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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

My answer to Obama regime. I am familiar with the full faith and credit, and that is why eligibility bills will work. We give full faith and credit to original documents, not a piece of garbage that was created 5 minuted before the election for one who does not have a VALID SSN of his own and does not have a valid long form BC. This piece of paper does not deserve any faith or credit.

Posted on | January 27, 2011 | 8 Comments

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Full Faith and Credit

  • January 27th, 2011 3:10 pm ET

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United States Constitution

Article 4

Section 1:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

I printed this excerpt from the Constitution for the benefit of those in the Birther movement who apparently have not had time to read it closely. Namely, the editors of World Net Daily, Jerome Corsi, Robert Unruh and, most importantly Dr. Orly Taitz Esq. They’re the ones who have been ringing the bell the loudest over the “eligibility” laws that have been introduced in a handful of states.

World Net Daily gushes that the 10 states in which these laws have been proposed control 107 electoral votes. (Right now, a candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency). I guess that’s a little wink-wink-nudge-nudge that these states could play a role in the 2012 presidential race by passing these bills.

Dreams are happy things, aren’t they?

The bills, Unruh writes, would

plug the hole in federal election procedures that in 2008 allowed Barack Obama to be nominated, elected and inaugurated without providing proof of his qualifications under the U.S. Constitution.

Except, of course, for that pesky “full faith and credit” thing. What that means is that one state has to accept the legally recognized and authorized document of another state. So, if Hawaii, for example, issues a Certificate of Live Birth as proof that a person was in fact born in Hawaii, every other state must accept that document. Period. No matter what half-baked laws they may have on their books; they can’t trump the US Constitution.

The only way that can get changed is through a Constitutional Convention. And good luck with that, Birthers.

I’m sure there are other barriers to these bills being upheld as constitutional, even if they do get passed. But Article 4, Section 1 does it for me.

I’ve often chuckled to myself about how these Birthers, who also consider themselves to be Constitutionalists, are so ignorant of the Constitution. Or perhaps it’s willfull ignorance; they just ignore those parts of the document they profess to revere when it doesn’t jibe with their political agenda. This whole move for state legislation is a prime example: They cite the presidential qualifications section of the Constitution, but conveniently ignore “full faith and credit.”

There’s a word for people like that: Hypocrites. Although I guess they could also be described as liars, schemers, con men (and women), and just plan jackasses.

Keep the faith.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Full Faith and Credit – National birther movement | Examiner.com https://www.examiner.com/birther-movement-in-national/full-faith-and-credit#ixzz1CIeZ46w9


8 Responses to “My answer to Obama regime. I am familiar with the full faith and credit, and that is why eligibility bills will work. We give full faith and credit to original documents, not a piece of garbage that was created 5 minuted before the election for one who does not have a VALID SSN of his own and does not have a valid long form BC. This piece of paper does not deserve any faith or credit.”

  1. MichaelN
    January 27th, 2011 @ 10:53 pm
  2. Linda Starr
    January 28th, 2011 @ 12:52 am

    Dear Bill,

    What about this part?

    “And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.”

  3. Molly
    January 28th, 2011 @ 2:38 am

    Mr. Bowman. I have to chuckle to myself, too, about how those uninformed people who only use the Constitution when it suits their purpose always seem to get it wrong. Perhaps it is willful ignorance; they just ignore or change the parts that don’t exactly fit their political agenda. Your letter is a prime example.

    First of all, the document presented must be a legal document which has not been altered in any way. Any alteration automatically invalidates documents as is stated at the bottom of Obama’s COLB. Documents which are proven to have been created using PhotoShop, as was Obama’s Certification of Birth, are automatically rejected. These documents do not have to be recognized by any state or any person.

    It is a fact that, at the time Obama presented that home-made Certification of Birth, it was not considered a legal document for most purposes even in Hawaii. It’s only purpose at that time was to certify that someone was born and there is another, more detailed, document on file. The Certification, in itself, proves nothing.

    It is a fact that anyone could have gotten such a document from the State of Hawaii simply by requesting one. That is why it isn’t worth squat.

    Are you suggesting we should also accept Obama’s Social Security number, which has been proven to have been stolen? How about his Selective Service registration which has also been proven to have been done illegally? How about the paper you signed giving me all your worldly possessions?

