

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Obama and Madame Defarge by Don Fredrick

Posted on | October 10, 2009 | 5 Comments

Obama and Madame Defarge

Saturday, October 10, 2009 5:10 PM
This will be added to Part II of the Timeline later this evening:

On October 6 the Washington Post reports on Dr. Orly Taitz, the California dentist and attorney from the former Soviet republic of Moldova who is perhaps the fiercest adversary of Obama in the “battle of the birth certificate.” The lengthy article contains numerous exaggerations and inaccuracies. The Post calls the Taitz charge that “Nobody has seen proper [birth] documents” a “breathtaking misstatement” when in fact Taitz is correct: nobody has been shown Obama’s long form birth certificate. “Obama’s staff has indeed provided an official record showing the president was born in Hawaii,” defends the Post—which then refutes its own statement by admitting that the document is a “computer-generated official certification of live birth,” and not a typical long form birth certificate. All that has been “shown” has been an image on leftist-sponsored Internet web sites—hardly proof, but sufficient for the Post. The article ridicules Taitz’s definition of natural born citizen as persons born on U.S. soil to citizen-parents. That is hardly an outrageous interpretation, and is supported by the contemporary writings of the nation’s Founding Fathers—which the Post no doubt did not bother to research. The author then relies on the race card to discredit Taitz, stating, “One might argue that her extra super-duper burden of proof has a racial dimension to it”—but offers no substantiation of its reflexive charge. As if a charge of racism is not enough, the Post blatantly suggests that Taitz is motivated by “…the PayPal button at the top of her Web site.” (Perhaps if the Washington Post had used some of its significant financial resources to research Obama’s past before the election, it would not now need to express its angst over “cluttering up the American court system.”) And while the Post takes delight in noting that Judge Clay D. Land “excoriated” Taitz in the dismissed Rhodes v. Obama lawsuit, it only casually mentions that “a hearing on a California case took place yesterday.” It apparently did not occur to the article’s author that her readers might be interested in knowing that Judge David O. Carter did not dismiss the case Barnett v. Obama and even scheduled a January trial date—much to the frustration of Obama’s taxpayer-paid attorneys. The author’s description of Taitz—“charming but ferocious tenacity, part Meg Ryan, part Madame Defarge”—may be exactly what makes her most dangerous to Obama. By failing to take the tall, Russian-accented blonde seriously, he may be underestimating her determinedness. After all, the revolution in which Charles Dickens’ villain Madame Defarge participated was successful.

Don Fredrick





5 Responses to “Obama and Madame Defarge by Don Fredrick”

  1. Michelle
    October 10th, 2009 @ 11:16 pm

    Dear Dr. Orly
    “if the Washington Post had used some of its significant financial resources to research Obama’s past before the election,” which made us all members of a club we never wanted to join. Many Americans saw discrepancies in the Obama fiction, and started asking questions. Due to the responses which were so outlandish curiosity naturally grew. Investigations started and what was found was staggering to say the least. Threats, intimidation’s, accusations, name calling against many citizens just trying to pursue the truth. Yes had the press done their job Orly wouldn’t be working like a dog pursing with many other lawyers all the lies that bind the DNC Obama ACORN SEIU, Pelosi, Dean, Reid and God only knows who else. All Obama had to do is tell one truth in the beginning and he chose not to. We can only put the blame squarely where it belongs. Millions are behind you in the quest to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

  2. soraya sussman
    October 11th, 2009 @ 12:32 am

    Orly, I am sad that
    everybody who is trying
    to prove that BHO is not a legitimate president
    unite together and bring this very important
    constitutional matter together . I got a e-mail from a guy for the impeechment of BHO, and of course gary Kreep??? why we all unite and win this case. They all asking for donation
    I would help the most if the group was united
    but one by one against each other we are not going to win and people are not going to donate
    I would have put up a lot if every body helped
    Orly, she is the most consistent one, we love
    her and we know she is going to win??????

  3. Rabbi Jacobs
    October 11th, 2009 @ 4:15 am


    It’s quite amazing, the audacity of all these newspaper and online news reporters. One wonders what, if anything, some of them have accomplished with their own lives before thinking they can write intelligent informed articles.

    Has anyone sat back and looked at Dr. Taitz’ extraordinary professional accomplishments? I’ve never met her, but her resume is quite amazing.

    Her mother tongue isn’t even English, but she’s a practicing dentist with a successful business. She’s a practicing attorney. Apparently she runs a home with good family. I believe I read she’s also a Black Belt. This is a successful person.

    Why don’t some of these editors check what their reporters are spewing?

    As for substance, it’s most rational that the issues Dr. Taitz is bringing to the courts should be weighed and judged. It’s quite amazing that the media is trying to make these issues sound like they’re being promoted by a fringe portion of society.

    The case raises serious issues. And if judge Carter finds there’s nothing to them, nothing will have been harmed.

    Judge Carter sounds like a reasonable and mature individual.

    It’s about time these issues got aired.


    Rabbi Jacobs

  4. MarieDevine
    October 11th, 2009 @ 1:24 pm

    This case could be won on Barack Obama’s own testimony of his father being from Kenya, he lived and went to school in Indonesia, he went to Pakistan while in college, and his recent testimoney to school children that he lived in Indonesia, and the sss registration he supplied on-line. It is hard for a person to back out of their own testimony.

    The sss registration is strong because it appears he created it in 2008 when he should have had it in 1980. He did not have one in 1980 because he was a foreign student and was not required to register. His school records will confirm he was a foreign student who received a grant available to foreign students only. If it does not show that, there is no reason for him to hide it. It would prove he is not eligible to be president.

    More charges and evidences, easy court style, are at https://www.divine-way.com

  5. lcd hdtv 1080p
    October 20th, 2009 @ 5:16 am

    You rock. World needs more souls like you.