

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Justice Clarence Thomas at Congressional committee hearing is stating that the Supreme Court is evading the Eligibility issue

Posted on | July 8, 2010 | 32 Comments


32 Responses to “Justice Clarence Thomas at Congressional committee hearing is stating that the Supreme Court is evading the Eligibility issue”

  1. Chum Lee
    July 8th, 2010 @ 2:16 pm

    Sounded more like him and Serano were joking around.

  2. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 8th, 2010 @ 3:21 pm

    you wish

  3. martin
    July 8th, 2010 @ 3:52 pm


  4. Veritas
    July 8th, 2010 @ 4:00 pm

    Sounded like Churchill making a sly comment about the upcoming Normandy Invasion!

  5. Bernie
    July 8th, 2010 @ 7:08 pm

    If grand juries worked they way they should and we got rid of the unconstitutional 1946 Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that basically took away the peoples power to indict, then we could make some progress.

    see https://americangrandjury.org/history_power.html

  6. JohanVark
    July 8th, 2010 @ 9:43 pm

    A candadate is running for U S Senator and says that the Missouri SOS, Robin Carnahan, sent him a certified letter insisting that he provide proof of citizenship or be removed from the state ballot. Maldonado is considering a discrimination lawsuit because Carnahan did not require that Obama provide a birth certificate when he ran for president.

    This is the same Robin Carnahan Obama campaigned for today in Missouri.

    As far as I know, Obama did NOT acquire 50 copies of his COLB from the state of Hawaii, one for each state. It appears that the only proof he provided was the suspected fraudulent COLB posted on the internet. And the Hawaii has not even verified that they issued that document.


  7. Kaci Jay
    July 9th, 2010 @ 3:01 am

    State election laws don’t require a birth certificate be produced therefore no reason to do so. The certification on the back of the colb is proof Hawaii produced the document. Nothing more needs to be said.

  8. Redd
    July 9th, 2010 @ 7:39 am

    Dunham was deemed in KEN-Y-A not kapiolani or queens.

  9. Lenny
    July 9th, 2010 @ 9:18 am

    To: Kaci Jay

    “The certification on the back of the colb…”

    Where have your ever saw the back of the digital picture in your internet browser?

    Which 3-D internet are you using?

  10. hippybiker
    July 9th, 2010 @ 12:20 pm

    Kaci Jay has been drinking the Obunghole Koolaid.

  11. Kaci Jay
    July 9th, 2010 @ 4:35 pm

    Factcheck has posted photos of the back of said document.

  12. elephant4life
    July 9th, 2010 @ 4:37 pm

    No he was speaking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but he did it in such a way that no one would accept it as testimony. As for Serrano, he’s the nitwit who keeps submitting the proposed Amendment to repeal Presidential term limits; he’s been doing it for eons – during Clinton, Bush, and now Obama’s tenure. One has to believe, therefore, that he wants it repealed because he wants to set the stage for being a Banana Republic dictator, after the rest of his family get slid into various spots. Fortunately, his proposals never make it out of committee.

  13. martin
    July 9th, 2010 @ 5:40 pm

    This transcript shows Taitz as the sad woman she is.

  14. martin
    July 9th, 2010 @ 5:55 pm

    Sad Birfer Orly
    Sanction No Let Me FEEENISH
    Spider Eyes Weep Hate

  15. Redd
    July 9th, 2010 @ 6:06 pm
  16. Elizabeth
    July 9th, 2010 @ 6:47 pm

    Martin, Martin, when will you learn
    that you are a nincompoop with
    an evil mind, heart and a black soul?

    If you haven’t heard this before,
    you can believe that your day of
    judgment will come and you will
    regret all of the bile you have
    spit from your mind to your
    typing hands.

    What a coward you are.. why aren’t
    you out in the military fighting
    for our country instead of hiding
    behind a machine and vomiting

    There is a place reserved for you
    and you will be there for eternity.

    What a tragedy but .. justice is
    always granted sometime down
    the line, by our Creator.

    Count on it.

  17. Redd
    July 10th, 2010 @ 9:01 am
  18. Lance
    July 10th, 2010 @ 2:39 pm

    Would be nice if Thomas could be moved to do something about the eligibility matter. It’s hard to believe that the government, top to bottom, is so corrupt that everyone acts like a domestic enemy of the Constitution, and refusesto support and defend it. Eveyone in government has essentially purjured themselves when taking their oath.

