

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

I am starting to get responses to 20,000 mailers to the media. Many want to know the truth. Some are completely brainwashed by the Obama regime propaganda. We have to get discovery, to show the truth to reporters like one below

Posted on | October 26, 2009 | 2 Comments

“Simonsis, Yolanda” <Yolanda.Simonsis@penton.com>

View contact details

“newsletter@orlytaitzesq.com” <newsletter@orlytaitzesq.com>
Get a life and stop wasting our tax dollars on ridiculous lawsuits. Maybe the country should sue you.\

Dear Yolanda Simonsis from penton.com
I am fighting, so pinheads like you will have a freedom of speech and a freedom of information and a real transparency in government, and will not be sent to a FEMA camp at Fairbanks Alaska for re-education based on orders of Maoist Anita Dunn and her boss Kenyan Communist Dictator Obama 

Orly Taitz DDS Esq


2 Responses to “I am starting to get responses to 20,000 mailers to the media. Many want to know the truth. Some are completely brainwashed by the Obama regime propaganda. We have to get discovery, to show the truth to reporters like one below”

  1. Leslie
    October 26th, 2009 @ 10:19 am

    Good answer!!!

  2. Sovereign Soul
    October 26th, 2009 @ 11:53 am

    A GOOD PLACE TO START iss right here in our own backyard. Martin Wisckol – the Politics Editor, of the Orange County Register, (formerly a “Freedon” Newspaper), has written at least TWO very disparaging columns about YOU and the “birthers”. I’m deeply offended by his use of the perjorative statement — it’s akin to the use of “nigger”,”dago”, bohunk, etc.

    I reproduce his column of last Friday. YOU can be the judge of HIS loyalties and biasses.

    IF YOU’D LIKE TO WRITE to the OC Register:



    Friday, October 23, 2009
    Orly Taitz: natural-born litigator
    O.C. attorney has gained a national following for her efforts challenging Obama’s citizenship.
    The Orange County Register
    Comments 78| Recommend 0
    When you see Orly Taitz deliver her impassioned, Eastern European-accented arguments on Fox News or CNN or YouTube, you’re getting just the first hint of the outsized features of her life.
    She was born in the USSR, then lived in Israel and Romania before getting married and immigrating to the U.S. The mother and former swimsuit model established a successful dentistry business with two Orange County offices – then, in her spare time, studied law and passed the state bar.
    Her growing national notoriety is the result of her long-shot legal efforts to have Barack Obama removed as president, claiming that he is not a natural-born citizen. While the rumor had previously percolated on the political fringes of the Internet with a couple of failed lawsuits, Taitz’s relentless filings and colorful personality have raised the visibility of the claim and led to her being dubbed “Queen of the Birthers.”
    She has presented the courts with two documents that say Obama was born in Kenya. She’s yet to get any of her suits to trial, but some experts have opined outside the courtroom that the documents are forgeries. One, for example, bears the phrase “Republic of Kenya” – and is dated eight months before Kenya became a republic.
    Taitz is undeterred.
    “He may have been born in Indonesia,” she says. “Even if he was born here, he’s not a natural-born citizen because at least one of his parents wasn’t a U.S. citizen.”
    Historically, people born in the United States are presumed to be a natural-born citizens, said Ronald Rotunda, a constitutional law professor at Chapman School of Law. That would include someone who, as Obama represents himself, was born on U.S. soil to an American mother, regardless of the father’s nationality.
    However, the Constitution is not explicit in defining the term, and the Supreme Court has never ruled on the issue.
    Critics say that Taitz revels in these ambiguous margins – in the shadows of a doubt – and uses them as the foundation of her arguments.
    “Unlike Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so,” U.S. District Judge Clay D. Land wrote in his dismissal of one of Taitz’s suits. He subsequently fined Taitz $20,000 for filing frivolous motions and insulting the court.
    She says Land ruled against her because he’s been pressured by the Obama “regime,” whose tentacles she believes reach far and wide to stifle constitutional rights where it sees a threat.
    She calls Obama a dictator. She says he may have ties to radical Islam. She thinks he’s received financial support from the Saudi royal family and from Palestinians. She suggests that FEMA camps may have been prepared to detain dissidents.
    “What I’m seeing is this whole campaign of attacks on dissidents, of people that go against the administration,” she said.
    Mainstream Democrats and Republicans alike roll their eyes at these assertions, laughing off Taitz’ claims as a conspiracy theorists’ carefully arranged hodgepodge of fact and hearsay, of documents and forgeries, of exaggeration and innuendo. Then there are those who say Taitz lacks even the facts of a good conspiracy theory.
    “This stuff is ludicrous,” said Raphael Sonenshein, who teaches political science at Cal State Fullerton. “She’s just being ludicrous and making stuff up and getting on television for other people to hear, many of whom will believe it because they hate the government.”
    Taitz waves off such criticism.
    “If none of this is true, why won’t Obama just release his records?” she said.
    USSR and the U.S.A
    Taitz, now 49, was born in the Soviet-controlled Moldova in 1960, to two science teachers. She grew up skeptical and disdainful of the government there.
    “There were very few attorneys,” she recalled. “And I believe the main reason was because it was pointless, absolutely pointless to go to court and try to uphold the constitutional rights of citizens against the regime. Everything was predesigned, pre-decided for you. And people who tried to go against the regime ended up in gulag. I had a great-uncle who was in gulag, who was sentenced for 10 years.”

