Is Obama regime using this Federal judge to intimidate Arpaio and pressure him not to file a criminal complaint against Obama? Tell Arpaio: Attorney Taitz was not intimidated by $20,000 sanctions issued by a corrupt Obama lackey Federal judge, you should not be intimidated as well. 9 days left for Arpaio and Zullo to file a criminal complaint against Obama for his use of a 100% forged birth certificate. If they do not file a criminal complaint, donors will start demanding a refund of all of their donations solicited under false pretenses!
Posted on | May 25, 2013 | 10 Comments
Judge: Ariz. sheriff’s office profiles Latinos
PHOENIX (AP) — A federal judge has ruled that the office of America’s self-proclaimed toughest sheriff systematically singled out Latinos in its trademark immigration patrols, marking the first finding by a court that the agency racially profiles people.
10 Responses to “Is Obama regime using this Federal judge to intimidate Arpaio and pressure him not to file a criminal complaint against Obama? Tell Arpaio: Attorney Taitz was not intimidated by $20,000 sanctions issued by a corrupt Obama lackey Federal judge, you should not be intimidated as well. 9 days left for Arpaio and Zullo to file a criminal complaint against Obama for his use of a 100% forged birth certificate. If they do not file a criminal complaint, donors will start demanding a refund of all of their donations solicited under false pretenses!”
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May 25th, 2013 @ 4:57 am
It is OBVIOUS that this Arizona judge is NOT there to do justice but only to do a witch-hunt against Sheriff Arpaio in favor of Obama for political reasons only!
More, it is indispensable to target when the police does its job because of the police’s very limited resources. Therefore, to focus on verifying among Latinos for illegal immigrants is perfectly normal and common sense BECAUSE most illegal immigrants are Latinos!!!
If most illegal immigrants were Japanese, police would have to focus on verifying Japanese living in the US.
I HAVE A DREAM … that one day Justice will be served and that Hussein Obama will be found, in a court of law, of being the fraudster in Chief that he is for every single forged document that he is responsible for. And that Hussein Obama will be officially demoted from his position of President of the USA, even if it is after the end of his second term.
May 25th, 2013 @ 6:01 am
World Bank Insider bares Nazi spies in Fed Govt:
May 25th, 2013 @ 9:49 am
Fagedda bout it..Little Joeie and zippy Zullo are not going to file anything but their fingernails..
Holder had uncle Vito from Chicago call at 2am to remind them that Barry will be greatly displeased . The suckered doners will not file any class action lawsuit as it is costly and time consuming. Joeie and Zippy are laughing all the way to the bank.
Dr. Taitz has spent 5 years and a small fortune to expose the bas/;- d. But nobody cares….The congress, the courts, the military and law enforcement just don’t give a damn.
All us suckers, me included. have been hijacked and are witnessing the demise of a once great nation.
And like other great nations of the past, we will be just another page in the history books.
God bless Orly in her quest for justice and good luck to all you patriots who gave money to Joeie and Zippy.
And good luck in your quest for the recovery of your hard earned money.
Just like Humpty Dumpty, our nation fell off the wall, and nobody can ever put it back together again..
May 25th, 2013 @ 10:30 am
It is unfortunate but we do not have a drug free judicial system. We do not have a drug free Government or Media. Fox just reported on a judge who was evidently snorting cocaine from an evidence package he had put himself in charge of.
The democrats push drugs and sex abuse and make religious practice unconstitutional. Connect the dots.
May 25th, 2013 @ 3:15 pm
A Commie Traitor Judge looking to Rail Road
the wrong Guy. Our Court system is so Corrupt and Worthless only Jesus Could fix it. The whole situation with America is a Pathetic Joke. Me and many others are beyond Disgusted. Thank You Orly for all your Hard work. You and we will Prevail.
Righteousness always will win out in the End.
May 25th, 2013 @ 3:50 pm
I’m still experiencing hidden post(s), so will try again.
Since Latinos are the vast majority of illegals they need to stop whinning about profiling and start understanding that Americans are tired of your coming here and leeching off of us, ILLEGALLY! Could we do that illegally in Mexico or any other nation? Hell, NO, we couldn’t! So freakin’ grow up and stop giving us a hard time. Cause if any civil war erupts, you people will be right in the thick of this Revolution!
May 25th, 2013 @ 4:51 pm
Joe needs to go after Obama now! File the complaint and show the world the evidence.
May 25th, 2013 @ 6:57 pm
I think the Obot Obama protectors are saying Arpaio racially profiles as a precursor to yelling “RACISM” louder than ever when Zullo, Arpaio and the CCP release their next findings and, I hope, finally file a criminal complaint.
The Obot flying monkeys have been dispatched in full force at some of the websites I visit.
They are worried, with good reason I hope.
May 26th, 2013 @ 12:15 am
Why are people so naive?
Arpaio and Zullo have been making false promises, and flying false flags, for TWO YEARS already.
They claim to have all the evidence they need — but REFUSE to file charges. Really?
Either they are lying about the evidence, or they are lying about their intent. Either way, they never actually do the job.
They never will do the job. People are deluding themselves who think otherwise.
Arpaio enjoys putting pink panties on his inmates. Putting cuffs on Obama? It will never happen. He’s had two years to prove otherwise. He has failed — utterly — to do his sworn duty.
People need to stop being fooled by this clown.
May 27th, 2013 @ 9:47 am
May I remind everyone that racial profiling has been used in the past by the very federal government who is now crying foul.
In WW II if you were of Japanese descent though born in American you were rounded up and put in camps or targeted for investigation.
In these times of “Terrorist” if you are of middle eastern descent or of the islamic faith you are targeted again by the very federal government who is trying to punish this man.
Profiling by race has a very negative history, however, we are a Nation of Laws and we have a law on emigration. If people wanting the freedom that the US Constitution via the Bill of Rights ensures, if people want the freedom that our Founding Fathers and every US serviceman had bleed for they are welcomed in this country. BUT ONLY if they follow the rules and that includes the rules on getting here.
I urge Arpaio and Zullo to act as our Founding Fathers did, be the Patriots they claim they are and file the paperwork and damn the so called Gestapo hand called the “Justice” system. Our courts are no more than the puppet masters of jack booted thugs and they are as guilty as the IRS for terror tactics.
The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. (Thomas Jefferson)
Who will be the next founding fathers? Who will bleed for the tree of Liberty? I know I will.