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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

New Secretary of State was appointed today in Indiana. Please, write to her and demand that she respond to my Elections fraud complaint that was not resolved yet

Posted on | March 18, 2012 | 10 Comments

Transcript Farrar
Sheriff Arpaio press release and video links
Connie Lawson New Sec. of State in Indiana
show details 5:45 PM (1 hour ago)
Connie Lawson, who has served in the state senate since 1996, is Indiana’s new secretary of state.
Gov. Mitch Daniels named her as his pick to replace Charlie White this morning, and she was sworn-in by Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman in a brief ceremony in his Statehouse office.
Daniels called Lawson — who has been Senate Republican floor leader, chairwoman of the Senate local government committee, a member of the elections committee and a former Hendricks County clerk — the “obvious” choice to take over as the state’s chief elections official.
•  TWITTER UPDATES: Follow Star political reporter Mary Beth Schneider.
“I don’t know when I’ve felt so good or confident about a decision as the appointment this morning of Senator Connie Lawson as  Indiana’s new secretary of state. I doubt the state has ever been served by someone better prepared for her duties than Connie will be.”
He said he offered her the job Thursday afternoon. While he had considered other names, he said, she was the first person he thought of and that no other possibility ever topped her.
Lawson said she takes “very seriously” this new opportunity to serve all Hoosiers in a job that she “never dreamt” she would have. While it is too early to decide if she would run for election in 2014, the next time the office is on the ballot, Lawson said she would “position myself to run.”
The office oversees elections, and also handles securities investigations and business services.
“Over the next few weeks we (in the office) will work together to assess current systems, policies and procedures and we will move quickly to make any possible improvements and strengthen the office,” she said.
Lawson, surrounded by her husband Jack, their two children and their grandchildren, said she would begin her new duties immediately. She thanked Jerry Bonnet, who has served as interim secretary of state since White’s conviction.
White was convicted of six felonies, including theft, voter fraud and perjury, in February and removed from office. The Indiana Supreme Court on Thursday cleared the way for Daniels to choose the new secretary of state in a 5-0 ruling that said Democrats had waited too long to challenge White’s eligibility to be on the 2010 ballot. If Democrats had prevailed, the runner-up in that election, Democrat Vop Osili, would have been

Connie Lawson New Sec. of State in Indiana







show details 5:45 PM (1 hour ago)

Connie Lawson, who has served in the state senate since 1996, is Indiana’s new secretary of state.Gov. Mitch Daniels named her as his pick to replace Charlie White this morning, and she was sworn-in by Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman in a brief ceremony in his Statehouse office.
Daniels called Lawson — who has been Senate Republican floor leader, chairwoman of the Senate local government committee, a member of the elections committee and a former Hendricks County clerk — the “obvious” choice to take over as the state’s chief elections official.
•  TWITTER UPDATES: Follow Star political reporter Mary Beth Schneider.

“I don’t know when I’ve felt so good or confident about a decision as the appointment this morning of Senator Connie Lawson as  Indiana’s new secretary of state. I doubt the state has ever been served by someone better prepared for her duties than Connie will be.”
He said he offered her the job Thursday afternoon. While he had considered other names, he said, she was the first person he thought of and that no other possibility ever topped her.
Lawson said she takes “very seriously” this new opportunity to serve all Hoosiers in a job that she “never dreamt” she would have. While it is too early to decide if she would run for election in 2014, the next time the office is on the ballot, Lawson said she would “position myself to run.”
The office oversees elections, and also handles securities investigations and business services.
“Over the next few weeks we (in the office) will work together to assess current systems, policies and procedures and we will move quickly to make any possible improvements and strengthen the office,” she said.
Lawson, surrounded by her husband Jack, their two children and their grandchildren, said she would begin her new duties immediately. She thanked Jerry Bonnet, who has served as interim secretary of state since White’s conviction.
White was convicted of six felonies, including theft, voter fraud and perjury, in February and removed from office. The Indiana Supreme Court on Thursday cleared the way for Daniels to choose the new secretary of state in a 5-0 ruling that said Democrats had waited too long to challenge White’s eligibility to be on the 2010 ballot. If Democrats had prevailed, the runner-up in that election, Democrat Vop Osili, would have been


10 Responses to “New Secretary of State was appointed today in Indiana. Please, write to her and demand that she respond to my Elections fraud complaint that was not resolved yet”

  1. Veritas
    March 18th, 2012 @ 6:31 pm

    This is very timely. If one goes to Youtube, one can view the following:

    Sheriff Joe: Obama Investigation Could Lead to Ballot Denial for Obama, Tons of Shocking Information, Biggest Censorship Blackout in History of United States, Much More:

    Roger Hedgecock Show

  2. orly taitz
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:31 pm

    Did Hedgehock report this?

  3. Veritas
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:04 pm

    Yes. Mr Hedgecock had Arpaio on as a guest .

  4. Lapane
    March 19th, 2012 @ 3:49 am

    HA! That woman will wipe her ass with your “complaint”, as she should. You’ve already been told……

  5. HarryOrielly
    March 19th, 2012 @ 5:43 am

    It would be nice if you could put her address & email but I will try to look it up-

  6. orly taitz
    March 19th, 2012 @ 6:36 am

    before Hedgehock attacked birthers, did he change his mind?

  7. Veritas
    March 19th, 2012 @ 9:31 am

    I think the lightbulbs are turning on all over America without the complicit press. Obama is trembling without doubt.

  8. SC Warrior
    March 19th, 2012 @ 1:00 pm

    Hey, Lapane: I see you’re showing your level of education again, huh? Why not grow up and behave yourself? But first, you might want to take that “micro-chip” and remove it! Orly doesn’t like the “BORG” poster!!! And neither do the rest of us!

    Also, for that person Named Stacey, that wanted to know how to contact Sheriff Joe, here’s one of the emails he has sent out:

    This should get to him?!

    And if those light bulbs are going on, they’re NOT the swirly type, I’m bettin’!!! LOL!

  9. SC Warrior
    March 19th, 2012 @ 1:02 pm

    For the email of Sheriff Joe: it didn’t take in the post above:
    Hope this works?!

  10. SC Warrior
    March 19th, 2012 @ 1:04 pm

    Let’s try one more time on the email to Joe:

    Now just put the words together.

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