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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Media THUGS Tamron Hall, David Schuster, David Edwards and Daniel Tencer will be prosecuted one day for massive fraud and treason, they helped perpetrate

Posted on | August 4, 2009 | 8 Comments

You’re on Rawstory.com today: Birther leader compares US media to Nazi ‘brownshirts’

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 11:57 AM

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Birther leader compares US media to Nazi ‘brownshirts’

By David Edwards and Daniel Tencer 

Published: August 4, 2009 
Updated 5 hours ago 
The attorney behind this weekend’s release of President Barack Obama’s “Kenyan birth certificate” called the US media “Obama’s brownshirts” during an acrimonious interview on MSNBC’s News Live Monday.

Hosts David Shuster and Tamron Hall interviewed Orly Taitz, the de facto leader of the birther movement who is asserting that a document from Kenya, purportedly printed in 1964, three years after Obama’s birth, is the president’s true birth certificate.

At the start of the segment, Shuster presented copies of Barack Obama’s birth announcements in the Honolulu Advertiser and Honolulu Star-Bulletin, from August of 1961.

“How could these birth announcements have been fabricated 48 years before President Obama took office?” Shuster asked Taitz. “How would they have the foresight to do that?”

Instead of answering the question, Taitz launched into a tirade against the US media, saying: “We’re sick of the lies coming from the mainstream media. Eighty-five percent of American citizens are saying Obama was not vetted, he needs to be vetted, he needs to provide original birth certificate.”

Taitz did not provide a source for her statement that “85 percent of Americans are saying Obama was not vetted.”

Taitz continued: “The only ones that are on the fringe are Obama’s brownshirts in the media that insult people.”

A visibly offended Shuster shot back: “Obama’s brownshirts … you’re making a reference to Nazi Germany and to a lot of us who lost relatives in the Holocaust this is deeply, deeply offensive.”

“You and Tamron Hall are behaving in an offensive manner,’ Taitz returned.

The interview descended into a shouting match after that point, with Shuster asking whether it was true that Taitz refused an NBC car to take her to the studio because the driver had a Muslim-sounding name. Taitz denied it was true.

After the interview ended, Hall said: “When this portion of the American population has been led to believe by Orly and others to believe that the president is a fraud … for those people who are part of the birther movement, just Tivo or rewind what you just saw.”

This video is from MSNBC’s News Live, broadcast Aug, 3, 2009. (Video of you, Orly on MSNBC)


8 Responses to “Media THUGS Tamron Hall, David Schuster, David Edwards and Daniel Tencer will be prosecuted one day for massive fraud and treason, they helped perpetrate”

  1. Robert Garcia
    August 4th, 2009 @ 4:36 pm

    Those two young clown clonny cronies that interviewed our sweet lady American patroit lawyer, Orly, on MSNBC’s News Live, needed their mouths washed out with soap. Yes, because these brats are too young to get spanked. I can’t wait till they get older their parents can spank them. They were extremly rude and un-professional with an agendy to ridicule Orly.

    We do understand that they don’t want to lose their job and get fired. Remember Lou Dobbs on CNN? Yes they are todays symbolic “brown shirts”, and no reference to the homosexuals who ran the brown shirts under Hitler. But they are all in the same bed.

  2. lefty
    August 4th, 2009 @ 5:33 pm

    Mr shuster and co-anchors were called” Hitlers brown shirts”,how offensive !!!.Come on guys Its only a name for the propoganda game.Unlike Joseph Goebbels who deeply shared hitlers beliefs ,Mr shuster and others at MSNBC are bought over for the purpose of deceiving the American people,so what so offensive of being called brown skirts

