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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Here we go again; I didn’t even submit a statement of a candidate, and Washington Post is already running an article, ranking me second in the bid to take Diane Feinstein’s seat, calling me a Palinist mamma Grizzly and adding a few insults for good measure

Posted on | November 14, 2010 | 12 Comments

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Political news, analysis, commentary and more about California and beyond

2012 Opener: Why eMeg Should Take On HRM DiFi

2:01 AM ET, 11/ 8/2010

Senator Dianne Feinstein is normally the most coy and flirtatious of politicians, famously performing the Dance of the Seven Veils whenever some rumpled reporter asks if she’s planning to run in some future election.

So it spoke volumes when California’s Queen Mum stomped all over a campaign event for colleague Barbara Boxer a few days before last week’s election to shout from the rooftops that she, The Great and Wondrous Difi, would — da-da-da-daah — be running to keep her precious seat in 2012.

It’s clearly a sign of the times, as incumbent Democratic Senators become more endangered than snowy plovers, that the professionally neurotic Dianne is evincing more political anxiety than usual. And it’s telling that the first trial balloon about the race took flight just one day after the election, as Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner felt compelled to issue an aw-shucks non-denial denial about a (heaven help us) Twitter message pimping his chances as the anti-Dianne.

As California Republicans proved anew last week that they ain’t exactly deep off the bench with contenders, the Calbuzz Department of Prognostication, Dowsing and Divining Rods prepared a first, long-off gaze at the GOP Senate field. And it looks now that there’s one, and only one, possible answer for the Party of Lincoln. Here’s the early line:

Steve Poizner – The Commish was one of our first and most loyal advertisers, so it pains us to say that the crazed lunge to the right on immigration issues by this previously perfectly rational Republican moderate during the primary made us question the scruples, if not the sanity, of our old friend. John Seymour long ago proved the folly of a garden variety right-winger challenging Dianne, and Poizner himself showed against Meg that he can’t match up in the paint with a big woman who towers over him. Candidate Rank: 4.

Orly Taitz – The Birther Movement whack job , who’s never categorically denied she’s a space alien, has kept a low profile since delivering heart palpitations to establishment Republican types by making a run at the party’s nomination for Secretary of State in the June primary. But in the current atmosphere of right-wing madness and all-around political weirdness, who better to make the GOP case for incoherent, conspiracy-based, constitutional creationist Palinism? Perhaps the California Republicans, still nursing the wounds of being hit by a bus, could warm to an authentic Mama Grizzly?  Candidate Rank: 2.

Carly Fiorina – A slightly more moderate version of Orly Taitz (same hair salon?), the former robber baron CEO of Hewlett-Packard lost a squeaker to Sen. Barbara Boxer, despite iCarly’s innovative platform calling for debtor prisons, the death penalty for abortion docs and open carry laws for assault rifles on airliners. While Californians came to love her rare combination of mean-spirited condescension and patronizing arrogance, word is Hurricane Carly is eying a move to Idaho, where she’ll feel politically more at home. Candidate Rank: 5.

Darrell Issa – One of the more widely-respected car alarm magnates south of the Tehachapis, Issa has already played an outsized role in California politics by financing the 2003 recall of Gray Davis and getting beat by, um, Matt Fong, in his one try at a statewide GOP nomination. Now, however, he’s positioned to grab national headlines in his role as a White House-investigating demagogue House committee chairman; who knows how popular he can become once he waterboards David Axelrod in public?  It’s not like anybody’s going to bring up his sketchy Army record or the stolen Dodge,  Maserati and Mercedes. Or the hidden handgun, either. Candidate Rank: 3.

Tom Campbell – A moderate Republican who…oh, never mind. Candidate Rank: 6.

Meg Whitman – Sure, she’s feeling beat up, bruised and unappreciated right now, but don’t forget it was none other than Dianne Feinstein her ownself who showed that before you can get elected to the U.S. Senate, you have to run for governor and lose. Dianne paved the way, winning her Senate seat  just two years after a bitter defeat to Pete Wilson in 1990. If she’s got the heart, eMeg could trace a similar political career path and keep hope alive for her dream of becoming the first woman president.

Seasoned and toughened by a brutal statewide race, she needs to find a high-profile perch at a think tank, private charity or public policy-oriented non-profit shop to keep her hand in the game, secure in knowing that the character issues which tripped her up this year – Goldman Sachs, sweetheart IPOs and her treatment of her illegal housekeeper, for starters – will be old news by the time 2012 rolls around.

Time to start spending some of that Whitman/Harsh foundation money on something other than protection of the valley floor around her Skyline Ranch in Telluride. Memo to Meg: a) Don’t forget to invite the press corps along when you go to vote next year. b) Go to dinner with Calbuzz this time and (here’s two words we bet you seldom hear) – we’ll pay.

