

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
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In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

More clarification and update on WND, Corsi and others. Clarification on discovery: attorneys can do discovery and serve subpoenas only after a judge denies a motion to dismiss or after defendants file an answer

Posted on | April 25, 2012 | No Comments

I  got several e-mails, where I was told that ORYR (supposedly Bob Nelson) and Sam Sewell  are promoting a video clip with a recorded phone call from Larry Kleyman. In this phone call Kleyman is saying that in a case of Mike Voeltz, for which he now substituted as an attorney, discovery is under way and he can do it immediately. He said something afterwards that he needs to wait for something else, but I could not hear well the recording and I am not sure what was this something else  for which he needs to wait for.

He did say that discovery is under way and they can do it immediately. Here is an explanation again. When a party files a case, they need to serve a complaint. Then they need to wait typically 30-60 days depending on jurisdiction and the type of the defendant for the defense to respond. If the defense files an answer, discovery can start. In Obama eligibility cases for the last 4 years the defense typically did not file an answer, but rather a motion to dismiss, saying that the case has no merit. When a party files a motion to dismiss, you cannot do discovery: you cannot depose them, you cannot subpoena a document, you cannot do interrogatories.   Motion to dismiss is filed in order to protect the parties from discovery, for the parties not to have to appear in depositions. In over a 100 eligibility cases filed, motions to dismiss were granted and there was never any discovery.

I got a copy of the docket of the case of Mike Voeltz, where Larry Kleyman is an attorney. They filed their first amended complaint. I do not know, whether they served the defense with this complaint. I did not see proof of service yet. After the defense is served, you have to wait for the defense to respond. Most probably they will file a motion to dismiss. As I said, most of those motions were granted and there is a 99% chance that this motion to dismiss will be granted as they were granted in most cases and no discovery will ever be done in that case. So, somebody needs to ask Larry Kleyman, why is he saying that the discovery in that case is under way and he can do it immediately? On what basis?

My case in Mississippi was filed two months ago. Originally the defense filed motions to dismiss. I responded to those motions.  Either the defense felt that the motions to dismiss will be denied or most probably they got wind of me getting ready to file an amended complaint with RICO causes of action, and they changed their strategy and filed an answer in order to try to  limit the case to the original causes of action and avoid civil RICO. I filed RICO anyways.  An actual answer was filed by both the attorney General of Mississippi on behalf of the Secretary of State of Mississippi and on behalf  of the Democratic party of Mississippi.  This is the difference between my case in MS and Kleyman’s case and a couple of other cases.

My concern is again, why ORYR is again promotion a case, where there is no discovery and there is no answer and is suppressing all news of my case? Why is WND is suppressing all news about the RICO causes of actions and an answer filed in my case as well as all news about me leading all Republican candidates in CA in multiple polls?

I saw an article, where WND is asking for donations, saying that they want to raise 2 million dollars for advertising of the issue. In 2008-2009 there was a similar campaign. At that time there was a push by a number of people to raise a million dollars and go to the biggest networks and show a commercial about eligibility. When this commercial was financed and created, no network was willing to run it. Unfortunately, the level of dictatorship in this country is such that not only politicians, bureaucrats, many judges, US attorneys and AGs are in the pockets of the oligarchy, but also the media. This oligarchy is drawing billions of dollars funneling money out of the treasury and your pockets. Obama is probably the most profitable puppet in the history of the world. With over 5 trillion dollars of additional debt in 4 years the oligarchy is simply not willing to do away with this cash cow. This is the reason, why in 2008-2009 the major networks simply refused to run this advertisement.   I do not know, what happened to a million dollars raised in 2008-2009, where did it go. I cannot tell for sure that it was a million, but that what they said is being needed. I remember talking to the talk show host Jennifer Folgers (later Jennifer Porter). She stated that several people are involved in this 1 million dollar campaign. Now there is a campaign to raise 2 million. Will the networks change their way and decide to run this new advertisement? This is highly unlikely.

On the other hand I spent 6,000 dollars and  40 million citizens of California got my candidate statement (see below), which includes very pointed questions and information about Obama’s lack of  proper papers and his use of a stolen Social Security number  and a forged birth certificates.

WND, Corsi, Farah, ORYR and others who claim to be promoting eligibility, are suppressing all of this information, there is a blackout on it, even though there is no need to raise a dollar. I have done all the work, I paid for the advertisement and I am leading in the polls. Please demand answers from Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi, WND staff, ORYR and others, who are claiming that they are promoting this issue, why are they acting as the establishment and censoring, suppressing all of the information of the most explosive case in MS, where the answers were already filed and where the RICO causes of action were filed. Why are they acting similar to the Obama regime and suppressing advertisement of the April 5 Pulse public opinion research poll, showing me not only leading all other GOP candidates, but also widening the lead? Why are they suppressing all information about my statement of the candidate, which already reached 40 million citizens of the most populated state?

What is their goal?

Are they simply trying to raise money or are they serious about removing Obama from office? If they are serious about removing Obama from office, they should support my candidacy, advertise it, help me get into top 2 and get into the general election. They should advertise the RICO case.

Ask them all those questions and demand answers before you donate 1 cent to any of them.

Pulse research senate run April 5th

Orly Taitz published ballot pamphlet


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