  19. real american
    July 10th, 2010 @ 8:03 pm

    Ms. Taitz, as a Russian is true to her Russian counterparts – a consumate racist with a deep seated hatred of black people. I lived in Moscow long enough to know how racist Russians are. Ms. Taitz shows she is not and never will be a true American, just a sad Russian racist with primitive views and hatreds to go with her primitive mind.

  20. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 10th, 2010 @ 8:34 pm

    my lead plaintiffs are black: Ambassador Alan Keyes, officer Grimes. Obama has nothing to show in terms of documents. Rce is the only card he has to play

  21. PorkRoll
    July 10th, 2010 @ 9:13 pm

    Oooooooooh! “real american” just got owned. Hey “real american”, how does your foot taste?

  22. Mrjasyn
    July 10th, 2010 @ 10:27 pm


    Nice Haiku.

  23. BruceWho
    July 11th, 2010 @ 12:40 am

    To the Real American:
    The subject of the blog is to determining the truth, getting transparency on the issues, returning the country to a civil society, and getting the country to once again operate upon its legal foundation which is the US Constitution. Race is not an issue here. Since you call yourself a “real American” start talking about the real American issues of voter fraud by voters/candidates/voting machines, and the lack of vetting by the SOS’s in 57 states (the number of states according to BS/BO). The lack of the judicial system giving the fraud cases due process, standing, proceed to investigate grievances of fraud. The lack of our judicial employees doing their Constitutional job directly threats the existence of the American way. Get serious: tyranny/Marxism is no laughing matter. History has shown us numerous examples of the effects of tyranny/Marxism and only fools have to repeat the lesson.

  24. Phil
    July 11th, 2010 @ 2:34 am

    Lady Liberty:…
    Wow! The C.E.T.s are “baying at the moon,” tonight: martin, kaci jay, “real-‘anti’american”…!

    Martin:…Who Cares…???

    Kaci Jay: if election laws don’t require a birth certificate, why did the SOS send a letter to the person in Missouri, but didn’t vett Obama? Pelosi only signed off on him in Hawaii, but not in the other “49-states”! Obama shouldn’t be in the WH right now!

    This is what Debra Bowen (SOS-Ca.) did “for” Obama in Ca., which makes her a “super-felon”! And she should’ve been arrested and taken off the ballot for this Nov.! But Attorney General, Jerry Brown, is a felon, too, since he didn’t stop the June 8th primary, which Dr Taitz had to run against the “phoney” (R), Damon Dunn, who is really a (D), incognito! And Obama is his “hero”!!!

    The SOS position seems to be one of wide-spread corruption…and I’m going to be checking on this where I live! And we may be able to use that “challenge” to our SOS here??? Cause I’m going to also check to see if our SOS vetted Obama in the last election, in 2008?

    And…Factcheck…has another Name: (B.S. Check)…! They couldn’t check the “weather” outside, properly!!! I wouldn’t accept any of these online “truth”-sources!! All (or) most of them are “left-slanted”!

    And “real-‘anti’american”: Don’t use Orly as an example of anyone else in Russia or anywhere! To make a “blanket-statement” like this shows your ignorance! Dr Taitz is a “cut” above the rest! She is an example of the “only” person I know that is trying to not only help her family, for it’s future, but she is trying to stop this insane “takeover” of America! Where have you been?

    And from your post, I gather that you “might” be black??? If so, then, you are “assuming” that she is like “all” Russians, right? What a “slanderous, wild charge”!

    Do you know that Dr Taitz is on the “Hit=List” created by Obama and promoted by that Southern Poverty Law Center… and they ARE black! But she’s never referred to any black in any derogatory way, just cause they are black or ever using the (N)-word! We all vent on this prez…as the public vents on (all) prez’ down through the years!

    But Obama supporters don’t think twice about “attacking” Dr Taitz with hate posts and/or putting her name on a “hate-list”! So…your arguments are very racist in my opinion! You got the problem, not her!

    I came back online in 1/09, when she started her drive to tell this “fantastic” story of America being “betrayed”!