    She now lives in Laguna Niguel, is married to a Latvian-born U.S. citizen and has three children. She moved to the U.S. in 1987 and became a citizen herself in 1992.
    She earned a law degree from William Howard Taft University, a correspondence school based in a Santa Ana office park, which is not accredited by the American Bar Association. She passed the California bar in 2002. She is in the process of consolidating her Mission Viejo dental and law offices into her Rancho Santa Margarita office.

    If her view of Obama’s government sometimes echoes her take on the Soviet government in the 1960s, she says it’s with good reason.
    “I came from a totalitarian regime, so those kinds of things I’m sensitive to,” she said. “I think I can see it more because I grew up with it. People who grew up here don’t see it so much.”

    She says she first heard questions about Obama’s birthplace last year, and responded by asking the California Secretary of State’s Office how they verified the candidates’ birthplaces. As Secretary of State spokeswoman Nicole Winger told the Register, the office has no authority to verify presidential candidates’ qualifications.

    That sent Taitz off and running. She’s filed at least five lawsuits so far, most of which have been dismissed without reaching trial. Her best hope now is with a suit pending in Santa Ana’s federal court, where Judge David O. Carter is preparing a ruling on whether or not he’ll let the case go to trial.
    A key argument in the motion to dismiss the case is that a president’s qualifications and removal from office are political rather than judicial. The U.S. attorney, representing Obama, argues that the Constitution assigns such issues to Congress rather than the courts. That was part of the legal reasoning Land cited in his dismissal, and is central to the motion to dismiss now being considered by Carter.

    The Annenberg Public Policy Institute has posted online photos of Obama’s certificate of live birth and a birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser published nine days after Obama’s birth, as well as a report of its examination of the documents and determination that they were authentic.

    Additionally, Hawaii state Health Director Chiyome Fukino has said, “I have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen.”
    However, Taitz and her fellow skeptics – who have been dubbed “birthers,” a terms she finds derogatory – want to see the original birth certificate, issued at the time of birth. Why, they persistently ask, has that document never been made public?

    Should Taitz ever get her case to trial, the burden of proof will be on her to prove that Obama is not a natural-born citizen – not on Obama to prove that he is.

    A legion of fans

    When Taitz marched down the hallway toward the courtroom in Santa Ana on Sept. 8, about 100 supporters filling the corridor applauded enthusiastically. The court subsequently put controls in place for Taitz hearings so no more people would be allowed in the corridor than could fit in the courtroom itself.

    Perusal of blogs and online readers’ comments about Taitz turns up hundreds more Taitz fans. But her antics and legal errors – she has repeatedly had filings returned for technical corrections – don’t go unnoticed.

    Two of her 44 clients in the Santa Ana lawsuit – including Buena Park Pastor Wiley Drake, who has admitted praying for Obama’s death – have dropped her and taken a new attorney. That attorney, Gary Kreep, has been criticized by Taitz in open court, although her requests to remove him from the case have been unsuccessful.

    “I don’t think she’s as competent as some of the other lawyers involved with this, but no one has the tenacity that she does,” said supporter John Sutherland, an avid political blogger from Portland, Maine. “What she’s doing is keeping the topic on the open fire. She’s fighting the good fight.”

    Her legal efforts are funded mostly out of her own pocket, although she does solicit donations on her Web site.

    A July poll by Pew showed that 80 percent of those surveyed had heard something about the challenge of Obama’s birthplace. In an interview with the Register, Taitz extrapolated that to mean that “80 percent of Americans want to see Obama’s birth certificate.”

    In fact, the Pew poll found the 41 percent of those who’d heard of the issue thought the media was spending too much time on it, while 28 percent said the media was spending too little time.

    As for those who think it’s Taitz who is spending too much time on it, she’s not offering any indication of letting up.
    “Like Gandhi said, first they ignore you, then they ridicule you,” Taitz said. “Then they fight you, then you win. If Judge Carter dismisses the case, we’ll appeal and keep filing and bringing new cases until we get a resolution.”

    CONTACT THE WRITER: 714-285-2867 OR


    OR, IF YOU’D LIKE TO WRITE to the OC Register:
