 years now, he endored me when I ran for the Sec of State. Mike Zullo will provide a dozen acting and retired sheriffs and one congressman all the info they had for 5 years now. This will not do and will not relief Arpaio from his responsibility to file a criminal complaint against Obama.”

    May 27th, 2013 @ 11:31 am

    http://www.thegatewaypundit.com is saying the DOJ went judge shopping to three different judges….

  2. Alex Gofen
    May 27th, 2013 @ 1:50 pm

    It is disgusting what the so called best and brightest of “American conservatives” are up to. They have decided to sabotage the exposure of the most egregious crime ever perpetrated in this nation – and nearly by the ENTIRE NATION!

    They have decided to replicate the burial of a crisis of the illegal presidency of Arthur in the 19th century notwithstanding that the current crisis exceeds the previous one in orders of magnitude and is already widely known to the entire world!

    What was then a hidden act of fraud of a single culprit (Arthur) later followed after his death by myopic opportunism of the rest, now is replicated as a deliberately perpetrated mega-hoax by the ENTIRE NATION from the very beginning!

    You are scoundrels, you, so called conservatives! You are despicable and miserable human being knowing no dignity. You have turned into savages! First CLIMB DOWN FROM TREES, RE-LEARN WALKING VERTICALLY, and only after that think of having a nation: Especially a nation bearing some association with the sacred names of our Founding Fathers : https://www.resonoelusono.com/HarshLetterToMembers.htm

  3. Rod Riddle
    May 27th, 2013 @ 5:07 pm

    Marshman, where have you been? We thought they had gotten to you. Comrade Holder has done the exact same thing in all of Dr. Taitz’ cases. He shopped around till he found a willing Co Conspirator. We need the Judges that refused to take part in his criminal offer to go public. That would be a step in the right direction for our complicit judiciary as a whole. Glad your back Marshman!

  4. The Truth
    May 27th, 2013 @ 10:36 pm

    I am behind you 100 percent. Zullo and Arpaio have lost my confidence. All this time and the best they can do is a 20 minute talk to a handful of sheriffs and a couple of congressman, who, by the way, will not show up now that
    Boener and company have found out.

    This is pathetic and ridiculous.


  5. The Truth
    May 27th, 2013 @ 10:37 pm

    I am behind you 100 percent. Zullo and Arpaio have lost my confidence. All this time and the best they can do is a 20 minute talk to a handful of sheriffs and a couple of congressman, who, by the way, will not show up now that
    Boener and company have found out.

    This is pathetic and ridiculous.


  6. The Truth
    May 27th, 2013 @ 10:37 pm

    I am behind you 100 percent. Zullo and Arpaio have lost my confidence. All this time and the best they can do is a 20 minute talk to a handful of sheriffs and a couple of congressman, who, by the way, will not show up now that
    Boener and company have found out.

    This is pathetic and ridiculous.


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