    I’ve been there right from the beginning, and at no time have I heard or seen posted anywhere, any comments of racism from the Good Dr! Anyone who accuses her of this, is a freakin’ “racist-in-reverse,” themselves! Nice try, but no cigar!

    You make a ridiculous statement about her! She is NOT primitive…but very intelligent! How many careers do you have? How many languages do you speak? Why aren’t you helpling her lead the “charge” to fight this Crisis in D.C. and around America?

    Where were you born? Did you live under communism growning up? Are you aware of the “massive” corruption that She has come in contact with, to try to wake up America over? Have you been the victim of death threats? hate-posts? had your family attakced? anyone trying to assassinate you? You fully don’t understand what’s going on!

    One is supposed to discuss issues on her site, with the upmost degree of honesty and truthfulness! And if you can’t do this, don’t post!

    Dr Taitz doesn’t appreciate (as none of us do, either) the “harassment” from the left, trying to put the “spotlight” on her, instead of where it “really” belongs:…on the “Kenyan-Korndog” and how he is actually trying to “change” America into a 3rd world nation! Do you not see this? Or do you care? The Good Dr gave a great rebuttal.

    And I venture to say that She is becoming one of the Greatest Patriots of our time, even if it’s through necessity, to fullfil Her Destiny!

    And I’ve noticed that it’s always the “negative” ones that post, that continually try to “derail” her efforts, to bring the “news” to the public…that we may be headed down the road to the “NWO/OWG GULAG,” and other “atrocities” planned for this nation! But She’s doing her best to help America, are you?

    What are you doing to help the USA? Do you donate to help Her, to help America? Do you think She’s spending a great deal of Her own recources, for the hell of it?

    If you were born in the USA, why aren’t you doing something to help “SAVE” it, from this tyranny we are dealing with? How obnoxious and obtuse to criticize Her, instead of posting some good, positive comments on her site!

    This post of yours is a “hate-post,” which is illegal, and similar to other prime examples of C.E.T posts in here, that “go-banshee” without any real substance…! Why must The Good Dr or any of the Patriots continue to read such “bubble-gum,” “scratch-n-sniff” “confetti” from “the projects”??? How rude! Geez-us!!!
    Your “political-posture” is: mentally void of objectivity conerning Dr Taitz! And one must know and exercise “truth” and “honesty,” before one can discuss the “relevent issues” that have befallen us! Otherwise, no one can nor will take you seriously!

    Lady Liberty and All Patriots, please keep praying, as I am each day!

    Davey Crockett…

  25. Ken
    July 11th, 2010 @ 6:09 am


  26. Ms Paula Revere
    July 12th, 2010 @ 5:14 pm

    Kaci Jay states Factcheck posted photos of Zero’s online COLB.

    I’ll post a photo of a caste footprint and claim it’s Bigfoot.

    Would you believe that chain of evidence as well?

    The wording on the online image of a HI COLB says: “This copy serves as prima facie evidence in any court proceeding…” So we have a copy of the copy online. Nothing’s been presented to the court in nearly 70 cases now. Yeah, Zero just loves spending money or others money on law firms right? LOL

    Common sense folks.

    And what official verified said images online? Oops, no one.

    But the kool-aid drinkers are fine with the “verification” by Factcheck 2 hacks, journalists Joe Miller and Jess Henig.

  27. Kaci Jay
    July 12th, 2010 @ 6:57 pm

    Davy please show me one state in 2008 that required a candidate to produce a birth certificate to be qualified for the presidential election. There weren’t any and if there were a COLB would be accepted as long as it was certified by the state from which it came. Further as the saying goes a photograph is worth a thousand words and the photographs of obama’s COLB on factcheck clearly show a raised seal and stamp. But in truth he could provide every document you people have asked for and show that he was born in hawaii, not adopted, never a foreign student etc and so on and you would still call him an ursurper because of his father which is contrary to current case law. As much as I could not stand bush I accepted him as president because it appeared the majority of the nation voted for him putting aside the questionable Florida outcome. Orly Taitz is not speaking for the majority of Americans but rather for a very small group of people who are nothing but sore losers. I predict the sanctions will stand.

  28. PorkRoll
    July 12th, 2010 @ 8:36 pm

    Also, don’t forget that FactCheck is run by Obama’s former employer, the Annenberg Foundation. It was here, under the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, that Obama was given 80 million in walking around money by his Communist terrorist boss and fellow CAC member, Bill Ayers.

