Islamization of the minds of the American children. I wonder how much these board members were paid for including in the textbook a whole chapter on Islam, while excluding any mention of Christianity, Judaism and every other religion. these school board members need to be thrown of the board and criminally investigated on suspicion of taking bribes from either CAIR, Muslim brotherhood or other similar organizations
Posted on | November 11, 2013 | 2 Comments
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2 Responses to “Islamization of the minds of the American children. I wonder how much these board members were paid for including in the textbook a whole chapter on Islam, while excluding any mention of Christianity, Judaism and every other religion. these school board members need to be thrown of the board and criminally investigated on suspicion of taking bribes from either CAIR, Muslim brotherhood or other similar organizations”
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November 11th, 2013 @ 7:32 am
Islam=Satan, Satan=Islam. Get it???
November 11th, 2013 @ 11:08 am
One of the things that is keeping some of the main stream public in the dark is the fact that our local newspapers are NOT allowing any mention of this Constitutional Crisis (by way of listing Dr Orlys’ Site, in a letter to the People’s Forum), which would make clear just exactly is happening in D.C. and in America!
I tried to do this, and no one at the paper had the guts to: …let the public know exactly what is going on, which is the only reason why a newspaper is functioning in the first place!!