P.S. In the interest of full disclosure, Calbuzz acknowledges that we get a thrill up our leg at the image of Dick Blum choking on his wallet when DiFi announces she’ll need 150 Large for the re-elect. Candidate Rank: 1

This Week’s Standings
1-Meg Whitman
2-Orly Taitz
3-Darrell Issa
4-Steve Poizner
5-Carly Fiorina
6-Tom Campbell

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12 Responses to “Here we go again; I didn’t even submit a statement of a candidate, and Washington Post is already running an article, ranking me second in the bid to take Diane Feinstein’s seat, calling me a Palinist mamma Grizzly and adding a few insults for good measure”

  1. Yephora
    November 14th, 2010 @ 8:28 am

    Mamma Grizzly? The WAPO dumbheads don’t realize it but that means a woman who is tough as nails. They meant it as an insult but actually paid you a huge compliment!

  2. Chum Lee
    November 14th, 2010 @ 5:28 pm

    Orly, that was from a blog not the Washington Post. It was simply on https://www.calbuzz.com/.

    Wapo explains: “The Washington Post political blog network brings the best of politics in the states to our readers. Via partnerships with the most read blog in a series of states you can now read on-the-ground coverage of races and issues. The content is hosted on the Post site but is entirely the creation of individual blogs and, as such, the Post is not responsible for any partisanship or bias present in the posts.”

  3. Plantagenet
    November 14th, 2010 @ 5:43 pm

    You have achieved the infamy you sought.

  4. Politijabber
    November 14th, 2010 @ 6:20 pm

    We at Politijab.com and The Fogbow believe you definitely should run for that Senate seat in 2012.

  5. DemocracyRules
    November 14th, 2010 @ 7:03 pm

    Orly, don’t complain, this pundit has paid you a huge compliment. At least he insults everyone equally. He may be insulting, but he has heard of you, and he considers you a threat. That’s good, because you ARE a threat to people like him. A common aphorism says, “If you are taking anti-aircraft fire, you are over the target.” Of course he considers you right wing. People who are left of Lenin consider everyone else right wing.
    Pro Patria

  6. Phil
    November 14th, 2010 @ 7:40 pm

    LOL! Oh, Orly, are these people dense or what? You bet they paid you a compliment! I’d rather be a “Grizz” than a freakin’ “left-wing,” “limp-wristed” PANSIE! like so many of these C.E.T.’s & ‘jabbers!

    Geez! Once a politijabber, always a “communist!!” LOL! Make me sick! Alec, great debate! And anyone who really cares about helping Orly & America, in any way they can! Personally, I don’t wait to have anyone ask me to do something to be of help! I just take it upon myself to work constructively!

    And I thought that the Washington Post had more “between the pages?” And Hippy Biker, calling that judge was super! Isn’t it amazing that he could rule on some weird case that involved this and that in Russia? But yet, he can’t do his job for the Constitution and America, that he lives in! What a freakin’ Treasonous “robe”! They all will pay someday…!

    With the way these judges act, like we know whom the “boss” is in their families! He probably has to “beg” his “better half” to take a dump! The “Chem-trails” must be filled with sex-change emtions…and he was standing right below it!!! What a “wimp!”

    Lamberth, you’re a treasonous disgrace, along with Land, and that “wussy” former Mar4ine, Carter!

    So, Mamma Grizz, hang tough and show your teeth once in awhile! Let ’em know that your here for the “long-haul” and you “ain’t” (“takin’ no prisoners!!”)!!!

    Davey Crockett…

  7. PorkRoll
    November 15th, 2010 @ 1:35 am

    Remember, this is coming from the Washing Compost, considered the favorite newspaper of the CIA. The same cowardly scumbags that enable Obama want to Alinsky you any way they can, so they’re using their allies in the mass screedia to do it for them. They can go take a long walk off a short pier.

  8. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    November 15th, 2010 @ 5:49 am

    I know your goals are quite different than mine, but politics makes strange bed fellows. Why don’t you raise money which will enable me to run, and I will run

  9. Phil
    November 15th, 2010 @ 6:15 am

    Also:…I’ve read the Washington Post Columns by Krauthammer…and sometimes, I like his material. But, there are times when I wonder why he writes for a “lefty” publication?

    As well, even some of his columns are “slanted” so that I’m kind of wondering if he gets pressured to write, to “appease” the “gods of the Parthenon?”

    Or…anyway, to throw labels out to You, Orly, shows that they are “not” loaded with class! They find that they “run out” of material when the subject of “lefty” treason is so conveniently “by-passed!” So they have to throw a few “lighting-bolts” towards others who have the courage to stand up and show their colors: RED, WHITE, AND BLUE! Instead of “Yellow!”

    And since they don’t even know you…to spew out “knee-jerk” adjectives, on you and others, in an offensive posture, is irresponsible and down-right “unjournalistic,” of a major publication!

    Not much objectivity from them! From what I read, it looks like some “goof-ball,” college yearbook “banter” by the egotistical “snob-society”! A regular “who’s who” of “corporate-cutups”!

    Davey Crockett…

  10. care assistant
    November 16th, 2010 @ 6:09 am

    Couldnt agree more with that, very attractive article

  11. best Floor Tile Adhesive
    November 16th, 2010 @ 1:50 pm

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