  29. PorkRoll
    July 12th, 2010 @ 8:40 pm

    Senator states that in regard to Obama’s eligibility: “I don’t have standing.”

    “But he said he supports those groups that are bringing the question to court.

    “I think that is the valid and most possibly effective grounds to do it,” he said.”


    Suck on that, Atticus Finch. Your argument is now moot.

  30. PorkRoll
    July 12th, 2010 @ 8:44 pm


    Whenever Obama’s minions start barking about this or that to try and muddy the waters, it seems divine providence sends these little insights to let everyone know what BS artists they are.

    Atticus Finch’s argument rejected by God himself. LOL.

  31. Phil
    July 13th, 2010 @ 12:08 am

    Lady Liberty:…
    Well, I guess the previous catagory (with 66 posts) just ran out of space or something. So will say (here): THANKS FOR YOUR LEGAL INTERVENTION WITH EXPERTISE, in response to Jules.

    As you know, I’m not an attorney, but, as you say, where’s the “conscience” of the NWO judges to do their job, when it involves such a measure of “national emergency”?

    Jules thinks that I didn’t understand the whole post…and it was a lengthy one for sure…but I was going to write a post:…some of which involved the same comments you posted with.

    Also, one must remember that our “Crisis” is totally unique in modern times. We are facing the total “takeover” of America! And I don’t personally care what any judge or establishment type thinks when it comes to saving this nation.

    All’s fair in love and war! So there are times in human history that call for “special attention” to be given to “extreme measures,” to save our “REPUBLIC”!!! Can you fully understand that, Jules?

    When we see judges left and right start to B.S. Dr Taitz about “standing”…I’d like to know where that garbage came from? If someone or some group is trying to “pilfer” our society… then where’s the Patriotism of the judges, to do what it takes to save our nation?

    And Congress isn’t doing their job, cause they are loaded with left-wing, “treasonous takers” of all our resources! That means…we have to “invoke” “SURVIVAL MEASURES,” to do whatever it takes to END this insanity!

    And who would sit and “nit-pick” the filing, in such a way that it refocuses attention upon something that was written very well by Dr Taitz?

    We all need to understand what it means to see what is happening to America? We need to “look between the lines” and realize that, if we don’t stop this “barage of barracudas,” it won’t make any freakin’ difference in whether I was right or not! Cause everything else will become “irrelevant”!!! We need to focus on the “bottom-line,” in order to “stay free”!

    We have to start becoming more focused on “what the hell is more important in our future,” since we’ve already seen a “glimpse” of this with the bold and brazen activity of the NWO crowd!

    So, Jules, do not concern yourself with picking apart something that refers to the past in some law, which didn’t have any “real” significance, as it relates to the United States “going down the tubes”! Okay?

    Let’s become a hell of a lot more “street-smart” in defense of our Liberty and Freedoms! Or they will continue to prank us off with having us all worry about “phantom-unimportant, legal provisions (standing?)” in some past laws and cases! Who cares?

    IMO, I think they use this as a “tool” to maintain “control,” if they want to “steer” attorneys in a particular direction! We are in the “here and now,” which finds us in a jam, if we don’t start to “hit ’em” where it hurts, by finding a judge that isn’t “owned and controlled”? Oh where is “Judge Moore,” when we need him?

    And Lady Liberty intervened to give you some legal comments! She does know her “stuff”! But as we all can see, they are not going to allow any judge to “break” with the NWO…or so it would seem!

    But, they must finally understand that we “ARE” here to defend: The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, America! And to simply let them know that “WE ARE THE PEOPLE” and “WE ARE THE GOVT”!!! and “WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT” to save our REPUBLIC!

    For they are digging their graves…deeper and deePER and DEEPER! They are “illegal” to even think of trying this with us!

    Furthermore, ALL PATRIOTS stand up and have the “courage” to “weather” this “storm” and to “persevere”…or later your lives may become “rally changed” beyond “repair”???

    God is watching! Keep praying, Patriots!

    Thank You, Lady Liberty, for your Patriotism! We (all Patriots) love You!

    Davey Crockett…

  32. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 13th, 2010 @ 4:55 am

    actually he got 360 million officially. there were unofficial reports that he got 500 million in total due to some stock swaps

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