If a 100 FBI agents searched for a year and didn’t find evidence of Russian hacking, how did Clinton manage to find evidence that Russia hacked into DNC?
Posted on | August 1, 2016 | 3 Comments
If a 100 FBI agents searched for a year and didn’t find evidence of Russian hacking, how did Clinton manage to find evidence that Russia hacked into DNC?
By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Director of FBI, James Comey, did a press conference. One of the reasons Hillary Clinton did not go to prison, is because after a year of investigation by 100 FBI agents, no evidence was found of Russian agents, or other intelligences for that matter, ever hacking into Hillary’s server. Comey even stated that foreign intelligences are sophisticated. Even though Comey believes that multiple intelligences hacked into Hillary’s server, they usually do it without leaving a trace.
So, it was ridiculous and laughable when Clinton and all of her puppet media yelled and screamed that Russia hacked into the DNC database. If a 100 FBI agents could not detect any hack in Hillary’s server because foreign intelligences are sophisticated and do not leave a trace, why would those sophisticated intelligences leave a trace in the DNC servers? Think how ridiculous and laughable this is.
The truth of the matter is that Wikileaks got DNC and Hillary’s campaign info from other sources and the establishment fabricated evidence, fabricated a story about Russian intelligence in order to divert attention from the fact that the elections are being rigged, that DNC officials made fun of and ridiculed minorities and ridiculed Bernie Sanders and they want to divert attention from the evidence, which according to Assange, will come out in October, which shows Clinton helping to destabilize Syria, helping jihadies and ISIS and as a result creating a flood of Muslim migrants which is threatening the West. Further, it is believed that new batches of DNC and Hillary’s server e-mails will show illegal activities related to Clinton foundation.
There are several theories as to who blew the whistle on the DNS.
First, is Guccifer-2, a Romanian hacker, who claim that he hacked into the the DNC, not Russian intelligence.
Second, that it came from the NSA whistle-blower. (see link below)
Third theory, is that the e-mails came from a whistle blower within the DNC, Seth Rich, who was recently beaten up and murdered in DC. No evidence of robbery, as his wallet and phone were not taken. This murder bears eerie similarity to murder of Lieutenant (unusual first name, not title) Quarles Harris, who reportedly had in his possession Obama’ bogus passport, and who was murdered in DC in 2008.
Tags: DNC > Donald Trump > Dr. Orly Taitz > election > ESQ > hacked e-mails > Hillary Clinton > set up > Seth Rich
3 Responses to “If a 100 FBI agents searched for a year and didn’t find evidence of Russian hacking, how did Clinton manage to find evidence that Russia hacked into DNC?”
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August 1st, 2016 @ 12:01 pm
Displacement of Responsibility to cover for her and her team’s incompetence and disregard for security and decorum.
August 2nd, 2016 @ 1:55 pm
And here’s an item that tells a different story for Hillary…
This one may also have some risqu’e photos?
Someone doctors these urls up with photos that have no business being there!
August 2nd, 2016 @ 2:08 pm
It could be that before the election date, that stuff could come out about Hillary and her very serious, treasonous activity…
And that would seal her fate?!
She’s on the edge of her career and the ground is starting to crumble!!!!