

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
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In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

New strategy, new line of attack: “throw away the flaky Flake, run a tea party candidate as a write in candidate to throw away corrupt official GOP candidates and bring new, clean conservative candidates. Organize sworn declarations lists to expose rigged elections”

Posted on | April 9, 2012 | 2 Comments

Recently sheriff Arpaio made statements that he is surprised by the GOP elected officials and candidates running away from the eligibility issue.

Welcome to the real world sheriff Arpaio. For four years now I’ve been saying in thousands of meetings and thousands of articles that corrupt leadership of both parties threw all of you under the buss.

a. they made deals to send millions of American jobs to slave labor in China and other third world countries by dismantling all the tariffs (taxes on foreign products). They couldn’t care less about the country and all of you. They were paid for this treason and corruption with legalized bribery of campaign contributions and lobbying positions and board positions for them and their families. That includes both corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans in Congress and the White House

b. they made a deal to allow occupation of this nation by the usurper Obama. They simply made a deal to shut up and not talk about it. They know that the elections are rigged, they know that the oligarchy, the financial elite is running the country, is running the show. They know that they can only talk within the allowed parameters. They are allowed to say only that they are against Obama’s policies and not Obama. That is why you see even Republicans, like Jeff Flake and Vicky Heartfelt and others are acting like parakeets and all saying the same phrases. “eligibility is not the real issue. We need to concentrate on beating him in November” Pleeeeeaase, spare me!

c. our rights to grand jury and jury trials are being infringed upon. Commander Fitzpatrick and others have shown how the grand juries are being manipulated. Often judges deprive us of our rights to jury trials. NDAA went even further and allowed arrest and indefinite incarceration without trial

d.  there is a real assault on our second amendment rights.

e. corrupt attorney generals like beau Biden (Joe Biden’s son) are trying to take away from sheriffs their right to arrest criminals. Incidentally, I believe Delaware sheriff, who was complaining about Beau Biden not allowing him to arrest criminals, might be able to arrest Beau Biden himself for obstruction of justice and interference with the work of the duly elected sheriff. Let Beau Biden go to the Supreme Court and complaint. After Obama’s remarks on the Supreme court, those justices are going to be really “sweet” on Beau Biden.

So, what can we do? I believe it is time to bring write in Tea Party candidates to defeat corrupt GOP puppets like Jeff Flake and Vicky Heartfelt. The primaries are over in many states, so the write in candidates are the only option there.

We know that even the “grassroots” efforts are largely manipulated. In 2010 tea party was able to remove some 90 corrupt politicians, however we do not see tea party movement now. Why so? I believe the oligarchy made a deal between them yet again. Conservative oligarchs like Koch brothers agreed to call off and not underwrite, not subsidize the Tea Party movement, in exchange the liberal oligarchs, like Soros,  agreed to call off the OWS (occupy wall street movement).  It seems that the intrenched corrupt politicians on both sides in Congress  decided  to make a deal and help each other to hold on to their seats. It is easier to make deals in a small clique of 535, than subject themselves to the uncertainty of the will of the people, whom our corrupt ruling elite sees simply as a mob.

The people on both right and left were sold out again, were were sold down the river.

So, what can you do to end this nightmare of occupation and of the usurpation of your rights? Here is a two step strategy that we can try:

a. bring a good and decent Tea Party candidate. For example in AZ you can bring Judy Burges or Jack Harper, who pushed the eligibility issue.Even though eventually Judy Burges made a deal with Karl Seel to add the eligibility language to his bill, Judy Burges is the one who started the process. As the primary is over, bring this candidate as a write in to face flaky Flake (Jeff Flake), who is running for Senate in AZ. Get in advance signed declarations of voters, saying that they will vote for Burges. Have several controlled precincts and watch the results. If you see that for example in a conservative precinct of 5,000 total, you have 4, 000 who signed declarations that they will vote for Burges, but official count shows 3,000 voting for Flake, you know the results in this precinct were rigged and we can go with this to court. Bottom line, you have to stand your ground and not donate a cent to corrupt politicians, who do not call for immediate removal and criminal prosecution of usurper Obama. Bring clean write in candidates to face the corrupt official candidates.

In AZ you really have an opportunity to do so.It was reported that sheriff Arpaio already raised 6 million for his reelection campaign. Arpaio will be printing his election flyers. Please, make sure Arpaio prints on his flyers a slate of clean candidates: for example Arpaio for sheriff, Judy Burges for Senate, Jack Harper for the US House of Representatives. It is enough to throw out of office one or two corrupt puppets, others will pause and think. it is enough to show that the elections are rigged in one or two precincts, in order to start the process of de-certification of electronic voting machines and electronic ballot counting scanners which are largely the problem. Without rigged machines none of these scoundrels will be able to stay in office.


2 Responses to “New strategy, new line of attack: “throw away the flaky Flake, run a tea party candidate as a write in candidate to throw away corrupt official GOP candidates and bring new, clean conservative candidates. Organize sworn declarations lists to expose rigged elections””

  1. John
    April 9th, 2012 @ 4:51 am

    “corrupt attorney generals like beau Biden (Joe Biden’s son) are trying to take away from sheriffs their right to arrest criminals. Incidentally, I believe Delaware sheriff, who was complaining about Beau Biden not allowing him to arrest criminals, might be able to arrest Beau Biden himself for obstruction of justice and interference with the work of the duly elected sheriff. Let Beau Biden go to the Supreme Court and complaint. After Obama’s remarks on the Supreme court, those justices are going to be really “sweet” on Beau Biden.”

    I Live in Sussex County where this issue with the Sheriff is ongoing. I have spoken to my State Rep about this and there seems to be an issue as to what the Sheriff wants and so he needs to define it It’s complicated… I also spoke to a County Councilman who I personally know who said the same… I made my point though (as many in the County have) that the state Constitution needs to change or the County needs to define the Sheriff’s responsibilities so that they include the FINAL say in law enforcement in our County to the extent allowed by SCOTUS so as to prevent any illegal federal takeover / enforcement…. we shall see…

  2. Thomas/PatriotofPast
    April 9th, 2012 @ 9:00 am

    Please explain to me WHY would these Tea Party members ask for a “Congressional” Investigation of Obama? The SAME people who did NOT Stand and Protest The Delegate Count in 2008?
    A Congressional ANYTHING is just dumb…These people hold “Hearings”, “Investigations”, just to show, NOTHING ELSE. If we want anything done, DO NOT BRING THE GOVT. IN ON IT!

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