  3. Peter Klimon
    August 4th, 2009 @ 7:21 pm


    The next time one of these idiots asks you “How could these birth announcements have been fabricated 48 years before President Obama took office?” Shuster asked Taitz. “How would they have the foresight to do that?” Answer back with “First of all it’s 47years not 48. This is a perfect example of how little verification that the MSM did regarding Bary Soetoro’s (aka Barrack Obama) claims of citizenship. If you would have done your job properly you would have known that birth registries from the state are regularly sent to to the local papers for publication. What does that prove? Anyone who who filed a false application for Certification of Live Birth would automatically be on those lists sent to the local papers. If anything this shows all the more reason to see Barry Soetoro’s vault copy since it has the corraborating information to verify it’s authenticity. But of course the MSM did not make a single concerted effort to vet Barry Soetoro’s false Certificate of Live Birth I can understand why your best response is to try and defame and impune my integrity by calling me the “Queen of the Birthers” and you have the audacity to deride me for calling you Obama’s Brown Shirts! I would also be be ashamed of such sloppy reporting if it were me”

  4. NewEnglandPatriot
    August 4th, 2009 @ 8:39 pm

    It’s obvious that it was a horrible setup on the part of MSNBC. Plus Dr. Orly was probably tired and jet-lagged. The anchors clearly made judgements, and that showed that they were not doing a fair interview.

    Just like Bill O’Reilly, they claim they did their own research and found that Obama was born in Hawaii. What research? And where is the result of this research? Where is their evidence? All of these “journalists” are getting upset because the truth is coming out and therefore their disingenuousness and lying to the public.

    I agree, they should be prosecuted.

  5. Ed Bowen
    August 5th, 2009 @ 1:46 pm

    Dr. Orly – These type of smear tactics are normal operating procedures from the liberal media. In future interviews you know that these two “birth announcements” will come up somewhere in the conversation. You need to be able to directly address these. Were these birth announcements placed in the newspapers by official Hawaii government agencies, hospital,etc. or could they have been placed by a relative or friend of Obama Jr. If a relative was the source of the COLB then it isn’t unblievable that they also placed the birth announcements to complete the “fraud”

  6. Lamarr01
    August 6th, 2009 @ 1:05 am

    This story will eventually break and person known as Barack Hussein Obama is found to be a fraud and and not eligible to be President of the United States. Will BHO be guilty of a felony or treason? As a constitutional scholar, can’t he be hanged for treason?

    There must be several people who are aware of this fraud. There must be several people scrubbing and removing documents. Aren’t these people guilty of committing a crime? Who has the authority to order documents be removed from the Hawaii vital records?

    All the legislation and appointments will be void.

  7. Lamarr01
    August 6th, 2009 @ 1:14 am

    Everyone always points to the birth announcements in the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star-Bulletin. Has anybody actually seen the microfilm? Every other document is either questionable or fraudulent. Why can’t these computer images be just as easily modified.

    Somebody emailed the birth announcements to “Texas Darlin” and everyone has been propagating these files across the internet. The reels of microfilm with these birth announcements are probably missing as well.

  8. Eric
    August 6th, 2009 @ 8:30 pm

    I wonder just how many of those “us’s” at MSNBC actually lost family in WWII. I don’t see how they could be any more offended than by their own refusal to see the constitution upheld. The insinuation that the purpose of a newspaper birth announcement was for the candidacy today is absurd. It was for citizenship and would have been done by either Stanley or her mother or anyone who knew of the birth, with a simple phone call. Maybe thats why the address given can not be confirmed by neighbors to that address. Whats really amazing is NOBODY has come forth from Hawaii stating they knew of the birth, the Obamas or even Stanleys” pregnancy. The ONLY statements came from family in Kenya, sworn statements, stating he was born there. Not even BO himself will state the COLB’s posted are real and prove he is “natural born”. He calls himself “native born” whatever that is. Obviously an attempt to avoid a fraud charge if proof comes out that he lied. At least he could try to claim natural born status if it were even remotely possible but as an atty himself he knows all too well what he is, a citizen , and that may not even be legally proven depending on his status after being adopted as Barry Soetoro. That is his legal name, not Barack Obama, an alias.