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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

It is time for Congressman Akin to sue for malicious misrepresentation of his speech and for vicious defamation of his character. He should start with Ann Coultier, with friends like these, who needs enemies?

Posted on | August 22, 2012 | 6 Comments

Do you recall, how during my campaign for the U.S. Senate, Joseph Farah and WND, who claimed to be the champions of eligibility,  instead of supporting me, were promoting my opponent Washington lobbyist Emken, who believed that serious people do not promote eligibility?

Now the story repeats itself.

As I said before Congressman Akin should not be the center of attention, Obama is the target. However Joseph Farah of WND decided to run today a lengthy article by Ann Coltier, where Coltier, repeated the same misrepresentation of a remark made by Congressman Akin.

Akin is a  pro life conservative running in a conservative state of MO. He stated that he wants to give a voice to ones who do not have a voice, to babies, that he is pro life. He was asked about abortions in cases of rape. Akin stated that as far as he knows, in case of true rape, legitimately rape (meaning, as opposed to false reports of rape) women rarely get pregnant.

He never said that rape is legitimate, the words were taken out of context and twisted. He was talking about cases where there is legitimate evidence that a violent crime was committed, where there is legitimate evidence of rape, women rarely get pregnanat.

Is it true? Is it supported by scientific data? Yes it is true. I studied medicine. Indeed, when a violent crime is committed, a woman is in a state of stress. It is a fight or flight reflex, Adrenalin shoots through the roof, it causes hormonal inbalance, which makes it extremely difficult for a woman to get pregnanat and sustain pregnancy. Data shows that in reported cases of rape only 5% of women get pregnant. If you remove out of this total cases of false reports, the total percentage of pregnancies is much lower, than 5%.

Liberal media completely misrepresented what was said.    You can expect such misrepresentation from the Obama machine. But what about people, who claim to be pro life, who claim to be conservatives? Please, look at the article below and see what Ann Coltier and Joseph Farah are doing.

Coltier writes a nasty defamatory article and calls for another Republican candidate to become a write in candidate. How will it help Republicans? This is another idiocy coming out of Coltier’s mouth.   When there are 2 Republican candidates, they simply split the vote and the biggest Obama supporter Senator Clair McCuskill wins the race. How smart is that?

Joseph Farah goes even further. He places an ad for Democrat Clair McCaskill at the very top of the ad by Coltier, bashing Republican Congressman Todd Akin, who is running for McCuskill’s position.

What is Joseph Farah doing?    On whose side is he really? On whose side is Ann Coultier?

Today, with people claiming to be consrvatives, twisting and misrepresenting his words, if congressman Todd Akin wants to stay in the race for the U.S. Senate, his only option might be to file a defamation of character action against all of the members of the media, networks  and publications, who maliciously misrepresented his words and assassinated his character. In such action he or his attorney might be able to present to the public the truth.


lFrom: WND <email@alerts.wnd.com> Date: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 4:43 PM
Subject: Coulter: Missouri: ‘Show Me Another GOP Candidate’ state To: orly taitz <orly.taitz@gmail.com>

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Missouri: ‘Show Me Another GOP Candidate’ state
Ann Coulter

Relying on Todd Akin’s sense of decency has not worked. Within hours of his idiotic comments about “legitimate rape,” Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS pulled out millions of dollars in funding for the Missouri Senate race. Akin didn’t get the hint.


Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, withdrew all funding from the Missouri race. Akin still refused to quit.


WND News Alerts are sponsored by:      [ Continued Below ]
A FedEx Package You Don’t EVER Want to ReceiveOur company recently received an overnight FedEx from a New York law firm.

Inside contained a letter, from the lawyers of one of the five biggest companies in America. In short, they were very unhappy with a recent presentation we had published.

What did we do to upset them so much? Click here for the full story.

Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, a major Christian and tea-party favorite, immediately called for Akin to withdraw from the race – nothing.


Even Sean Hannity, the most true-blue Republican and defender of all conservatives, pleaded with Akin to withdraw. Still nothing.


See the full article by Ann Coulter


6 Responses to “It is time for Congressman Akin to sue for malicious misrepresentation of his speech and for vicious defamation of his character. He should start with Ann Coultier, with friends like these, who needs enemies?”

  1. Oliver Wendell Holmes
    August 22nd, 2012 @ 9:22 pm

    I’m confused and very disappointed on so many of the so called CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS and CONSERVATIVE AGENCIES and GROUPS.

    These Politicians, Agencies, and Groups, seem to be all mixed up on what IS CONSERVATIVE and what IS NOT A CONSERVATIVES.

    Many months ago I used to follow World Net Daily on the Internet on a regular basis, until I realized they just ZIG ZAG around and were not anything close to being a True Conservative Organization.

    They seem to have a habit of stabbing true CONSERVATIVE in the back with their articles.

    Have a Nice Day.

  2. Fresco
    August 23rd, 2012 @ 6:39 am

    Are there any first amendment issues in suing over speech, comment and opinion?

  3. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    August 23rd, 2012 @ 7:12 am

    no, she presented it in a way, that makes one believe that he condons rape, all of them need to publish immediae retractions

  4. The Phoenix
    August 23rd, 2012 @ 8:42 pm

    Here’s what I hope happens:…I hope Akin gets elected and drives the lib-RINOS nuts! He can do, too, in Mo.! This guy has a background as an engineer! He’s fully functional, unless so many others in this race! And he has CONVICTION to his values! And the RINOS and the l-l-l-left-oids act like a BORG with a chip that’s blown out! lol! 🙂 I hope he eat’s ’em up!!

  5. The Phoenix
    August 23rd, 2012 @ 8:44 pm

    Boy, the typos are bad in the other post on Akin! Yikes!

  6. Fresco
    August 24th, 2012 @ 6:39 am

    Thank you for the clarification.

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