latest article about my work by Sharon Rondeau “Post & E-Mail”
Posted on | July 8, 2011 | 8 Comments
Taitz Files Motion to Compel in … – The Post & Email
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8 Responses to “latest article about my work by Sharon Rondeau “Post & E-Mail””
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July 8th, 2011 @ 10:57 am
it’s been partially scrubbed of info that was there this morning….. parts of it are gone now!!!!
July 8th, 2011 @ 11:38 am
Hawaii Deputy Attorney General Jill T. Nagamine stated that complying with your subpoena “would require disclosure of privileged or other protected matter.” That privelege belongs to Mr. Obama, and not to Ms. Nagamine or the State of Hawaii. And it seems clear that Mr. Obama waived that privilege when he publicly issued a copy of his Hawaii birth certificate on April 27, 2011. It seems to me that, at a minimum, Deputy Attorney General Jill T. Nagamine should be sanctioned under Rule 37 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for defying a United States Disctrict Court’s discovery order on the bogus basis of a privilege that had already been waived by Mr. Obama.
July 8th, 2011 @ 12:35 pm
I’m aware of the professional typesetters and software engineers that have examined Obama’s long-form B.C. However, would it lend even more credability if we found a “Forensic Document Specialist” to examine this B.C.? Are you going to take a Forensic Document Specialist with you to Hawaii?
Praying everyday for you.
July 8th, 2011 @ 12:42 pm
There are also some very good articles about your work at
There’s also a new article about “some e-mails” that show Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Jarrett being involved with ANOTHER “gun walking operation” out of Tampa, FL with guns “walking” to Honduras. It’s called “Operation Castaway”, and appears to be the nucleus of the Fast & Furious Operations.
July 8th, 2011 @ 1:03 pm
Posted by giveusliberty1776 at 5:16 AM 0 comments 
Nothing short of criminal arrest and trial is morally acceptable for Obama, Jarrett, Hillary Clinton and Holder. Every one of these people should spend the rest of their lives in Florence, Colorado.
Home – by BigFurHat – July 7, 2011 45 CommentsAnn Barnhardt

Gunwalker: Laying it all out.
Two big developments have emerged in Gunwalker. First, as I “tweeted” on June 24th, ATF Director Kenneth Melson has indeed spilled his guts and testified on July 4th before Congressional investigators. Gunwalker goes all the way to Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and that walking manifestation of Incubus and Succubus, Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett. Further, Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea over at Sipsey Street Irregulars have broken news this morning that Holder/Clinton/Obama-Jarrett also were walking guns out of Florida into Honduras. Here’s the money quote:
“There are emails in existence where (Special Agent in Charge Virginia) O’Brien has advised those involved that Tampa does not have to report their walked guns because Tampa FD is not a part of Southwest Border or Project Gunrunner.”
Click Here for the full citation.
Whoopsie. I guess the “home office” did know all about Gunwalker, told other offices about it, and set up similar schemes with other ATF offices.
July 8th, 2011 @ 2:49 pm
judge lamberth made you go to hawaii with your testing specialists–instead having hawaii come to wash dc courtroom with obamas birth cert–if you couldnt get money to go the case against obama would be stopped in its tracks. shame on judge lamberth. i asked trump to help legally or financially but no answer from him. i will send some money to help on payday.–this is our fight too. alex r
July 8th, 2011 @ 6:21 pm
Perhaps by Hawaii refusing to “document the document,” it is an indirect way of saying the “displayed document” is indeed a forgery. If the “displayed document” was indeed true, Obama would have indirectly given Hawaii permission to show the original. Perhaps instead you need to subpoena a document from their Health Director…asking the Director to provide a written and notarized statement on State of Hawaii stationary, signed also by the Governor of Hawaii, the boss of the director, that the document being displayed by Obama/White House is the actual original document in the Hawaii vault, and that it was there since Obama’s birth. Be as specific as possible in describing what is there. Do not ask to see the hidden document, but for their legal declaration that the displayed document is legal and an exact copy of what is in the vault. A forensic document person could help you word it. Then, after you get the response, you can start using that notarized statement, asking for it to be proven to be true. If the State of Hawaii will make claims about a document, they need to prove their claims are true, if the document exists.
If they refuse to make an attestations about the document in the vault or the document on the internet, then make it clear the only conclusion one can make is there is no document in the vault and there is no legal document on the internet, since it is refused to be backed up.
You can get the steps that Personnel Departments use to verify employment histories, etc.
You could even start with one step at a time.
1. Dear Hawaii, Do you have a birth certificate in the vault for Obama.
2. If yes, Dear Hawaii, Have you had this certificate since the birth of Obama?
3. If yes, Dear Hawaii, Are you allowed to verify birth certificates for citizens who make application for jobs, etc. If so, what steps do you take to verify?
4. If a law office contacts you for verification of a birth certificate, for immigration, or other reasons, what steps do you take?
5. If somebody submits a birth certificate to an agency, and you are questioned about its veracity, and the person does not give you permission to verify this document, does that mean that it is not legally supported?
Just hammer away at the edge of the issue, if they do not show any back up, to show how weak their position is, and how weak Obama’s claims are.
Every answer they respond with build a case against themselves, if it is on Hawaii stationary signed by the Director, Governor.
They do not have to show the document. They just have to show what they normally do, what their denial means about the displayed document, proof that Obama has refused. They have to have a letter on file from Obama showing his refusal. You could request that.
Get affidavits from immigration lawyers what it means when a birth certificate is refused to be verified and how that is viewed in court.
Affidavits from Human Resources what that means if a document is provided and the State where it supposedly resides refuses to verify.
The Court of Public Opinion is as powerful as the Court of Law.
December 31st, 2011 @ 5:32 am
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