    The other forty-nine states can legally recognize and authorize Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate. Then whatcha’ gonna do? What if only half of them do – or maybe only ten?

    And finally, Obama did not present a Certificate of Live Birth. The document he tried to pass off on the public was a CERTIFICATION of Live Birth. See your problem? Certification – Certificate – different words. I am very surprised that a Constitutional expert such as yourself either does not know the difference or didn’t notice the fact that you are talking about something different from what Obama presented. Is this an example of the “willful ignorance” you mentioned?

    No, Mr. Bowman, we are not ignorant of the Constitution nor did we ignore “full faith and credit” at all. Unlike you, we didn’t ever so slightly bend it to include illegal documents as you have done. However, if you want to discuss the Constitution and those who ignore and are ignorant of it, then let’s talk about Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution where it says the President must be a natural born citizen. Then let’s go on to talk about Obama’s father who was not a citizen of the US and his mother who was too young to confer citizenship to her child. Then perhaps you can tell me why we taxpayers have been forced to pay $$millions to have Obama’s entire history hidden from view.

    And while we’re having such a good chat, perhaps you can clear up one more little thing for us birthers. Give me one reason why a hospital would deny being the birthplace of the POTUS.

  4. Henry Tisdale
    January 28th, 2011 @ 8:01 pm

    Bowman, my good man, you said it. Loud and clear. But honest to God, I never made a “plan” to be a jackass, it just sorta like happened. There is a teeny tiny point, in fact 2 points, which this jackass noticed and the non jackasses did not. It makes no difference where Obama was born, he is simply SOL. He is not, and cannot be a natural born American, even if his mother gave birth to him in Michelle’s bed in the White House.

    That’s 1.

    Here comith No. 2. I think you will find, if you as a non jackass can take a peak at the so-called B/C, a British subject by the family name of Soetoro appears in the baby’s name space. I sorta kinda believe that the name of Barack Hussein Obama had not yet been invented, at least with respect to the guy in the White house who, as we jackasses often say, causes him to be SOL.

    He is not an American. All the documents he signed as BHO, might just be voided, ya’ll heah whud ahm sayin? That means history may not be kind to this bold man who consumed a lot of ole George Soros’ money to do the impossible. But don’t sell ole George short, he it all back in what one might call favors, eh? We jackasses have learned to never underestimate a man so astute albeit so SOL.

    Finally, Mr. Bowman, did you notice during his normal rhetoric called State of the Union, if he wore his watch and rings? Muslims, you know ain’t supposed to wear fancy stuff like that during Ramadan.

    Ya’ll gonna give me the pleasure of a rsponse, sir? As one of the jackasses who picked up on reading, I will enjoy reading yo response to this hear literary gem.

  5. John Martin
    January 28th, 2011 @ 9:04 pm

    Oh No, Mr. Bowman did you not see the elephant in the room? The Natural Born Citizen. Let me guide you past article 2 section 1 par 5. Now go to another pesky part in article l section 8 par 10. Pay close attention to the part about punishing offences against the law of nations. The law of nations as used in U.S Supreme Court Minor v Happersett US 162 (1875).
    The great pretender could have been born under the great rotunda on the 4th of July during the fireworks display with the Marine band playing Hail to the Chief and he still is not nor ever will he be a natural born citizen. You as a jouranlist are negligent in informing the public of this truth.

  6. BlackSunshine84
    January 29th, 2011 @ 5:22 am

    So this guy is not just proud of himself, but gloating that liberals have successfully installed and will keep a usurper as POTUS? Do we need more proof that they hate our Country?

  7. John
    January 31st, 2011 @ 12:43 am

    “eligibility”, sorry

  8. John
    February 1st, 2011 @ 1:10 am

    You really don’t like to have your lack of legal knowledge and expertise pointed out, do you, Orly? I understand – the truth hurts sometimes.
    If you really think that you get to decide which state-certified documents are worthy of FFAC, then you really don’t understand FFAC, or the Constitution, or the law in general. Just because you say a state document isn’t real doesn’t make it so, Orly. Eventually, you’ll come to peace with that idea – probably sometime after President Obama is reelected.
    You have a great day. God bless America!

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